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Have your pictures framed before the rush at Randail's. A new lot of choice niouldings just received. Window Sbade?, spring fixlure, 35a at Andrews. tf Seoond Hand S;hool Books cheap at Andrews & C ''s. tf Buy Picture Frames at Andrews & Co's. 'f Wall paper, room moulding and window peles at Andrews & Co's. 32 Iiuron S-. tf Andrews i Hijadquartersfor Athletic goods, Dumb-bell., Iüdian Clubs. State or Huron Sts. tf Biblef", Albums and Fine Sfationarv at Andrews. _ tf 100 choice bound booki at Andrews 25 cents. tf Magazines, Fashiou iJuuüs, Paper Novéis at Andrews tf Choice bolled eider and si.ple jelly from the Arm ArVor Fiuit Works are now for sale by leading grocers, and also at the works. 76 Jas. Toms wishes lo cali the attention of his patrons anJ the citiz-ns in general to his lf.rge parlor i vies, cheap. Also his chrysanthemums, now gettinf fait in bloom, carnations in pots, prímulas, cyclamens thickly set with buds, etc. Please cali and see them. 76 Miller-Ave Greenhouse. It sterns the "Lïws" can't staud argument or advertÏMng. II they wore Goodspeed's Foot Form shoes they would find thy could stand anythine. AUCTI0NJ3ALE. Tbere will be sold at auction at the stableof theundersigned in the city of Ann Arbor, Saturday, November 2, 1889, at 1 p. m., at No. 52 North Main-st, the following described property : The celebrated stock stallion, Mambrino Gold Dust, and nine of his get, and one suckling Filly, sired by G. W. Gale's stallion, Barney Wilkes ; one new top buggy, one open buggy, two buggy poles, one track sulkey, one PortlauJ cutter, one doublé set of harness, two sets of single harness, robes and blar.kets. Now is the opportunity to purchase one of the best paying stock horses in the county, and all of these horses and colts are from good dams Those that have been trained show speed. Terms of Sale : All sums of ten dol lars and under, cash ; and all over ter dollars, one year's credit on approved notes bearing interest at rate of six per cent. one per cent. discount for cash. Reason for selling, owner is going away. P. IRWIN. STUDENTS' Mure issociatioü. Season of 1889-90. Russell H. Conwell, Friday eve., Nov. 8. Subject: "Acres of Diamond s." Prof. R. L. Cumnock, Friday evo., Nov. 15. Subject: " Humorous Readings." Lotus Glee Club, Saturday eve., Jan. 11. Assisted by Miss Minnie Marshall. Qeo. Kennan, Saturday eve., Feb. 1. Subject : "An East Siberian Convict Mine." Miss A. B. Edwards, Friday eve., Feb. 28. Subject: "Egypt the Birth Place of Greek Art." Max O'Rell, Friday eve., Mar. 11. Subject: "A National Gallery, Jacques Bohomme, John Buil, Sandy MacDonald and Brother Jonathan." The entire course for only $1.50. Season tickets on saie at Wahr's, and Andrew's State-at, Book Store. a oí ice. Ann Arbok, October 12th,18S9. Office of the Waslitenaw Mutual Fire Imuranct Company. Wherkas, On the 31st day of December 1889, the present Washtenaw Mutual Flre Insurance Company will have been iu existence 30 years, and accordiiiE to the constltution and iavs ol the state, its charter will expire on that date, and as the Attorney Generei or the state, bas decided that no mutual insurance Corporation can extend lis corporote existence beyoi'd 30 years: Therefore it bas beeome necessary to organize a new Mu tnal Firo Insurance i ompany. to take the place of the present company. and to commence business on the Ist dy of January, 1890, and this notice is given for the purpose of informing all members of' i he present Insurance Compauy and all other interested, that sueh a company has been formed, and that it is proposed ;o transfer, all. now in&ured in the present company, to the new company, on or beforethe Ist day of Jauuary 1890, and thai all members of the present company and all others interested, areinvited and requesied to attcnd a meeting to ba held in the Court House, in the city of Aun Arbor Mieh. , on Tuesday, October 29, 18S9, at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of hearing report of the doiugs of such organizatiou. By order of the Board. Wm. K. Chii.ds. Seo. Is the oldest and most popular scientiflc and inechanical paper publislied and has the lartieft. circulation of any pnper of lts class in theworld. Fnlly illustrated. Beat class of Wood ËntmivInga. Published weekly. Send for specimen ropy. Price $3 a year. rour months" trial, $1. MUNN Sl CO., PUBLISHKUS, bül Broadway, N.T. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERC Edition of Scientifíc American. O A Rreat success. Each issue contalns colored Uthographic plates of country and city residencom or public buildings. Numeruua engravings and f uil plans and ftpeciticatious lor the use of enen as contení pint e building, l'rice $'..00 a year, 25 ets. acopy. MUNN & CO., Fublishers. DATEÍlTSiSii EF ■■ have had over H 40 years' experience and have made over D 100.ÜUU applicatiuns for American and Fnr títn patent,. Send for Ilandboük. Correapondence strictly conüdentinl. TRADE MARKS. In caso your mark is not reeistered in the Pat nt Office, apply to Mttnn & Co., and procuro '.ui medidle protectloo. Send for Handbook. COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, maps, itc, quickly procured. Address HfüKll Sc CO., Piuent Solicitors. GEXEKAL Ori-ICK: ZM BHOADWAT, N. Y


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