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R' ports of some sheep being killed by dogs last wee k. Mrs. Ann Divis of Milan visited at Mr. Thomas Talladay's last week. The past week has been quite favorable for the late wheat. Owing to its poor ripening this year, corn is yet unbusked to a considerable extent. Cards are out for the marriage of Len Beadle, fornierly of this place, now of Ypsilanti, and Miss Helen Beach of the same place. Tpsllantl. Mrs. Chas. Stevens visited friends in Adiian early in the week. Miss Wheeler of Marshall has been visiticg Rev. Mr. Morey's faisily. Ypsilanti has been well represented at the Detroit flower show this week. A general reception wiil be given the new Pn.sbyterian pastor in the church parlors next Tuesday evening. The paper box factory, which hasonly been in operation a few months, has proven a remarkably good enterprise. The woolen milis have been obliged to put in a number of new knitting machines to keep up with extra orders. Mr. and Mrs. Jenks of St. Claircame ont Taesday. to visit their daughter.Mrs. Cleary.and attendthe college reception. Thirty-five liundred invitations were sent out for the college dedicatory exercises and reception, and friends of the college canie from all over the state. Ypsilanti certainly has cause to feel proud of this noble enterprise. Pltts field. Frank Cunningham spent Sunday and Mond.iy with his parents at Hamburg. Alfred Paul, who has been spending a year on the Pacificcoast, returned home this week. Mrs. Charley Rose gave a very pleasant entertainment to those interested in the Sabbath school work, at her home last Friday evening. Messrs. Miller and Roberts have oriranized a Sabbathschool in the Mills district.which was addressed last Sunday afternoon by W. J. Canfield, one of the veteran workers whose zeal in the rause has done so iiiuch towards making the school in the Roberts diatrict the successful one that it is. The sabbath school festival held at the residenoe of Mr. and Mrs. David Cody, was a succesa socially, financially, and we tan but believe, religiously. Ninety or more were present, and il good speaking, recitations and music, and a general manifestation of brotherly good wiil mean anything then surely the variou8 commandments of the declogue were in no danger of being broken. - :; " Saline. Saline muurns the lossof the "Umatilla" Indians, who have pulled up their wigwams au.l moved to Manchester for a campaign. The Y. P. S. of the Saline Methodist church has made arrangements to furniafa the citizens with a conree of lectures.theopeninaone by Prof. Hinsdale tiaving tieen given Tuesday evening. I-odi. A large company assembled at the residenoe of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hammel on Monday evening to celébrate with them the advent of tlieir china wedding. Married in the town of Lodi, they liave spent theiryearsof nsefulnes together, honored and respectedby all who know them, as was abundantly manifested in the many elegant and nseful articie they were the happy recipienU of on this unusually pleusant iH-owion. Au elegant Btipper was served and good music was furnished by Messr. Clonah and Gt-ltys, assisted by Miss Saté Fay and Meivin Waters. Bailar. The Musical Union niet Wednesday evening f r a liltle practica in inging; the unión contení pl&tes givinir a cantata or operetta this winter, and if it is as great a BUoeesfi as (ne-'ii Esther was, evervone ill be satisfled. Mrs. L. D. Wbeeler has been pack ing her goods this week preparatory to leaving Siüne; ■-he gocs on :i visit to her dauahter, Mr-. Kearns, at Big Rapids, and will not rei urn to Saline. Oq accontit "f lier motJier's illnes, Miss Bnrroiighs was nnable to teach Mopday and TnHJny; her place was filled by Mrs. II. D. Heller. Last Thuisda eccurred an event for Mime time antioipated, the marriage of Miss t'arrio Whpeler to Will Browne, of Minneapolis, Mum. A bout twenty of the friiMnls and reiatives witnessed the crreinonv, whiili whh i.crfntmed in the afternoon ly Rev W". K ( sldwell, after which light rclrrshtih u's were sorvcd1 The brille was dreffed in blue plush and silk, and wor a i-orsHRe bouquet of sniilax and ivliile liméis. Mr. and Mrs. Browne t fr mi live o'clock train Cor Yp"iluwti, ntid lonk theirdeimrtur for Minntplii) Monday from Sal'iif. The i'e.-t w siiHMif their nuiiierom frieuda go wilh iht in lotheir new i.uni;


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