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)te Öreflfes LW PuriferU KNOWN. # I I This Grcat Germán Medicine Ís the#, II III chcapest and best. 128 doses of SUL-W +a II lPlIlKBlTTKUSfor$1.00,lessthan# 5 I U one cent a dose. It will cure theW jL pg worst cases of skin disease, tcamm ' en Ua common pimple on the fnceW íf g3 luto that awful disease Scrofula.# ï SULPHUR BITTERS Is thejf III best medicina to use In MM " III cases of euch stubborn Rn'lfYmir j 111 Illdeep seated Do#neysarcoutl UI aot ever take #of order. Use UI O BLUE PILLS sULyüRg D or mercury, they are dcad"1 L " III II the purest and bestF?011'1186 Ulmedldui ever made. #JBUur BititrS ! IJ ö withayeltowsl!cky#toon't walt nntil yoTi KI In BUbstance? Isyourare unable to walk, or ITI Illbreath foul and#areflat on your back, III II offensive? Your#but get some at once, it I II III stomach Is out#will cure you. Sulphurll IH of order. Use#Bitters is UI SULPHUR #rhft TnvalM's Fripnil ü! - - immediatelyTheyoung, the aged and ■_ III Is your Ur-#tcring are eoon made well by 1 1 ■II ine thick.its use. Rememher what you III III ropy, clo-read here, it may save your III Ijl uciy, or#iife, it has savcd hundreds.l AfJXm't wait until to-morrow, I f L Try a Bottle To-day ! E3 Io" I Are yon low-spiíited and weak, VA 3 Mor sufTeVine from the excesses of III #yoirth? If so, SULPUUK BITTERS III 'Wwill cure you. Send 3 2-ceut stnmps to A. P. OrdTvay & Co., Boston, Mass., for best medical work publisheU? I ifmdAS-5-KlRK "Hllxr Am Clou Dg 1 h ifUrVimAPPERs I Ir1 H iW .-sí? I ff mÁ h -HAKD5Of1-Eg P7 Confainiñí S i2ü: _Jy j q Photdqaph4 5 . AGIDRSandAiMSSB LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS1 The roiil Kilk'l I'rrscrlplion will restore that lost Vitality and a Rugged Healthy Condition follow Lts use. Buy at youi drugRsi' packLj?e,$l; six for $5. EURKKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit. Mich Soltl by JOHN t tl:. PVoot Mot !1 I WITHOUT ANY EXCEPüüeSt lUcual TION the best in the - - na world. Absolutely rain nTTTWAf HA Morra and re proof. EasSHINGLES ssMrt, Sftfc in many parts of the country, compete succecsfully with wood shinglus. Illustnittd catalogue and prices free. Ths National Sheet Metal Roofiag Co., 510 Eant 30th SI.. New York City. m" - fVVi 09 I The largest, lastert and flnut in the world, IPassenger accomraodutlons unoxcelled. Hexv York to ïlverooï vla Qiipnt"vn. The Celebrated I The Kmest I Hept.IHth. City oflCome I shlp In the Wurld. lOet. IBtli. ■■ York to Klasicow vla London lirry. Iiiiiks.ii. rt. 1; loniu. Oct. 20; Clrcnssta, v. 2; Ethiopia, Wel. 5 ; New York tuAzorm. . Ulralter and liul.v. Vlopla, ■. 14 ; Victoria, Oct. 10. NhIooh, Srcond-ClanM and Steersse rateacm tcrnia. Kxr.ursion Tickets reduced. maüe availuble to rtturn by either the Picturesque Clydo and North of Ii-elantl, or Itiver Mersey aud South of Ireland, or Naples aiid Gibialtar. Exeurfitonft to Paris or Continental Tours on lowest terins. Travelers' Circular Letters of Credit and lirafw for any aniount at lowestcurrent rates. Apply to aiiy of our local apenti, or to HENDERSON BROTHERS, ChicaRo, III. '. V. milor. foolc's Oo-trfcoaa. Koot COMPOUNO Composed of Cotton Boot, Tang? and Pennyroyal- a recent disoovery ty an old physician. Is euccessfully ueed Safe, Effectual. Prioe $1, by mail, ■ealed. Ladies, ask your drueglst for Cook'a Cotton Boot Compound and take no substituta, or inolose 2 stampa for sealed partioulars. Addres POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Fitóei yiyck, 131 Wood ward are., Detroit, Mictu Sold In Ann Arbor by all drugglsts. WÍ7 Shoiüd I Go to Montana ? real K srrvnllon. Bccause acres ot free Government land, with a delightful climate, and equally suited for general farming and stock raising, have just been opened to the homesteker, n the Milk River Valley and near Benton and Great Kalls. Nlook MalMlnir. Because the favorable climate and superior grassrs of Montana make it the natural home of horsts. cattle, sheep and other domettic animáis; and because winter feeding is not lequired, as stock grazes at large the year round. Cleneral Farinlnsr. Because a rich soll and abundant summer rains produce wheat, Oats. rye, barley and the Rrasses and vegetables of a qualíty' size and yield unsurpassed, M Because Montana produces more ot the precious metáis than any other state or u irit ry , and abundant opportunities remain to secure vluable propertics at nominal cost. ImmlKratlun. Because the Great Reservation is the meeting point of settlers from the Pacific Coast and from the Eastern States, and is the only extensive tract of good land Ieft, suitable for settlement. ItusliK'VN. Because the rapidly gjowing towns along the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry. offer sptendid opportunities to engage in business. Mminfaetiirer. liecausethe i .000,000 horsepowcr water-power at Great Kalls, the extensive coal veins, the wool, mineral and yrain raising resources of Montana offer exceptional opportunities to the manufacturen TonrlNt. Because the canon of the Gates of the Mountains, the Great Falls of the Missouri, the Giant Fountain and Continental Divide offer the most sublime and diversified scenery to be found on the Continent. Take a summer tour. Why Travel ly tlie St. 1., 1I. M. ? Because only by it can you travel through the largesthody of free land Ieft for settlement. Because it rcaches the Great Kalls, with the largest waterpowcr on the Continent. Because it reacties Helena, the richest city of its size in the world; an because it is the shortest and best route to Butte, the largest miningcamp on earth. Special tourists' and landseekers' rates. Daily trains through solid to Montana. Choice of three routes to the Pacific Coast. Find out all about it by writing ior "The Great Reservation," and " Tourists Summer Guide." For further information, rates, maps, etc, apply to F. I. WHITNKY. G. P. & T. A., St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry., St. Paul, Minn.


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Ann Arbor Register