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I will hear your fong sublime, some other time, he said, pullmg away suddenly and leaving hií coat bullón in my hands. But he difln't, get far; he was detained by rheumatitiu o bis luit knee. 1 pressed into his huno a svnall pock ge. The next day Le ran 10 meet me ai.d sid "Wonderful this Sulvation O 1, aio't it?" OH! Mr HEAD. The pain from Neuralgia and it companion discase Rheumatism is excruciating. Thonsands who could be quickly cured are needlessly suffering. Ath-lo-pho-ros will do for others wbat it did for the following parties: Williunsport. Ind., Oet.3. 1867. Havingrbeea ffliotedwith neuralgia for the partí our yeare, and tning al most every. thins, but in vain, I nnally beard of Athlophoroa. Af ter taking one bottle I f ound it to be heining me aud nf ter taking f onrbottlee of Athlophorós and one of Pin, I f ound that I was entirelj well. I tbink Uie niedijluO is poGitívoly & dure corO. Ohautícf.t B. Reddxck. Mt. Oannl. Dl., Deo . 1887. . I han nsed Athlophoron in my family and flnd it to be the greatest medicine for nonralgia in eiistenoe and baving had ite tanga fafftened npon me for the part SO ysarsl know vheieof I speak. Mbb. Julia Ohiltom. $H' íftnd 6 cents for the beautiful colorea picture, " Moorish Maiden." THEATHLOPHOfíOS CO. 112 Wall St. N. Y. BUSINESS CARDS. ALEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney ut U. Will prnctice iu both State and Dntted StWi Courts. OfBce Rooms, one and two. lst floor oí the new brick block. comer of Hurón and Fonrth Streetó, Ann Arbor, Michigan. p R. WILLIAMS, Allonii'.v at !.:. Milán, Micll. Money loaued for outside parties. All legal business gi veu prompt attenüon. QET O.E. GODPEEY TO IO VOI It RRAYIKO, Frelght work, Furniture and Piano moving, or anything else that you need done. He has all the latest appliances, largest drys and best forcé of men. Kesldence, 46 . nii-t. Telepbone 82 WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Court House Square. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. mms -P; hall, DBNTIST OFFICE Over Sheehan's Book Store, Soutli State Street HOURS : O to 12 A. M., and 2 to 5 P. WM. BIGGS. Contracto? i Builder And all liiiMlo of ork in connection Hithttaeab iruiiiil cxeculcu. Shop Cor. of Church-st and University ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 143. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Berry Plants, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Peara and Grapa vines a Specialty. eyrupa and Home-Made Wines. Syrupof Raph-ry : Bvrtlett Pear Syrup, Bone sett, Dandelion mu 1 Itnüpberry Wlnes and Shrubs for Liver and 1C; l.i- troubles; Sweet Ked C'oncord and Manii White Wines, especially prepared lor Inviu. Is. Order Trees and Plants early, as we get most of them from the best Nurseries K. BAI'K. W Hnran SI. Eberbneh Non, Aun Arbor, sly AifcntH tor file ;im-i l'rctK-li Hem■ii.v. uk. ImOVCS 1'i;kioiU'ai. PILI.S. from París. France, act only upon tbe enerative organs in females and potltively cure supression of the menses (from whatuver cause,) aud all periodical troubles peculiar to women. A safe, reliable remedy wananted to proniote menstruation or money refunded Should not be used during pre;nancy. The large proporlion of ills to which ladies are liable is the direct result of a disnrdered or irregu ar menstruation. Ask any druggist, Ann Arbor. AMEBIüAN PILI. CO., Spencer, lowa. Robert Stevknson & Co., Wholesale Agents, ChicaRo. D.L.. IKMVirs HOME EXBBCIMBB." nm For Bratii-Wnrtier md Seden 9 JfjKL I Gentlemen, 1. adíes and Youths; W 'Im ■ the Athlete or invalid. A comí fLs I P'f1" gymnasium. Takes np f 9SSSSA íut six inrhes square floorikKajrrr ::.ír&i room ; Fomething new, scienB8weaSMnSQ tilic, durable, compreh ensive, ""■"■Bi ciieap. Indoreed by twenty housund Physiiians. Lawyers, Clergymen Editors and otliers nnw usu.g it. Send for illustrated circular, forty engravings, no charge. Prof. I. L. Dowd, l'hysical and Vocal Culture, 9 E. Hth Strtet, New-Yorfc The only known specijlc for EpUeptic Fts.-C j-Also for Spasms and Falling Sickncsa.ta Nervous'WeaknessqTilcklyrelieTed and cured. üqualled by none ia delirium of fever.-B , JWNeutralizes genus of dlsease and sicknesa. Cures ugly blotches anö stubborn blood eoree. CleanBes blood, quickens eluggiah circulation. Eliminates Boils, Carbuncles and Scalds.-e aS-Pennanentlyandpromptly cnreaparalysiE. "ïcb, lt ia a charming and healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofuls and Kinga Evil, twin brothers. Changea bad breath to good, removlng cauBe. jyKouta biliousness and clears complexión. Charming resolvent and matchlee? laxativo." It drives Sict Ueadache like the wind.S Br-Contains no drastic cathartic or opiatos. Promptly cures Kheumatiam by routing it.- Restores life-giving propertles to the blood.-% Is guaranteed to cure all Eenom disorders.- [ SKcliable wheu all opiates fail.'tO Eefreshe8 themlnd and invigorntes the bodj. Cures dyspepaia or money refundcd."K UTEndorsed In writing by over fifty thouBand Lcading phyeiclans in U. S. and Europe."S Leading clergymen iu U. S. and Europe.'S Siseases of the blood own it a conqueror.-Q ïor sale byaU leading druggists. $l.S0.-e Ihe ÏR.S. A. BICEMOND SERVIXE Cö„ St. Joseph, Mo. 9 Correspondence f reely answered by Physicians, . For testimoulals uiid circulara seud stamp.


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Ann Arbor Register