National Educational Association
The National Educational Association and Council of Education have decided to hold their next annual convention at St. Paul, Minnesota, July 4 to 11, 1890. Hod. James II. Can field of Lswrence, Kansas, is president of the association. It ;s expeoted that there will be twenty thousand teachers present from all points of the Union. The westerr railroads have alleady greed to give half rates, plas $2.00 membership fee, to all persons who attenii, and eastern and southern roads will make low rales which will be announced at an early date. St. Paul has organized a Ico '1 executive committee r,d the most complete arrangements are being made to give the teachers a splendid welcome to the Northwest, and tomake the meeting a grand succes?. There will be smp'e ho'.el accommodation at reasonable rates. Loca! eicureions are being planned to all important points of interest in the Northwest and on the Pacific Coast, which will furnish teachers with the ficest fummr holiday trips that they ever enjoyed. The official "Bulletin," containing programs, rates and fiill particular, to be iseued in Marcb, will be sent tree. Adiress S. Shern, Sec'y Local Executive Committee, St. Paul, Minnesota. Headquarters, Hotel Ryan.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register