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!' Aboiit Town. It is 8 current report about town that K-rnp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs is raakinc; some reraarkable cures with people who are tronbled with coughs, Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis and coni-umption. Any druggist will give you a trial bottle free of cost. It is guaranteed 'o relieve aüd cure. The large boules ÓOc and $1. Biffijl tower hair-pin iop- figure promimeritly in the ktest importan ms. These are of gold, sometimos ornamentei with pearls, and at o'hers with turquoises. SHILOHS CURE will iramediatelv relieve Croup, VVhoopmg Ooush and Bronchitis S ld by Eberbich & Sou. A section of h ladder in gold, each rung of which is set with a precious stone of different denominations, c mstitutes a scarf-pin with decided cltims to originality. HORSE AILMENTS. , Kcponsct, Hl., jfc Hy mare c a u g h t SW3E cold; result: swelled (+fm': NjFllmbs; lumpbetweeu kBÍ t ■ fore-legs and iuflamTjmKm ' lA mation. Curedher 'JafUl'l I with St. Jacobs Oil. IE') ? ■ O. GARDXEE. W ' tÊS My horse was hurt f s onhindleg; suffered 10 months; was cured by St. Jacobs Oil; cure has remained permanent. V. J. CLINE. JOS. CAIRN SIMPSON, Esq., Sec. Paclflo Coast Blood-Horse Association, sayg : "Being familiar with the remarkable efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil, I cheerfully and heartily indorss this valuable speciflo for painful aüments." Hon. ODEN BOWIE, Ex-Goremor of Maryland. Jockey Club, Prest City Pass. Railway Co., says: "In my family and my atables I have used St. Jacobs Oil with eatisfactory results, and believe It the best remedy for the painf il aüments of man and beast." AT DRÜGGIST3 AND DEALERS. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimort. Ml Wis! ll TT0-" l- ld! isa k 2 iJli O " Cü LÜ ' ■g B v m Q3 1 1 j co ñ cu rz li E " 1 0& I !■!! BO UJLkCS 1 03 Omi-1 1 1 V O 1 1 SLUZ_Y_ The oniy known tpedflc for Epllcptlc Fits.-t j-Al80 for Spasms and Falling öicknesa.e Nervous Weakness quickly relievcd and cured. üqnallcd by none in delirium of fcver.-O S-Nentrallzea germs of discase and sickness. Cnresngly blotches and etabbom blood sores. Cleanses blood, qnickens sluggish circulation. Eliminates Boils, Carbunclcs and Scalda.-C S-Permanently andpromptly cnres paralyaie. ïes, It is a charming and hcalthful Apcrieut. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothera. Chancea bad breatli to good, removing canse fyEonts bilionsness and clearg complexión. Cnarming resolvent and matchleea Iaxative.-S39 It drives Sick Qeadache like the wind." fWContains no drastic cathartic or opiatei. Protnptly cures IiUcnmatism by routing it-ffi Restores life-giving properües to the blood.-% Ia gnarantecd to euro all nervoua disorders. l jr-lieliable when all opiates fail.-% Refrcflhes the mind and invigorntea the bodj. Cores dj-spepsiaormoneyrffundcd.-S tSEnüorsed in writinf by over fl fty tnonsand Leading physiclans in U. S. and Europe. Loadiug clergymeu ia U. S. and Europe.S Diseaees of the blood om it a conqneror.-t For sale byali leading druggists. $l.öo.-e Ik DR, S. A. ÉHM0XD .ERVINE C0„ St. Joseph. Blo. t Correspondence freely answered by Physlcians. l"or testimoniáis nuú. tirculurs send siaum. TIJ IC n A nEB u on m '" I'hilartef pnl I nu rwi mi ,.„,„.. ,',. i,f Measr& N. W. AYER A SON. our auUurld at;enu If mi y dealer says he ïias the XV. L . Douglfu without name and price Btamped on the bottoin, put hiiu down as a frauu. