Latest County News
Milán. Rev. Hnntington visited Detroit this week. Miss Jennie Pyle is seriously ill with diphtheria. Warren Babcock,jr.,is teaching school at Fryburg. Mrs. C. Sill of Detroit is visiting her son, H. Sill. Miss SadieCoe has returned from her West Branch visit. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes have returned to their home in Quincy, 111. Thanksgiving services will be held at the M. E. church this year. Several arrests were made last week; drunkenr.esB was the charge. Universali8t preaching at the Unitarian church Sunday evening. Mrs. O. A. Kelley and daughter are visitinK friends in Fostoria, Ohio. Mrs. G. R. Williams returned Tuesday from a two weeks' visit at Detroit. Mrs. F Trussel is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Preston of Burr Oak. MissGrace Huntington returned from a fi'Ve days' visit to Detroit Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rouse are home again after a few weeks' sojourn in Saline. The Presbyterians will indulge in a chicken pie social atFullerDexter's this week. Frank Jackson, who has been ill for several days, is out on the streets again. The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Baptist will hold a progrensive conversation at the residence of G. R. Williams, Friday evening. Tpetllanti. Hon. E. P. Allen has departed for Washington. i A Home Missionary society has been O'ganizd in the Presbyterian church. The Light Guard Thanksgiving tion on Thursday evening will be very 8well affair. Mr. Fred Lamb, of the firm of Lamb, Davis & Kishlar, was married last week to MissCarrie Maeult and began housekeeping on South Uuron-st. The stars and stripes were flung out to ihe everlasting breezes Tuesday evening iroin the city schools, with excellent exercises, conducted by Prof. Foote. " The Silver Slipper," a pleasing little operetta, has heen given at tlie opera house four evenings und lias brought to light rnany j.ivenile songsters, besides being au extremely taking entertainment. Ypsiluntians have raised a howl that has reached unto - well, middling high -over the fence with which the AI. C. R. R. folks have enc-losed the depot. It is certainly au ungainly looking thing and the inconveuience of the arrangement is too great to bear patiently. Webstar. The little daughter of Andrew Turner is quile 111. Rev. G. Lincoln holds Thanksgiving service to-morrow. The Secretary of School Examiners has inspected a lew schools. Rev. Dr. Lincoln and family last week received guests from Highland. Roadsare again in badcondition and need the application of the road grader. K. Snyder met on two consecutivo nights at theCongregalional church to organize a singing school, but to no success. Next at tlie town hall Friday' evening. icxter. Scarlet fever and dipththeria abound to such an fxtent that the schools are closed. Our village seems to be without a bealth officer. No services in Baptist or Congregationalchurches last Sunday; henee the M. E. church was crowded. Daisy Vinkle, one of the brightest little girls of Dexter, died Saturday altera verv short illness. Mrs. Ray Burkelew bas been quite low with pneumonía íor several tiays, and her frigndii are fearful she may not recover. Snllue. Air. and Mrs. V. II. Isbell are spending the weeü. vi.siling relaüves in Jackson. Mrs. Smith ot Clinton has been visitiog the family of R. V. M.ills the past week. Mis. W. E. Caldwell is visiting her pon, K. G. Caid.vell, at Centerville, Mich. Mrs. R. W. Mills, who has lately returned froui D.ikuta, isconsiderably improved in health. r Thanksgiving services will be held at the Baptist church Thursday morning. Sermón by Rev. 1). D. Barry. Saline High School has raised money for a flag, and exercises were held at the raising Wednesday afternoon, quite a number of citizens being relsent. Frank Clame led the singiugwith hts cornet, and the exercises allo'el her were very good. Thia flug idea 8 a good thing.
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