For Less Than $3,000
"lía man had plenty of money there would e little trouble in building a good house." This isa statement which sounds as though t were true. It is not. ïhe one who builds the more exper.sive house labors under more difficulties than the one who has ouly a moderate sum of tuoney to invest. In the plan here giren we have, as far as it goes, everything that could be wanted in a home. There is the front porch and the four down stairs rooms. In a vestibule where one may deposit wraps, umbrella, overshoes, it makes the hall so named a room; the wraps, etc, are not in it. The china closet and kitchen are a9 complete in a labor saving way as could be expected in the most expensive house. In truth, anything added would tend to labor maKing rather than labor saving. There are doublé sliding doors conneeting the kitchen and dining room. The arrangement of tables, sinks and drain board along the kitchen wall makes a complete arrangement for washing, draining and wiping the dishes. The washing process begins at one end and ends at the other next the china closet. The table and sink are convenient to the stove. There can be a grate in the dining room, reception hall and parlor, if so desired. In this instance only one is shown. There is a front and a rear stairway. The servant's room is detaehed from the front part of the hou se. There are three other bedrooms and the bathroom. There could be two more in the attic if it were desired. They would be as large and as square as the others. A bathroom properly fitted up sa ves more work than any other arrangement about a house. The necessity for carrying water up stairs and slops down is entirely done away with. The convenience of having hot and cold water near at hand, aside from the other conveniences, which the plumbing apparatus of the bathroom and kitchen afford, are hardly to be estimated from a housekeeping standpoint. An excess of plumbing fixtures distributed all over a house, however, makes rather than saves work. It is a nice thing to have a washstand down stairs. In this plan it might be arranged under the stairway in front, and shut out from the room by a door. There are many variations on this same arrangement which, according to individual taste, may bring about results more or less satisfactory. The rooms may be made larger, the length of the dining room may extend in another direction, and, if sufficiently long, may make room above for a bathroom at one end and a bedroom at the other, and in this way give five bedrooms on the second floor. This house has been built where the stairway started up a little farther towards the rear of the reception hall, and in that way gave a view to the front. To those interested, however, all these changes will suggest themselves. As capital becomes more abundant the means for its profitable investraent develops gre.iter ingenuity. This has led to the deveü jpment of many schemes by which houses may be purchased on monthly or weekly payment plans, and at a cost little in excess of rent. At this tirae any one who lives in a town of moderate size, where money may be invested with ordinary safety, the payment of rent must be a matter of choice or ignorance rather than necessity. Building assoclations aro mueh more liberal in plan than they were a year or so ago, and correspondngly more popular. From the fact that there is no fiist class securities which will pay the same large, legitímate returnsas building ossociatious, this plan of sale of property ia being largely adopted by capitalista and business men all over the country. The schtxlule herewith attached indicates the cost of this house in a detailed way: Building, first floor finish hard wood, second floor fluisli pine 82,000 Privy vaults 80 Cisterns, connectioas and pump 60 Walks 40 IllumiDating gas pipe 85 Plumbing, cellar sink, kitchen Bink, bath tub, water cluset, wash stand, stationary Street washer, city water 23S Gas tatures SO Mantels and grate3 800 Purnaee 800 Total $2,820
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