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COAlT! We are about one Hundred Cara of All Sizea of LEHI KOAL, From the Pennsylvania R. R. & Coal Go., old and CELE2UTED UI ÏIU. Before Cali and inspect the KOAL AT S. WOOD & CO.'S LÜMBEB OFFICE, or at GEORGE MOORE'S QROOERY STORE, S. STATE ST.or at YARDS, locatod on T. & A. A. TRACK, near D, HISCOCKS. MARTIN CLARK is onr u.Uhrizel Agent for Ibis city. HISCOCK & WOOD. Mem. HiSCock 4 wot!'011' 0M' Aug' 7' im_ „ Ann Arbor, Mich. (centiemen :- We hereby give you the exclusive ja'6 of our Old Lee Anthracite Coal at Ann Ar bor. Thia coal Is mined by the Susquehanna. Coil Co., and owned by the Pennsylvunia Kailway Co. All the coal we have Bhipped yon this Eeason was the genulne Old Lee Coal. Yonrs reipectfully, S. J. Patterson, Agt. of the P. R. Co INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Blook. Part'.es deslring to buy or sell Real Estáte wi.l fmd lt to thelr advantage to cali ou me. I represent the followlng ñret-class Flre Insurance Compnles, havlng an aggregate capital of ovei The Brand RapldH Flre Ins. Co., Tne Ohlo runner Ins. Co., (iiisaren only awellinics). Ttae Germán Fire Ins. Co., Tne Concordia Flre Ins. Co., Tne Cltlzens' Fire Ins. Co., Tne Werlcbester Fire Ins. Co., Tbe Milwaukce Mecbanic's Mutual , Flre Ins. Co., I Tbe New Hanipshire Fire Ins. Co., The Amazon Flre Ins. Co. fiates Low. Losses liberally adjusted and oromptly pald. I also Issue Life and Investment Pollciee In the Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. Aírete 55,000,000. Persons deslring Accident Insurance, can hare yearly Pollcles wrltten for them or Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lssaed at Low Ratea in the Standard Accident Insurance Company of North America. Money to Loan at Curreni Rateo. Office hours from 8 . a. to 12m. snd 2 lf . h. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, __;__ Hamilton lew Advertisements I'PÏRATINO rauiT.-We make a i Bleacher tbat may be uted in the paring room -without inconvenience from buming sulphur. Are approved by hundreds who have them in use. t'apacity 60, 100, 1E0 and 200 bushels in ten hours. The -Challenge" Steam Evaporator is the most complete in conetruction eonvenience in operatiiig. Capacity 100 to 300 bushels in 24 hours. Pease's Slleer, Pamell's Chopper Paring Machines, &c. We pay frelght. For illustiated circulara, address A. TUDJD SOM, Pultneyvlllp, Wayne Co., Itf. Y. Drunkenness 0r the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured BY ADMINISTERING DR, HAINES' SOLDEN SPECIFIC, It can i be given ti a cup of coffee or tea, or in ar. ticles of food. without the knowledge of the person taking it; it is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patiënt is a moderate drinker oran alcoholic wreek, it NEVER FAIL8. We GUARANTEE a complete cure in every instance. 4S page book FREÊ. Addressinconfldence, GOLtirN SPECIFIC CO., 1 85 Race St., Cincinnati. OöfTüf TESTICURA EXTERNOSÜM lALBERTXl iFor the onro of Seminal j co ex. ne$8, (mpotency, Nocturnal " - Emissions, and Stunted tt o velopment. -ch,re go M by absorption. Applied direct to S r the PartB. No nauseous drngs that L3 &1 rum the stomach öuaraateed ' L& E-i ure or money refunded. Semi-i C3 to any part of the U. S. Jr 55 G5 curely packed free froin S vobservation upon f g Xra=g'Ptof2. X ADDRES8THE AiBERT MEDICAL CO. CLEVELAND, O. FARMERS AND HORSE OWNERS HAVE YOU 8EEN THE IP1D' HHRHESS RIENDEBS PATENTED fbru.ai2,2d, 1886. I March 27th, 1888. You can repair your own Harness, Halters, Straps, &c, without expense or loss of time. Jt will make a nice clean job. NOSEWING OR RIVETING! N special tools. A common hammer will io the work. It is the most simple and handy little device known. Can be applied to any portion of a harness. They are put up, one gross, assorted sizes, in a tin box, handy tocarry in the pocket ready for any emergency. Ask your dealer for them. PRICE ONLY 25c PER GROSS. For Sale by Harness Makers, Hardware and General Stores. Buffalo Specialty Manufacturing Co. Solé Manufacturera and Patentees. 7-C9 Washington St. BUFFALO, N.Y. FOR SALE l:v C. EBEBBACH, . 23 S. MhIu-sC Ann Arbor, Mi-li.


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