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James Means & Co's

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BOOTS AND SHOES. The best testimonial we ever had.- "James Means & Co. are the bears of the boot ana shoo market. They havo revolutlonized tho business by making high prlced goods unsalable."- Traae paper. -ff JAMES MEANS' JAMES MEANS' ƒ y L of. '"ünÍx'elíSdmn Sshoe lm wl0 VSTYLE UNEPUALLEO jo ■■ JF 1 NJN DURABILITY Ci'ATI S FYV ■ :f JAMES MEANS' BOOTS and SHOES ■fettf Ml Are Unexcelled in Merit. W&lUU Positively none genulne unlesa having our name and prfce iüsiSë?jf!mnn-M stampei! plalnly on the soles. Your retailer will supply you with t8HtÍ?S=iSlllIi Boots and Shoes so stamped if you lnsist upon nis doing so ; if you do " not inslst, some retailers will coax you into buylng inferior goods ïtggëliiia upon which they make a larger proflt. Ours are the original $3 and IÍeÍ55SÍHS= $4 Shoes, and those who imítate our system of business are unable iStt-ttsSÜtSi to compete wlth us in quallty of factory products. Iu our lines Fiiïëisi we are the largest manufacturera in the United States. !sssigES How your boy does wear out hls ehoes ! Jantea Meaus' SÜ Shoes for Boys will outwear any other 3ll(yHT"ísWI0állgS boys' shoe ever made. You eau have lace or button. . rtjiAiHËSllMteialaJ ËS$ $2,50 Buys the Best Farmers' Thlok Boot. iyjpQUARTER EACLE BOOT BCB I A Reliable Kip Boot for Farmers. ÉSlÍjÍljlafflr 10 Ceuta make one Dimo! 10 üin.'es innke onc Dollar; J 10 Dollars make one Eaelc. S And wlth a Quarter Eagle any Farmer in the jS p5Í Country can now buy a Ixwt that will satlsfy him. j r Farmers have been looking for such a boot for .p - Boots and Shoc from our celebraled jMBMBS Uï factory are ui.ld by de-amkc retailers MRfiSi. -M in nll pnrtM nt the country. III i 1 1 Jg [Ty SBS them eaally within your reach ia any State orHmtÉWkj E 3( Territory if you will iuvest one cent Joa postal Sgg y s== [card and write to us. -smw Special Offer on tho James Means Quarter Eagle Kip Boots for Farmers. In order to Jmmediately dlstrlbute samples of these Boots all over the country, we will send them transportation prepald, to any rnan in any place where there is a post-oftice or railroad in any State or Territory of the United States. We will send them by express or by mail, wlth all charges for transportation todestlnation prepald by ourselve8,on recefpt of regular price, &2.5O Sendmoneyby tostoffice order or registered letter. We will accept United States postage stam ps for the odd half dollar. In order to get a perfect nt, take a piece of paper and place your foot upon it, then mark out the shape of your foot, keeping your pencll close to the foot all the wayaround. Then take the last boot whfch you wore, and mark out the shape of that In the same way. We will nll your order on the same day we receive it. Take great care to be very accurate, and be ure to glve us your f uil address, town, county and State or Terrïtory. If we have a dealer handllng our gooas in your town we want you to buy of him, we do not want you to send to us as we will not interfere wlth the dealers who sell our goods, but we are glad to uupply you If your dealer will not. Any boot and shoe retaller or any country store-keeper can supply you with our goods if he wants to, but some dealers will try to sell you inferior goods on which they make a larger proflt thau they ought to ask for. In that case, send to us. JAMES MEANS & CO., 41 Lincoln St, Boston, Mass. FULL LINE OP TEE ABOVE GCODS FOR SALE BY LfPTTMPP M0' 8 S0UTa MAIN ST. 7JLV J J. JLJjL 1 UI ARBOR, MK II.


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