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The simp'est pleasure are the best. The drnggHt of Charleston, S. C, refuse to put up Dr. McDjw's preeriptions. It i proposed to make the worM's fir of J892 a peí mar en i exiibitlon. The poor exhibiiion ot public sp rit on the part of New York m lliouaires seenu likely to be ihe moet permanent thing about it. s About '1 uwii. Ie is a current report about town that Kemp'a Balsam for the Throat and Lungs in making some lemarkable curea with people who me uoubled with coughs, Sore Throat, Asthoja, Bronchitis aod consumplioD. Any druggist will give you a trial hottle free of cost. Ie is guaranteed to relieve aad cure. The large bottles 50o und $1. Mijd uueinployed is mind unenjoyed. CROUP, WHOUPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Eberbach & Soa. In 'xperiments on the solubility ef glags in water, plumbilerous ilints glass fouud to be the least soluble, and the relativo resistances of glasses was different toward hot aad c ld water. THAT HACKING COÜCH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wre guarantee it. Sold by Eberbach To add to our knowledge of temstrial magnetiem it is suggested that regular magoetio observatories be established at Üie Cape of Go d Hope in South America. Rinylng XoJsott In the tarf, somelimeg, roarine buzzing .oound?,arecauscd bycartarrh, thatexceedingly disagreeable nd vcry common disesse. Loss of smell or hearing also result from citrrrh. Hood's Sarsapa-illa, the great blood purifier, is a peculiarly suceeseful remedy hi ihis dseaie, which it cures by puriling the blood. If you suffer from Cdtarrh. try Hcods' Sarsparilla, the peculiar medicirc. He !est 8ees the doings of a crcwil who stands al e it. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible nough. Shiloh'a Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold by Eberbach & Son. fEoo:'S Cotton Boot & CO M PO U N D Composed of Cotton Boot, Tangy and J Pennyroyal- a reoent disoovery by an lold physician. Ia guccessfully ut cd y- Safe, Èffectnal, Price $L by mail, sealed, Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Boot Compoand and take lo substituta, or inolose 2 stampa for sealed partioulars. Address POND I.ILY COHPANY, No. 3 Flabl P]o?k, 131 Woodward ave., Petroit, MloJi, Sold in Aiid Arbor by all drugglsts. MILUNERY. MRS. E. A. HOYT, HAS NOW A COMPLETljLINE OF THE LATEST STYLES in MILUNERY Aud Halr Goods. All ladies re invited to cali and inspect her iock befoie purebasing elsewhere. NO. 7 ANN ST., ANN ARBOB. ISTEVT FIRM IK THE i?yp Barber Shop ! Everything neat and first-class. Best of Workmen. Try us. CHAS, SHETTERLEY & BRO, flAfe PENNYROYAL WAFER3 lFZ, Arv sucw.swfullj' nsed nii;iit.hly by over 10.000 ,B.I-ulk-. Ari'üof, F.geetiuland PleMant. t 'p T per box by üiall, or at druggist. Sealed Par M IT Uculart 2 posuxre slumps. Addrese W Thk Ki ui-K. Chemical Compavy, { Ftohfir Block. ra WuodwarU are, Detroit, Mtch.


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Ann Arbor Register