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(I A TTfflTflUT Tafce no tnoei nnleij rAII I IIIIM W.L. Innla'namBnl UuU t LJVt price ar rtamped on the bottom. If the dealer cannot lupplj Tou. iend direct to factory, encloslng advertUea W. L. DÓUCLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf. Heavy Iaced (rain and Creedmour Waterproof. , . , Best In the world. Kxamlm hli 5.00 GENUINE HASn-REJVED SHOi. 84.00 HAND-SSWED EI .T fcH OB. 3.5O PÓLICE AM) FARMÍ.B8' SHOI. 3.50 KXTUA VALUE CAI. SHOK. 2.25 & 2 WOKKINGMEN'S SHOE8. 2.00 and 1.75 BOYS' SCHOOL BHOE8. AU made in Congress, Button nd Lace. $3&$2SHOESlafd.I3. 1.75 SHOE FOB MI8SES. ent Material. Bet Style. Bet Flttln. W. L. Dougla. Brockton, Utu. Sold by Kxiiuiliif w. I.. iuiirls 82 oo shoe lo Kentleme mul lndlox. WM. REINHARDT & CO., 43 S. )IA1 STREET, A n ii Arbor. The only known tpedflc for Kplleptic Flts.-a ■a-Also for Spasms and FaUing Sickncss.-W Nerrons WcakneBS qulckly rclieTed and cnred. Dqnalled by none in delirlnm of fever.- Í9-Nentrallzes genns ot disease and sickneBS. CnreB ngly Wotches and etnbbom blood sores. Cleanses blood, qnlckens elnggish ciiculaüon. Elimlnates BoIlB, CarbnncleB and Scalds.- 3-Permanently and promptly cures patalysle. ' Xes.Itisacharmingandliealthful Apenent. KUIb Scrofnla and Kings Evll, twin brothera. Changea bad breath to good, temoying canse. r-Koats büiousness and clears complexión. Charming resolvent and matchleea laxativo." It driveB Siclc Headache like the wind.-O t3T"Contalns no drastlo cathartic or opiatcs. Promptly cores Kheumatism by ronting it.-e Restores life-giving properties to the blood.-ïi Is gnaranteed to cure all nerrons dlsorders.-S f3?"Eeliable when all op lates fail."S3li Refreshesthemindandlnvigoratesthebodj. Cures dyspepsia or money refundcd.-e ry-Endoreed in writing by over fi (ly thousand Leading physlcians in ü. S. and Earopez-jS Ieadlng clergymen ia U. S. and Enrope.- Diseases of the blood own it a conqneror.-S For sale by all leading druggists. fl.60.-W The DE. S. A, BICHMOND SEBÏINB C0„ St. Joseph, Mo. # CoiTespondence freely answered by Physlcians, v "or testimoniáis and circulara send ütamp. HUMPHREYS' VETERINABY SPECIFICS For Eorses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND FOULTRY. 500 Page Book on Trentment of Animal " " and Chart Sent Free. CURES Fevern. ConBPftlons, Inflammntlon A.A. ' Spiiial Meningitis Milk Kever. II. B. - i ruin. Lantenes, Rheumatism C.C.--nitemper, Nasal Disrharsea. D.D.-Botsor Gruba, Worms. E.K. - i'ouiflm, Hen ves. Pneumonía. F.F.-Coltcor Gripent Bellyache. G.G.- Minrarriaore, Hemorrhnges. H.H.lIrinary and Kldney Diseaaea. I. l.--Kruplive Iliwnw. Manie. J.K.- Dtseasee of Diseatlon. Stable Case, wlth Speciflcs. Manual, Wltch Ha-1 OU and Medlcator, '?{{ Prlce, Single Bottle (over 60 doses), ■ Sold by DnwïUt; or Sent Prepaid anrwher and in any quantity on Receipt oi Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., H. Y. ■JLÍ HUMPHEETS' P. HoatEOPAiHic nn ËjSPEGIFIC No. JÜ SSS. The only accemful remedy tat Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, Sold bï bBUQ(il8T8. orsent PotP'd on fMJipt oí R. STREETER & CO. CRAIN DEALERS Wheeler Building, 6 Sherman St, CHICAGO. ILL. We make loweat prirea for all kinds of sratn, Bhippin direct f rom western stations to all points. Sena for quota tiona Are succeKsfully u nijntlily by over ÏO.IWI ■ ITWvLadles. Are Safe, Wtrt&ü and PUasaut f i H f per box by malt, or at drugglsu. Sealed PurH# V'lïiular 2 pota9 stampa. Address ■P THK KlJKKKA CHÏMICAL COMPNY, TfjTlEher Black. 