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As usual the Palladiura is promised about Feb. 15, which means about Apr. i. The Gamma Phi Beta fraternity wíl' hold its annual convention in this city in 1891. . The Glee Club is in need of another first tenor, Darrow having been obhged to resign. Dr Frieze has so far reoovered nis heahh as to be able to meet his claves again. E C Rockwood, '89, was in the city last week and took in the sophmore-freshman rush. The University hospital ha? been presented with an invalid chair by Prof. Hennequin. Prof. Stanley will play the organ at the rendering of the "Messiah" at Ooerliu, December 20. Another relie of the last oeatury has gone, the old fence having been removen from around the campus. The Choral Union bas received an inviUtion to take part ia the Flower S'iow to be given at Detroit next spring. A paper on "Review of recent geological literato re" will be read at the meeting oí the Geological Society this evening. Adelphi was favored by exqiisite music last Siturday evening by Misse Davis and Cramer. Many citizens altended. Dr Martha J. Robinson, dent '88, of Cleveland has been unanimously chosen vice-preMdent of the Ohio State Dental A8sociation. The editora of ihe Chronicle havo had a ruction among themselves whioh led to the resignation of five of the six independent editora. 8 M. Sayford, sent. out under the A.mhrst Visitation Movement, will begin a series of meetiDgs at the Uuiversity chapel next Sunday morniug. Hugh Johnson, D. D. of Toronto, Can , will wilt deliver tlie annual addreas before the Siudents' Gnristian Assooiation on Sanday, December 8th. Prof Hinsdiile delivered his lecture on "Garfield" at Siline Tuesday even'ng, for the benefit ot the Youog Peoples' Society of the Saline M. E. church. Why doesa't sDtneone get up an excursión to Chicago to see the Thanksgmng Day rugby game? A large crowd will go if cheap ratea can be secured. Engineering Society programase Saturday evening: "Railroad work at Lelands, ESC. My; 'Railroad construstion " br. C. Tuthiil; "Talk on Draw-bridges," J. K. Freitag. The freshmen homaops haveekcted the following class . officera: F. W. French, president; F. V. Martin, vice-president; Miss B. D. Seales, secretar j; F. J. leek, treasurer. A re-orgaaization of callege athlatics under one general association is what the Argonaut proposes. A good idea, and one that would prevent clashing that now olten occurs. Why is it that the baseball club never does any work in the fall and the ri?gby team is idle in the spriag? Both teams ghould keep at practice al! the time and better work would result. Alreaáy 750 8eason tickets bave been sold for the Siudents' Lecture Association course. This assures tbe finiincial suecess of the course and will probably leave a surplus for the "gym." fand. The second entertainment of the S. O. A course will be delivered to-morrow evening by Prof. L.M. Cumnock of the Northwestern Uaiversity, who will givo humorous, dramatic and heroic readmgs. Thu senior lite have cot called a meeting tor the election of officere, but the wires are being laid just the same. Among those spuken of for candidates president are W. 3. Baldwin and S. R. Angelí. The first 1 eoture in the S. L. A. course, aiven by Russel H. Conwell last Friday night was attended by about a thousand people, all of them being well repaid for lisiening to his lecture, " Acres of I;amonds." The teachers in theAlbion schools made a to the University last Friday afternoon ana thoroughly itispected the workings ol the instituiions. They had no sugges ion to mke which would improve the present state of affaire. A large number are taking advantage of the Choral Union offer of associate membership and defínate arrangements have been made to give four concerts. The first concert will be given by the Philharmonic club of Detroit. Prof. Stanley hs promised to give an organ recital sometitne before the holiday vacation for the beneSt of the building fund for Newberry Hall. The proceeds will be ued to furnish a room in honor o. the late Prot: Morris.- Uhromcie. The National Asaociation of the college alumnae, which met at Buffalo last wees, hooored the U. of M. in the choice ot the choioe of its president, Mrs. Aiice Freeman Palmer, and also om; of te vice-pruiento, Miss Lucy M. Salmón.- Argouau.. J. S. Garil, who is now in China as the missionary of the S. C. A., is dependent upon tbe association for his support. The assnciation will place a b:x in Secretary Wade's office, where those intere9ted interested in this woik are invited to leave contributione. Editor Coe of the Ypsilanti Commercial rornishes the followiog: "The Ypailantian has sn account of the freshmen spread at the Uoiversity signed ''One of the CoEds." To prevent all misunderstanding we hasten to explain that this does not mean "One of the Coe-B litors." A room is to be 6tted up at the Norraal riohool for a gymuasium. It'such a matter was proposed in any of the University buüdiogs, a howl of indignation would go op all over the state and some nrghty legislator would suggest lurnishing "buokoaws and saw horses for the gtudents to exercise their muscle with." Propramme for Alpha Nu, Saturday eveoine- 'S.byl, ''Politics in College," J. O. L-.wenh.upt; recitation, "E linbarj after Flodden," C. E. Williams; story, O. P. HUI; music, Miss Worrall; debate, resolved, that the federal government should have a monopoly of the liquor industry, aö , J. L. Edson; neg., L. R Lyons; piano solo, Miss Worrall. Rev R H Conwell, president oí Temple Colleee, who lec'rd last evemcg, in speaking with a Ghronide eiitor about o'ir university said: "Uudoubtedly the University 01 Michigan is the greatest university in America. I myself am a Yale man bat Yale can not be compared with the U. of IL" Right you are, we heartily agree with you.