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Miss Helen Post is attending University lectures in Ann Arbor. 1 Rob. Campbell of Jackson spent Sun'day vritn his numerous friends in our city. Dr. Thos. S. Murdock has returned to our city and has an office in the Sanitariiirn. The Sapnho Club discussed Meyerbeer at Mrs. Walter Hewitt's, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Chas. Ely and Mrs. Brownof De:roit are visiting their father, Mr. John Resslar. Miss Susan Rorison and Miss Sonora Platt f rum Traverse City are visiting Edwin Rorison. Misses Lucille Watline and Mollie Wortley are taking special studies at the U of M. Mrs. Kate Tower and danijhter have gone to neet Mr. Tówer at Ooiaua, and spend the winter there. Andrew Campbell of Pittsfield was reated to a birthday surprise party last Saturday evening. Mrs. T. J. Farrell and daughtera of Manchester were guests at C. M. Noron's Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Post have closed heir pleasant home on Forest-avé and aken rooms at the Hawkins House. The water pipe laying is about finshed, tothe extent of over 1(5 miles, and pure water s abundan t. We can ustly be proudofour water works. Saline. H. D. anil Mrs. Hiller were Ann ArDor vifitors Tnesday. Mi-s Leila Bond will have ths school n Ihe Sutherlund district this winter. Miss Anna Wilsey, who has been visting friends aronnd Saline, retnrned to ier home in Ann Arbor Monday. Mrs. E. W Mills, who went to D ikota Tor her heallh about three months ago, s on her way home. Saline is the place for we-ldine. Younsr, middle-aged and old alike fall viclims to Hymen here. Miss Carrie Wheeler closed herschool n the Sntherland district last Friday. Ier scholars and some of their parents gave her as a parting gift a gold-lined Bilver cake basket. Miss Lovina Parsons of Ypsilanti, who has been studying under the instruction of Prof. Pease, has organized a class in voice culture here. It is to be ïoped those interested in singing will oin the clasB, which is small now. About thirty of the numerous friends of Mrs. Ida Donaldson and Dr. S. V. "handW witnessed their marriage, on Wednesday evenins;,at the home of the )ride's mother, Mrs. Valentine. The oeremony was performed by Rev. W. E. Caldweil, pastor of both, and a very )leasant time was enjoyed by all. Some ine presents were received by the )ride, who has a host of friends here, and the doctor is warnily congratulated y e.veryone. WcbHler. Mrs. John Alexander is expected k me this week fro-m Canada. TIih reading circle has added 27 volumes lo its library. Miss Hattie Phelps spent a fev days with friends at Fowlerville. The Messrs. St. John from Hiahland were the miests of Rev. G. E. Lincoln and family Sunday. The cotn erop in this vuinity is about 5 per een t. below par. Neariy all is msked bul not housed. Rev. G. E. Lincoln and Isaac Terry ue attendlngthe Amprican Missionary Associalion, held in Chicago. The Congresration;U Sunday school will give a harvest concert, consit-ting of songs, recitations and reading, on 3unr!ay evening Nov. 3. Everybody il nvited. ju lm n. C. M. Fuller left for Lansing TueEday. Alvin Wilsey of Ann Arbor called on Milan friends Monday. Mrs. B. Ostrander has been purchasngsome choice fowlsthis fall. Geo. Smith is erecting two fine d welling houpes on EastMainst. The Baptist Missionary Society met at the Baptist cburcfa Tuesday. Miss Pauline Woodard of Chicago is the guest of Miss Annie Delaforce. Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Hudson are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Zimmerman. Mrs. Z'mmerman nnd Mrs. Brown entertained a nuuiber of lady friends Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sill will move into the home of the late Harmon Allen on Main-st this week. Mr8. Blinn and family leave next week forCass City, Mich., where they will spend ihe winter. Wtn. Whaley & Co. have already purchaed G0,()00 bushels of apples for their eider mili and still there are more to bllow. Rsv. ,T. Huntington, a member of the oard of the Baptist State Convention, eft for Dftroit to attend a meeting of he board Monday. Cbelsen. Mis. Da vis Warner was taken tö Ann rbor Monday to have a sindical operaion performed upon her eves. Kev. C. 0. Büiley, of Perry has been requested to take pastoral care of the yongregational churuh. in this place The Dingy ftoi k of dry goods- $10,)00 worth- is being sold this week, in the Babeock block, at banKrupt prices.


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