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOC CENTLEMEN. Best in the worlil. Examine hls 85.00 GENUINE HAM D-8EWBD .SHOE. M.ilO HANO-8EWED WKLT SHOE. 3.50 PÓLICE ASI) FABMKKS' SHOE. 82.50 EXTRA VAI.UK CALF SHOK. 83.25 WOKKINGMAN'S SHOE. 82.00 and 81.75 BOYS' SCHOOI. SHOES. All inade in Congress, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE ladTes. Best Material. Best Style. Best Fitting. IX not sold by your dealer, write Vv. L. UOl'CLAS, BKOCKTON, MASS. Examine W. I ImhikIiis 83.00 for frentlemeu ■ n I l.!ic. WK REINHARDT & CO., 42 S. l VI V RTREET. in Arltor. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys' Sfecifics are sclentlflcally and carefully prepared prescrlptious ; used for nutny years In private practico wïth success.aud for over thtrty years used by the people. Every slncrle Speclflc Is a special cure for the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugglng, purglng or reduclng the system, and are in faet and deed the sovereign remedies of theWorld. LIST OF PREÍCTPAL NOS. CTJRES. PRICES. 1 Fe vers, Congestión, lnflammatlon. .. .2 '2 Worms Worm Fever, Worm Oollc. ,ïi, 3 Crying Colic,orTeethíngof Infanta ,' 4 Diiirrhdi, of Children or Adults 'il a DyHPiitervi Griping, Blllous Collc kii o Cholera Morbus, Vomlting .2 7 Voasha, Cold, Bronchitis '2 ! I Neuraliiia, Toothache, Faceache L 9 Headaches, SickHeailache. Vértigo ,' 10 Dyspepsia Blllous stomach .L 11 Suppressed or Painful Periuds. ,' l'i Wnites, too Profuso Perlods 't 13 CrOUP Cough. Dlfticult Ureathlng - ,'i 14 Halt Rht'uiii, Eryslpelas, Eruptlons. ',L, 15 KheumatlNin, Rheumatlc Palns '2 16 Fever and A cue, ChUls, Malaria. ... . ' 17 Piles, Blind or Bleeulng ,5i 19 Catarrh, Influenza. Cold in the Head .Si '20 Whoopinii ('oiiih, Violent C'oiiKhs. .5' 24 Oonernl llehlIitï.PhysicalWeakness ,1 i 97 KidneyliiHeaKe „.5' 28 Nervounlebility 1.0' 30 l'rinary Wcaknes, WMUncBe4, 3-2 DUeageg of thellf art t'alpltatiun 1.0' Sold by Druttgls:s, or sent postpald on réoelpt of price. Dr. Hchphreys' Masual, (144 pages) rlchly bound in cloth and gold, malled tree. Homphreys' Fultou St. N Y. SPECIFICS. "MftTUEDCT jNUInOvo CHlLD0fsH"?TAEBNoSR BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTAn SOLO Br ALL DRUGGSTS. on Wen uriiüng Sïlachiner)i SOLD CW TRIAL, n No Cash Paymont -or settlement of any i kind- until after a in SATiSFAGTORY TEST. til Machinery and Toola ml Guaranteed io make Wells fjl i anys.'here, ijl 1 and at thfl rate &f3ft.toevery2ft. t: by any ether machine , or no sale. THE BESTlsa]way3 ÍK THE CHEAPEST. f] I - ■ - - -yy a Empire tv . :. ,} uger Co., ruw ttft Allfl 1 1 P i c GURNEÏ r?v unT 4ÍÍPHÜTER IMITATED, but NEVER EQUALLED, rolt jii:a mm. Iwellisjs, Public Building, Churches &c. 'The GumdTT Hot Watkb Btstkm is safe, leanly. readiiy inamufl. esiabliAbefl a unitorm, greeable and wholeeome beat and is far superior u these zaentjo&ed particulan to any othermode F House-he&tíog with which I an noqtuted." A. BROOKS, M. i) , Lhicago. eiul for Ilon h"( ti licat uur 1r oiiirs. GURNEY HOT WATER HEATER CO., lioston, Mom. K tim íes tïirnished by VeHl4m ' IiiiiiIIiijL' 'nul 11'. iliiiir '.. l)l i. Mlb. ftOver 100 frrofts lold by one drngglst. Thejfl K have no equal for ruring Difriness. Ueadftrbe.V Costivenem, Malnrf, Ijver Complaiot, FererK ■snd Agüe, Indigestión, Backache, and all B MLIrar and Stomach trouble. They ver ■ ■Fail. Sold by all drugcistj and country atore V keeper. allr. Co., I'rop'i, Pltt.bara, Fa.


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Ann Arbor Register