Andrpws 11 'in qu rurs tor Athletic goods, Dunib-bell--, Iridian Club-, S'a:e or Huren S'.s. tf Wa'l paper, rouui mumuing 'uid win riow iiols at Aniire .ve & Cj's. 32 Huron S. tf Bihles, and Fioe Stationarv at Andrews. tf 100 choice bound book at Andrews 25 cents. tf Mngnzinps, Fihion Books, Paper Novéis at Andrews, tf Catarrh Is a constltutional and not a local disease, and thereíore lt cannot be cured by local appllcatlons. It requires a constltutional remedy Uke Hood's Sarsaparllla, which, worklng through the blood, eradlcates the impurlty whlch causes and promotes the disease, and Catarrh ettects a permanent cure. Thousands of people testify to the success of Hood's Sarsaparilla a? a remedy for catarrh when otheï preparations had failed. Hood's Sarsaparilla also builds up the wlmle system, and makes you f eel renewed in liealth and strength. Catarrh ' " For several years I have been troubled with that terribly disagreeable disease, catarrh. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla with the yary best results. It cured me ol that continual dropping in my throat, and stuffed-up feeltag. It bas also helped my mother, who has taken it for run down state of health and kidney trouble." Mrs. S. D. Heath, Putnam, Cfc 1 Hood's Sarsaparilla BoldbyalldrugRists. Ll;slxforgs. Prcparcdonly kj C.I. HOOD &. CO., Apothecarle, Lowell, Maai. ' OO Doses One Dollar Dümplirvgj witK PowJer No dessert is more delicious, wholesome and appetizing than a well-made dumpling, filled with the fruit of the season. By the use of the Royal Baking Powder the crust is always rendered light, flaky, tender and digestible. Dumplings made with it, baked or boiled, will be dainty and wholesome, and may be eaten steaming hot with perfect impunity. Receipt. - One quart of flour : thoroucbly mix with it thrce teaspoons of Royal Paking Powdcr and a small ; teaspoon of salt ; rub in a picce of butter or lard the i size of an ecg, and then ad J one large potato, grated in the fleur; alter the butter is well mixed, stir in mille and knead to the consistency of soft biscuit dough ; break off pieces of dough Inrge enouch to close over four quarters of an applc (or other fruit as desired) without rolling, and lay in an earthen dish (or stcamer) and steam until the fruit is tender. Bake if preferred. yin all receipls calling for cream of tartar and soda, substitute Royal Baking Powder. Less trouble, never fails, makes more appetizing anH wholesome food anr' is more economical. Royal Baking Powder is specially made for use in the preparation of the finost ■nd most delicate cookery. '
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