- Chronicle. The membe.-s of the medical taculty who ".esigned" during the summer have lost all interest in the department and not . wnrH isheard from them abjut lts failure. Perhaps iis great sucoess this year, even without their n mes among the members of the faculty, has at last convinced them that the tuccess of the Ij uiversity does not depend oa uny one man. Toe attendance at the Umversity is steadily increa-ing, a comparativa statement of the registration oa Nov. 13, IS. and 1889, being given below: Literary gij 6U l-ittW n o OH' Medica! Ij g Pharmacy í( 10 Dental 'ïï 6 Homoeopathic ' Totals 1766„ The sophmore-fresbman foot-ball rusli la%t Saturday morning was a haid con test the fight contmuing over two hour before the ball whs flnally forced over the line by the treshmen. The only senou accident happened to ArthurVanlnwagen I '93 who was badly squeezed in the crowd lt was thought at flrst that his nbs were broken, but fortuuateiy ït was noi su au he is now fast recovering. The Literary Adelphi programma for next Saturday evening will be as fullows: Mtwio, gu-.Ur, "Arion Mnrch," Irmale Wilson; essay, "John B. Gough Mws Anna Dosking; reading, Mits Morey; music, l'Bd Bolero;" A minor solo, Irniale C Wüson; debate, resolved, "that capital punishruent should be abolmhed;" affi, Will St. John, (med. dept.;) neg., O. 1. Kias, (law dpt;) general debate; music, "Bttleof Sebastopol," Irma C. Wilson. Citizens and students welcome. The idea of military training at the University meets with great favor among the students. Already , 250 have sigued the petition to tbe regenta to Uke the matter in charge When the meet again, a committee will present thfsa pet.tions and ask them to apply to tbe Secretary ol War for arms and equipments, and to have n officer detailed bere. Four good compaDies could be formed and much beneöt would reduit frotn the drill. Let us have military train iog here by all means In a messure this would fill the place of the much needed gymnasium. Although the weather was rainy and the erounds wet and bad for a football rame, the Ubiversity and Albion rugby Teams met on the fair grounda Saturday alternoon and played a ame in the presence of a fair sized audience. The players were as follows: Albion- Sohultz. center rusb: H C. Warren, left end; S. C. tt.iffin, left tackle; O. Warren, right tackle; Kellogg right guard; E. B.Griffio, left guard; Wnsht, right center; Barnham, quarter back; Laudod and Newell, half backs, Sneil full back. Universities- Boutwell, center rush; Scrait, left end; Sutton, lelt tackle; (Jlirtden, right tackl-; Malley, right euard Trainor, left guard; F. Svaith right cerner; H. Smith, quarter bacl;; McPherran and Ábbot, half Backs; Bil!, full back. The ground und ball were slippery, preventies; accurrate passing of the ball, although Malley, Abbott, MacPherran and Strait each made some good piays, and Bill kicked three goal?, Only two up nings were played, the game standing á to 0 at the end of the Srst inning, and ZS to 4 nt the end of the second, m favor ot the University. TUK INTER FUATERNITY BANQUKT. The long expeoted and much talked of banquet to the members of the Inter-Kratermtv Base Ball League was held at Nickel's hall laat Friday eveniug, and was a succesa beyond antxipation, 89 members being seated at the well-BUed tables when the word was given to "play ball. Guy L Kiefer acted as toastmaster and proposed the foliowinst toasts, the respoases being given in the order tbat the clubs stood at the close of the league session: Delta Kappa Epsilon, " Tbus far our fortune keep an upwarJ course, and we are craced with wreaths of victory, E II.; Beta Theta Pi, "I see, but cannot reach the hight that lies forever m the light," R. Samner Partnly; Phi Kappa Psi, 'Who falls from all he knows of bliss, carea little into what abyss, J. ü. Smalley; Zeta _P. ''I have fought the good flght," Y. L. Santh; Aipna uenai .", "I am not now what I have heen, 1 . ö. Bourland; Psi Upsilon, "Wha.! What! What! 111 luckl 111 luckl" J. E. Bal!; Delta Tau Delta, "He that is valiant and dares fiíht though drobbad can lnae no honors by it " A. C. Lewerenz; Cm i'si, "Tae better part of valor is discrotion; in which better part I have saved my hfe, J. W. Anderson; Sigma Phi, "The örst and worst of all frauds, is to cheat one's self, L. JK.. Torrey. It was a late hour when the bunquet closed, but all the participaots voted that the time had been well spent.


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