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Twelve niembera uni'ed with the Congregation8l church last Sunday. Etnanuel Spring is putting a hot air furnace into his house on S. Fifth-st. Miss Kate Jacobs wiH sing a solo at the Methodist church Sundy evening. The street railway enterprise is not dead - only enjoying a prolonged nap. Hutzel & Co. are building a brick horseshed in the rear of their store on Main-st. AI. M. Green has had hig omnibus repainted, "as green a green as Green could tind." Johu McNally of Acn Arbor township, died Oct. 31, of -general debility, aged 61) yeare. The suit brought by the late Judge Joslyn against the city has been withdrawn. Rev. Isaac N. Aldrich, oí tbis city, has accepted a cali to the Nashville, Mich., Congregational church. The infant child of Prof. and Mrs. John Dewey was baptized at the Congregational church Sunday mornine. John Cushing, town treasurer for Webster, will be at the town house every Friday in Dec. to receive taxes. Thenext lecture of Dr. Studley's course on ihe " Patriarchs and their Times " is necessarily postponed for two weeks. Prof. J. M. B. 3ill, president of the State Normal School, will occupy the pulpit at St. Andrew's church Sunday morning. George Scott has the contract for rebuilding the house on Ingalls st, belonging to Wm. Burke, which was burned recently. The teachers and scholars interested in the sewing school are reqested to meet at Gropsoy's hall next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. In the suit brought by Thadeus C. Brooks against Micheal and Philip Duffy. the defeadents demaad a trial of the mattere set forth. Agents of Armour & Co. of Chicago have been in the city this week endeavoring th induce our local dealers to sell " Chi3ago beef; M. Weiomann has built a modern cold storage retrigerator in the rear of his meat market on Washington-st. This improvement cost $2,000. Bishop Hugh Miller Thompson of Mississippi will deliver the Baldwin lectures before the Hobart Guild this winter, probably durins Lent. The Chequamegon orchestra and Co. A have each acsep'ed invitations to attend the opsning ot Cleary's business college at Ypsilanti next Wednesday. . Dr. Darlmg, our county physician, has sacrinced his beautilul muustache to the barber and will try to pull through the winter aa a bare-laced boy. The Young Poople's Society of the ('ongregationul cburch will hold a social at the residence ot Mr. Hurd on Washtenaw-ave, Saturday evening. W. J. Colgrove bas been prometed to a $900 positioa in the railway postal eervice, and has been given u run on a (ast train between Cleveland and Syracuse. liev. J. ï. Sunderland will preaoh next -Sunday morning on "Geordano Biuao and the Pope." In the evening he will begin a series of lecturea on "India acd Her Keligions." Hutzel & Co , are putting in heating paratU9 at the works of the Michigan Furniture Co. They are aUo doing the work at the new T. & A. A. depot and at Ii. M. Tabor's new residence. At the Unity Club meeting next Moalay evening, Rev. Dr. S udley will read a per on "A Quaint Old Book," and Mrs. Sunderland will give a talk on "Visita to Some Oíd Historie C stW." Gotthilf Eberspecker died on Monday of heart trouble, at hig home in Ann Aror townahip jast west of the city Iimits. Je was 74 yearsand eight month old and was an oíd resident of this county. The subject of Rev. J. M. Gelston's ecture at the Presbrterian church Sunday evenirjg was "Sóientific Method as Applied to tue Gospel Story." A large audience listened to this interesting address. Andrew Smitb, who has lived in Ann Arbor town tor mauy years, has renied T. F. Hill's house on the corner of and South University-aves, and will live ia the city. Bis son will run the farm which he eaves. A "Reformation Festival" was held by the cbildren of the Bethlehem . Sjridny school at the church, last Sunday afiernoon. The exerciees consisted of recitations and song and an address by Rev. Neumann. The Seoretary of the Board of School Examinors, Martin J. Cavanaugh of this city, was married at the Catholic church by Rev. Fr. Frierle, Tuefday mornÍDg, to Mary C. Seery, daughter of Register of Deeds Seery. Sneak tliievea are abroad ia the city. This gentry have visted the house of Aloses Seabolt, David Rinsey, J. M. Stafford, John E. Miller and Mrs. Parker during the past week. At two of the places overcoats were takn. Supervisor Gilbert wm kept pre(t buBy on the Board of Supervisors Friday, but he managed to find lime to answer a telephune mesage and make a contrast to deHver'25 000 pounds of evaporated apples at Si cents a pound. Anna McCanhy has file! a bilí asking for a divorce from Dmiel McCarthy. The pariies were mrried at Mantón, Wexford county, in 188'2 and have no childreo. S ie claims that he is a habitual drunkard and that he trea's her cruely. The Rupreine tourt has reversed she dioision of the lower court in the case of Sitnon Simons vs. the Ypsilanti Paper Co., which was tried in this circuit and a verdict rendtred for the plaintiff last January The case will be given a new tried. Probably more of cu? very old citizens were gathered together to attend the funeral services of John Geddes yesterday afternoon, than