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News Abont Town. It is a current report about town that Kemp's Balsam for the Tbroat and Lungs is making some remarkble cures with people who are troubled with coughs, Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis and consumption. Any druggiat will give you a trial bottle free of cost. It is guaranteed to relieve and cure. The large bottles 50c and $1. Don Pia't is engaged in wri'ing a life of Gen. Thomas, in which he hopes to show that "Old Pap" wa3 ihe real hero of the war. The druggists of Charleston, S. C, re fuse to put up Dr. McDow's prescriptions. The minemls pr duced in the United States in 1888,inflndu2 p-ecioua metáis, were valuert at $591,659,931. Nobodjr Kno What I uffered for yer with thoge racking sick headaches. Life was only a torment to me; if you re so troubled, I would advise you to us Su'phur Bitters, for they cured me. - Cara Belle. New Englaní manufacturera used 4,000,000 shoe boxes lat year ín shipping their product of foot wer. KlnKlnK BTolaea In tlie ears, sometime, rorine buzzing onnds.are caused bycartarrh, thutexcepdinffly diigreeble nd very common disef se. Loss of smell or henring ulso reiult from cstarrh. Hood's Sursara-illa, the great blood purifier, is a neculiarlv snccessful remedy for this d;sape, which it cures by purifing the blood. If you uffer from citarrh, try Hoods' Sarsparilla, the peculiar medicine. The largesf tteam engina in the world is one recen'ly oonitruoted for tte new Italian cruiser "S rd'gna.'" 8LEBPLE8S NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible nough. Shiloh'i Cure is the Bemedy for you. Sold by Eberbach & &r. The averpg mnthly pav roll of the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad company is abont f 100,000. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by u on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by Eberbach tt Boe. The monument being erected at Pittibur, by orgsnized lbor, in honor of Thomas Armstrone, will be dedoated next month. Intereated People. Advertising a patent medicine in the peculiar way in which the proprietor of Kemp's Bulsam, for coughs and colda does, it is indeed wonderfol. He authomes all druggist to gire those who cali for it, a sample bottle free, that they may try it before purchasing. The large bottles are 50c and $1. We certainly would advise a trial. It may save you from Consumption. __ AGRIGULTURAL HOMES. Who are now ready for removal will, lf they o destre, be vislted at thetr homes bj COLONIZATION AGENT SOUTHERN PACIFIC (RAILROAD) COMPANY, without eipense to them, on reoeipt of a responso to Una advertiseuient. The anent will afford them the most minute and speclflc Information concernIn all such matters as are of Tita) Impórtanos. The object of the Ballroad Company 18 to sae home-"eeker unneressary waBte of money aad time in seeklng locatlons after arriving IN CALIFORNIA. Address, B. MARKS, Colonizaron Agent Souihern Pacific Rail'cad Co., 204 Clark St., Chicago. ftt. PENNYROYAL WAFER3 Are uctessfully used nijnUily by over 10.(W HMKlidlM. Are Safe, Kffe,li anl IF frSrtni by malí! or at druKglsM. Sealtd Par. Ê r ïuntlarê 2 postaire stamps. Address Ftober Blóck, lS Woodward ave, Detroit, Mica.


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Ann Arbor Register