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One may be as harroV'ss fg un oíd mul, hu' one does not like it thrown in one's face. C-therine Lw8 fainted one nifjht in "O'ivette," but it did-i't cause a rippln in the ply. "Twao only a cnnph, and they had a bott'e rf Dr. Bull's Congh Syrup on hand, of cour se. WiHinm 0'Bripn, thp Tri-h leader, soent his lime in prison in wntiu? novel which he callg 'When We VW B-v=." WHY WILL YOU coujjh when Shiloh's Cure will pive imnWiat relief Price 10 cts. 50 cts., and $1. Sold by Eberbach & S-n. Anñr-w Line hts a mot marve'oug power of mental concentration in 'lis work nnd writes in his dning room nnHia'nrbed by the familv nv"er-Mw ar-nr.d him. ir Yon ifcli To enjoy gooi healih, and prevent the peed of diRe'Sf from ripnin(f in yonr sy-tem, you ►honld use the be-t mfdicire in the world. S'ilphur Bife", which will nrevent your svstefn from bi-ing run down bv makinij it strong and vigorous. - Rev. W. R. Snow. O'ean tifies as well es wa'erfalls are to be br .ught into use for eléctrica! purposes. SHILOH S CURE will irnmediately relieve Croup, Whonping Coucrh and Bronchitis. Sold bv Ehprbch & Sm. An e'eetrio drill gieatly facilited the cutting of the steel bolt-headin the Boston's plankine. A! ufilic f.rii. R. A. HymHt), a trnvtln dqhu of Gra-id R p d. Hys: Atier of sufferini? w h a very etubhorn cm-e of E lema, or evt-r sore on my les?, ai d con-ulm g Mi'1 t ki' g treatment from seo e r moi phy-i':iar8 all ver 'he country, D Ltm oreux, iv Likr Vew, Mi;h., tld me uf L o-e's Ex'raot Red 01 ve -. I ■ nly use') to p uiids oí so id fxuact a d aki"? four bott!es (.f flu d exiraut initru II v, m eniirfly well. Ii watheoil. f h i ■ ■ tr ihat ihe 8"re yifldfd ti nci I hd lñd v--'y and aiiyttinjjihat had teen r commei d il to me. Dr. Lemon-ux eonsidorw it 'n of the veiy best remedit-s as a blood purifier in t-xiteixe. T..J. M. LooxeRel CIov-t Co., D-tmit, Micb. Fr s 1 bv Eb-bn h & Sjn. An eleolric battery lor 'irine t into hard ore has bepn intr du ed Ic can fire mixteen shotg fiinuline(.usly. I suffered ith im lu uiy side and ba(k for fmr eek, the pain bsivg so ge Vi re as to kfep m in h. d, in a e to move. I trii-d Silvation Oil and i' compleiely curd me aud am now ell and tren L-om uil piin. Ch. R 'bert Ladlith, 52 D.jrgt Alies Blto.. Mt A company is abuui. beu g lormed in tor ipt-rlinr a -s i-ui ot telographing to and (rom moving traiui. Kew A bout loan. It is a cunen) report ahout town tha' Kemp's Bnlsnm for ihe Throat and Lung" a making gome remarkHblo cure with peopl who re troubld with coughM, S'ire Throat, Agthaia, Bronchitig and c n►umptiiin. Any druguiat will give you a tnal ho'tle free of Cost. Ic i guaraníed 'o relieve and cure. The large boitles 50,: a".i $1. 1890. Harper's Weekly. II.M'NI'KtTED. Harper's Weekly has a we.1! entablliihed pUce the ie.mll ' K i lu-tri ■ I nepiiper 'n vmerlc'H I ti.' li.iriie.snuf editorial oiiumeuU onrnr ii -lli n h enriiBl for It ibe re peet and enfi deiioeof all impurlUl reaV r, nd the vari, ty am1 ex' llenue of Iw literary contenta whirh iulude neriHl nd hort htone ty the et.t aud motit poniiU wn en. fít It for the i-rn-ai ot peo pie o f the wldeBtrmnise ol tastes mi puru w. The Week I v ïpplement aren reina kaiile va riety. ínterest ani) va ae No expense is d lo tuint the h gh t or er of arilsüc billiy U bear upon 116 ilíiixtratiou of chinxeful phafu-a ol hoinennd forei(tn h Blory. A Mrxicun tonaure, frorn th pe ot Thoma A. Jauvler, will appear Weekly in 1890. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Pr Yar. HAKPER'8 WEEKLY - 00 HARPER'S MAUAZINE ■ 0n HARCE 8 BAZAR -. 00 HAHPEK'tí YoUNG PEOPLE. _ Ï 00 Pottnge Free to all mbtcribers in the Uaittd Utate, Canada or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weiklyb-gin with the flrel number foi Januarj' of e-ch yer. V heu no tlin. ismetitioned.mbf.i;riptl' n will begin wilh tbe Number ciir ent t iine ot retwiplof otde'. Bound Volume of llar.'s Weekly for three bock in nem cloth bi' ding wi 1 be n-m hy innll, imx-Ukb paul. or by exi re.. Ireeol expense (proitited the frelülit 'loe not exceed oue dollar lr vo urne), lor U0 per volume Cloih : feRforeach volume, ,-uitable for bindInï will be sei t by mail, po-pald on rei tipt i.f tl OOi-aeh. KemHiance" shonld be made by Post-omce Muney Oneror Drali, to avoid chance of loss. Newsjaper are uut to copv 'hl advertisement without the exprmotde of Harp r & Brothers Address HAKPER A BR0THKKB. New York.


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