have been togeiher in years before. Their united ages would have run high into the thousands. Don't fail to attend the meeting at Cropsev's Hal!, next Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Sunderland wdl gpeak on the " Poor of London." You will hear gome thing good. If. you want a seat, come early, as the hall has been crowded late ly Tnos. H g n, known as 'Tora. Shorty," who has worked at the various livery s'ables in the ciiy for several years past, died on Friday of heart disease. As he was in destitute circumstances, a number of his trienas contributed and gave him a decent burial. One week fiom next Sunday evenine, Bishop Randoiph S. Fostr ot B ston will deliver au addruss at the M. E. cnu-ch before the Wesleyan Guild. The speaker is a wonderlully well educated man and will, without doubt, furnish his hearers a rare intellectnal treaf. The ladies ol the M. E. chuich willgive a novel entertainment at the church parlors this evening at (:30. They cali it a " pink tea," and everythin? will be pink - the ladies' dresses, the decorations and even the food served. A musical and literary programme will follow. Mrg. D. A. Warner, who has been threatened with blindnes-, was taken to Ann Arbor for treatment lat Monday. The attending phyician thinks he can save tne right eve, but the use of the left one is gone. Mrs. Wnmer will remain the:e for some time.- Chelsea Standard. The pulpit at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning and evening will be filled by Rev. Jordán of Landing. In the eveuing he will deliver the aunual lecture before the Young PeopW Sjcie'y of the church, his subject being "My Reasons for Accepting the Bible." In the circuit court during the post week, the following business has been transacted: Gtsorge Sc tt and Henry Richds, admitttd to ei izenship; Benjimin Browr, executor, vs. John J. R bison, continued over the tertn; El zibeth Silly vs. Arthur Sally, injunciion dissolvtd as to personal property. The old Mayuard house, corner of Main and VVilliams-ets, suffered ab ut $1,000 worth by fire early tbis morniog, tne interior oL the south part being badly burned. The fire is suppo6ed to hare caught from a defective chimney. The property is owned by Messs. Grucer, Cheever and Treadwell, and is fully insured. The Yoang Peoples' Society of the Presbyterian church gave a plesaant reception to the members of the Students' Christian Association and tne members of the dififerent Young Peoples' Associatious of the varioua churches in the city, last Friday evening. A large number were preeent and a most enjoyable time was nad. Mr?. Angie Newman of Utah will deliver an address before the WomenV Home Missionnry Society at the Methodist church next Sunday evening, taking for her subject the topic that is so thoroushly agitaing the country at present, "Mor moniam." She comes higbly recommended as a speaker, aud is thoroughly versed in the subject that she hss chosen. The James T. Alln wno wrote Thb Register last week about the early days of Aan Arbor, when he worked a gwden patch od the present lucation of the court house square, emtgrated from oíd Virginia and in 18u3 was in business here wi h S. P. Jwett, in the store nowoccupied by A. D. Seyler, on N. Main-st. Mariin Clark nlerked for the flrm at the time and sold 20 pounds of Naw (Meang sugar for a dollar. A man named Joseph Murphy, who worked at the fruit evaporator on N. Filth-st for a week, disappeared Sunday mcrning and withhim an overcoat and all the nnderclothes belonging to John Merithew. Both parties roomed at the house of Mrs. Parker on N. Fuurth 8t. Murphy went to the house about one o'cldck Snnday morning, packad Mt-rithew's clotbes in his valise, pioked up Merithew's overooat and has not been 6een siace. Richard Biown, a farmer living near Hamburg, csme to the city Móuday and in a short time was as dru ik as a man could be. He was arrei-ted and plead guilty before Juitice Pond Tuesday. As he had been guilty of a more senous offense than being druak, the justice gave him a gevere leuture and theti fined him $5 and $5 20 oosts, with the alternativo of going to jail for thirty days. He paid the ñne, wbich he thought a little high, and threatened to leave a county where a man couljn't "er joy himself." Six members of tïie Ohsutauqua Circle who have graduated and reoeived their diplomas, have f. rmed themselves into a gradúate circle of that organizttion. The officera are Dr. O. G. Darling, president; M;8 C-irrie L Watts, president; Miss Julia Roys, secretary; and Mrs. Dr. Darling, programme cummittee. The members of the circle who do not hold an office are Misses Emma Hayley and Ella H II. Tne circle will pursue th study of Englis history and literatura and the first meeting was held Tuesday evening. Rev. Henry Tatlockg who was invited by the ve8try of St. Ai drew'schurch to accept the rectorship of this parish last week, visited the parish and preached twice last Sunday. It ig understood that he will accept the cali and will eommence his work bere on the firet Sanday in Advent. Mr. Tatlock has for gome time past been professor of philofophy in a Young Laches' Seminary in Nw York City. He is a gradúate ot Williams