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' An Important Element Of the success of Hood's Sarsaparilla is the fact that every purchaser receives a fair equivalent for his money. The familiar head-line, " 100 Doses One Dollar " stolen by imitators, is original with, and true only of Hoods Sarsaparilla. This can easily be proven by anyóne who desires to test the matter. For real eoonomy buy only Hood's Sarsaparüla. Sjld by all druggi8ts. So many; men dressmakes in the field has resukedn much cheaper prices. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wi'e owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSÜMPriON CURE." Sold by Eberbach & Son. A great deal ot fashionable festivity is still indulged in upon credit. Eczema, Itchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures. The simple application of "Swayjíe's Ointment," whithout any internal medicine will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Rheum Ringworm, Piles, Pimples, Eczema all öcaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions, no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective, ond costs but a trifle. Black silk stockings are in good taste with aDy kind of dress. Eel green, a lovely bluish'shade, is the lateat. SHILOH'S CURE will immediately relie re Croup, Whooping Cough and Broncuitis. Sold by Eberbach & Son. The brims of sailor hats are narro w. .She Was Gompletely Cnrcd. A daughter of my customer suffered irom suppressed menstruation, and her health was completely wrecked. At my suggestion ghe used one bottle of Bradfield's Female Regulator, which cured her J. W. Hellums, Water Valley, Miss. Write The Bradfiold Reg. Co., Atlanta, Ga., for particulars. Sold by all druggists. _________ The next volume of the 'Canterbury Poets" will be selections from the Greek Anthology and will be edited by Mrs. Graham R. Tomson. WHY WILL YOU coügh when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 ets., 50 ets., and SI. Sold by Eberbach & Son. At the Perkins sale in London recently "a passable copy" of the First Folio of ShakesDeare brought L415 and the Third Folio L100;_ A Sensible Man Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lunps. It is curing more cases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup and all Throat aod Lung Troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized any druggist to give you a Sample Bottle Free to convince you of the merit of thi great remedy. Lare Bottles 50c and $1. D. Appleton & Co. will publish ia the " ïown and Country Library" a new novel by Prof. H. H. Boyesen, entitled : " Ligbt of Her Couatenance." Col. Clark, U. S Army, writes : For the last two years my health has been excellent; this has been due, I thiak, to my using Sulphur Bitters, as formerly my health was miserable, owing to the frequent olianges of climate etc., so incident to a soldier'a life. Prof. John W. Hales, professor of English at King's College, London, has been appointed to the Clark lectureship in English liierature lately held by Edmund Gosse. Adam's al! - The woman. JitkoösOil V- TRX3 VETERAN'S FRIEND. Ifeë wWkvï' Strains' KAches and Wf Pains Rheumatic, P Reuralgic tP Sciatic, Y PROMPTLY [7 And PERMANENT!. Y. Iff AT DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Bifflmora. MA A NEW DISCOVERYH TESTICURA EXTERNOSUM B y by x gXALBERTXl i'or the cure of Seminal Weak-1 ce ê; ness, Impotency, Nocturnal " Emisslons, and Stunted 3 ca lopment. -cure g O3 by absorption. Applied direct to C3 the Parta. No