college, a good speaker and deep thinker, and made a favorable impression upon bis audienceg last Sunday. The supervisors before closmg raised the cquKlization ot Ann Arbor f 200,000 and ot Sylvan about $20,000. Tha bilis for taking c ro of the small-pox cases, which the county shoul J pay under the state law, were allowed in part, the county paying $350 61. about one hlf the claim. As the city hnd paid these bilis, havDg them assigneil from the original panieB, the city will probably be out about $350, un'ess Bteps are taken to compel the supervisors to allow the claims as directed by 1 aw. The supervisors believe this just, as the maxim of the board f jr years has been, "The City will Srsttle the Bill." A young man Damed Geoige Pavis was arrested by fficer G-idley, as he stef.ped from the prison at Ionia last Friday, on charge ot hrceny from a dwellirjg. Davis formerly lived with David Kmgsley in the township of Salem, and about a year agí, while Kingeley was away from home, he broke open a trunk and stole a tin box crntiinine 25 cents and a note for $1,000. Davis fled in a few days, but was after wards eent to Ionia from Branch couuty. He told Mr8. Kinsley that he would return the note, but forged one which he sent baok in place of the orginal. He waived examination yesterday, and will be tried at the December term of court. Miss Leona M. Tuttle aud Mr. William O. Field of Eichmonii, Ky., were married Wednesday afternof u, October 16th, at three o'clock, R-v. John F. Williams offioiating. The wedding occurred at the residence of the bride's mother, only a few intimate friends of the family snd Mr. and Mrs. John Heth and Mrs. M. H. Vaile, cooneciions of the bride-groom, being present. Tne bride wore a tailor made goaway gown of soft gray with gray bonnet aud gloveg, as they left immediately for the groom's home in Kentucky. A large amount of fl jwers in the drawing room and dining room made a fitting frame tor the pretty picture. - Ornaba Daily Bee. The bride is wrll known in Ann Arbor, havmg lived here uuil a short time ago, when the family removed to Omaha. Simuel D Pence, an old soldier, a sutferer from a gun shot wound in the leg received ia the army, and formerly an in mate of the soldier home at Grand Rapids, where bis leg was amputated last Junuary at the knee joint, without beneficial results. For past several months he has been care j for at the home of his sister at Azalia. Monday he was taken to Ann Arbor to be treated at the university hospital, and was accoaapanied there'o by A. A Aiston and his brother, Ö-eo. Pence. After a thorough examination by Dr. Nancrede aod others, the case was pronounced a hopeless one, and the patiënt was yesterday brought to Dundee and taken to the home of his eister, Mr. Juseph Ward, where he will be cared for the remaioder of his days. It, is said he cannot, survive but a short time. - Dundee Reporter. The case oí David Henning against the city of Ann Arbor and the M. C. R. R , for damages to his property by reason of the approach to the bridge over the Michigan Centra! tiacks, was to have been tried in the U. S. District court at Detroit yesterday, but was rhanged and placed at the loot of the docket when it was found that the city was ready to fight the case. Tuesday the representativas of the Michigan Central were in the city holding a cor.8ultation with the city's representative on the case, as to some plan of action. As Mr. Henning was in the city at the same time, i' was rumored that there would an be a'tempt made to compiomise the case. If -ueh a move was contemplated no offer has been mude tne city, ond it would be useless to make it, as the authorities do not believe that Mr. Henning can prove any damage to his property. On the oiher hand it is tbought that the pruperty bas been impr ved iostead of damaged, by the cbanges wLi h have been made in its surroundings. The motto of the city this year appears to be 'rnilli ns for defeose but not one cnt for tribntf," a sentiment which the citizns genernllv support. A modest y. mug oachelor of this city, who is 8OOQ to join cbe ranks of the benedicta, had un experience receutly that he ia trying hard to keep from his frwnds. The hfflanced of the young man lives at a small pUce not lar from Kalamazoo, where everybody kuowa about everybody eUe and the approaching tnarriage of the younecouple is thoroughly know. A week ago Stiurday, our young bachelor went trom Ann Arbor to spend Smday with his affianced. Ia an evil hour (tor the y. b) they started for church and were piven (he seat of honor near the front. Soon after they were seated the minister arose, and fixinf? his gaze steadily oa our young bachelor friend, (who, by ihe way is distantly connected with thf newspaper frateruity atid supposed to be proof against anythmg) announced as tha text for his eermon, "Behold, the bridegroom cometh." A hundred eyes were directed towards the young man, and fifiy people were vainly eadeavoriug to smother a laugh, s they saw the sugatestiveness of the text. As he espressed himself a'terwards, $100 would be no inducement to him to try that expe'ience over again.


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Ann Arbor Register