nauseóos drugs that SO 5 ruin the stomaoh iluaranteej J -a E- 1 Vcure or money refanded. BentS -3 C3 .t ay P'' of 'he U. S. Be-r g eurely packed free frooir .observation upon ADDRESS THE AIBERT MEDICAL CO. I CLEVELAND, O. I f any dealer siyslic ;ias the W. I,. Don glas Sho.. without name and price tampeif on the bottom, put him down as a ft-audV W. L. DOUCLAS j3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Best in he world. Examine hi( r,.0O GENUINE HAND-SEWKD SHOE. 4.00 HAND-SEWKD WKIT SHOE. f 3.50 PÓLICE AND FARMERS' SHOE. ■ 3.90 EXTKA VALUÉ CALF SHOE 82-25 WORKISGMAN'S SHOR S3.00 and 1.75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. All made la Conftress, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE lafd,rEs. , Bet Material. Best Style. Best Ftttinc. li not sold by your dealer, write W. L. DOUGLAS, BKOCKTON, MASS. Examine W. L. nonirlas on Khoe for reutlemen and litdlea. WM. REIÏÏHARDT & CO., 43 S. WA1X STREKT, na Arbor. HUMPHREYS' YETERINAfiï SPECIFICS Por Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTHT. S00 Page Book on Treatment of AnimaU and Chart Sent Free. cures SFeyer, Congestiona. InHammatlon, A.A. ! Spinnl Meningitis, Milk Fever. - - 'ïtraios, Lamenes, 1! hcumatiam. C.C-niatemper, Piano! Dis hargcs. B. O.-BotH or Graba, Worm. K.K.- ('niiKhN, Ilciivi-s. Pneumonía. I . I .--(., li„r (ïripcs, Bellyache. Jj-'"'--MÍHcarriate, Ilrmorrhanes. II. U.--I rinary and Kicincy Disvascs. I.I.- Eraptive Diseases, Manso. .1 . K .-- Diseases of Disesl ion . Stable Case, Ith Speclflcs, : [anual Wltch Hazl OU and Medlcat. r, S7.00 l'rlce, Single Bottle (over 60 doser i, . .(jó Sold by DruKgists; or Sent Prepald anrwhere andin any qnantity on Receipt ci Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., M. Y. Pl I HXTMPHEB TS' IRf3 HOMEOPATEIC HA llsPECIFICHo.Zo TnnwSï Theonlysncceseíulremedyfor Nervous Debility, Vita! Weakness, and Profltration, from over-work or other canses. 1 per vial, or 5 vials and large vial powder for 5. SouBY DBUGOiBTfl, orsentpofitnaid on receÍDtof price.- Umaphr7s ilcíiclne Co., lUft VuJLod bu , H. X. BFADFIELDS „REGULATOR MENSTRUATION . OR MONTHLV BICKNESS lF TIVKE.N OUHIHE CHANGE Oï. Y.VfE ' GRLKTt)Mt6E.R4& SUTHRING WILL BE AVO1DEJ1 J3OOK TO"WOMAN'a7v7fy BRADFIELD REGUU TOR CO. ATLANTA GA. SOLO BV ALL DRUGGISTS. Wei! ürifiing iachinerv SOLD ON TRSAL. r No CashPayment-or aettlament of any ÊWtt uu;;l ui'ter a ;',-' SATíSFAGTORir TEST. M Machiuery aad Tools ml 1 Guaranteed to maka Wells El anywhere, Mu andattherateofSrt. toovory2ft. ml byanjc-ihor tnachine, orno sale, lili f THE BEsf'"!. i THE CHEAPEST. Il , 1 -lÉSi Empire VvtL. Auger Co., Hlfci r"rm:y Hgii B WATER ■ifflPHEATER IMITATED, but NEVER EQUALLED, FOK HKATI.Vd Ewellings, Public Buildings, Churches k 'Thk Gurney Hot Water System Is safe, cleauly, readily maimted. eatabliihea a uniform, agreeable auci wholesome heal.aii'1 s far superior in these memloneri purticulars to miy othermode of House-heatiiiK with which I am nèqainted " A. BROOKS, M. D., Chicago. Send for' How best to heat our Homes.'1 GURNEY HOT WATER HEATER CO., Boeton, Mass. Estlmates furnished by i'si-i-ii i'liiiiihin himI IleatJii&r Co.. Uetroit. Hicb. , ■OrërlOOKTOfm loM by ons ámrMtThtTf I ■" io equal forcariDgDiiineM,HIch,; CoitiTeneiii, Mtri, Lirer Complaint, KaïnB ' Mud Afuc Indigestión, Bckcho, and allK' mLfrt' ud Stomvrli trouble. They NeTer W ■Kail. bom by all dmggiau and coantrr iicnM ' fUWM. Slltr.C., 1'r.p-i, FUUhih, F.


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