131 Woodward ave, Detroit, Mlch. 111ÍP I The largest, fastest and flnest in the world JpañseDr accommodations unexcelled. New Vi rk to insu vin l.oiuloiiderry. Fnrnodftln. neo. 4. Olrcnssin. lec. 7, Ethlopln, Dec. 14. Anchor, liec. 21. New Vork to Aznaes, Uibrlter and Ituly. Axsy ria. ee. 18. Victoria, Jan. 4. Suloon. Pecond-CI nd Steerafo ratison lorst teriits Etpiirsu-n Tickets redoced. made available to return by either the Picturesque C'lyde and North of Ireland. or Kiver Mersey aud South oL Ireland, or Naples and Gibraltar. . _ r..vurlon to Paris or Continental Tour on lowest terina. Travelers' Circular Lettei-s of Credit and Drafta for any aniount at lowestcurrent ratos. Apply to any of our local aírente, or to HENDERSON BROTHERS. Chicago, III. Why Should I Go to Montana ? dreat R nervation. Because 18.000,000 acres of free Government land. wittï a delightfal climate, and equally suited for general farming and stock raising, have just been opened to the homesceker. in the Milk River Valley and near Beatón and GreatKalls. Mi.t'k HuiMinsr. Because the favorable dimate and superior grasses of Montana inake it the natural home of horses, cattle, sneep and other domestic animáis; and because winter teeding is not lequired, as stock grazes at large the year round. Veiieral Farming:. Because a richsotl and abundan t summer rains produce wheat, oats, rye( barley and the grasses and vegetables of a quality size and yield unsurpassed. Mining. Because Montana produces more of the precious metáis than any other state or U nH)ry, and abundant opportunities remain 10 secura valuable properties at nominal cost. Iimiiitf ration. Because the Great ƒ Reserva tíon is the meeting point of settlers rom the Pacific Coast and from the Eastern itates, and Ís the only extensive tract of good land left suitable for settlement. BiiNineNS. Because the rapïdly growing towns along the St. P;iul. Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry, offer splendid opportunities to en gage in business. .Ylitii 11 Indurar. Because the 1.000,000 horsepower waterpower at Great Falls, the extensive coal veins the wool, mineral and grain raising resources ot Montana offer exceptional opportunities to the manufacturer. TnrlMt. Because the canon of the Gates of the Mountains. the Great Falls of the Missouri, the Giant Fountain and Continental Divide offer the most sublime and diversified scenery to be fouad oa the Continent. Take a summer tour. Why Travel by Uie St. P.. M. M.f Because only by it can you travel through the largest body of free land leftfor settlement. Hecause it reaches the Great Falls, with the larest waterpower on the Continent. Because it reaches Helena, the richest city of its size in theworld; nd because it is the shortest and best route to Hurte, the largest miningcamp on earth. Special tour sts and landseekers rates. Daily trains through solid to Montana. Choice of three routes to the Pacific Coast. Find out all about itby writing for ''The Great Keservation," and "Tourists Summer Guide." For further information, rates, maps, etc, apply to F. I. WHITNEY G. P. & T. A. . St. I Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry., St. Paul, Minn. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS! The Urrat I uli-li Irecrltln will restore that lost Vitality aud a Rued, Healthy Conditiou follow its use. Buy at your drufïK's, one packLee,81 ; six t'or tö. EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich, sniil by min noORE. pi,... TT+1 I WITHOUT ANY EXCEPOÜ66L lile Lal ' TION the best in the imm world. Absolutely rain a,a_a._M_ __m storm and tire proof. EasSH TAIItT.KS Hy applied. ArtlMic is ijIlliNwij&W flnisbandat prices that, in many parts of the country, compete suecessfully with wood shinglea. IllUï.trati;d catalogu and prices free. The National Sheet líetil Rooñ&g Co., 5KI Kast sotb sr-, ■ York City. CToo3'3 Cottoaa. EOOt 7figji COMPOUND ËWT'-romDosed of Cotton Boot, Tansr nd %1PO l'enniroyal- a reoent disoovery Dy an XX P'niri physician. Ia miccesaftiUu uted tnontnlu- Safe, Etfectual. Price $1, by mail iealed. Ladies, aak your druegist for Oook'i Cotton Boot Compound aDd take no substituía, or Inolose 2 stamp for sealed partioular. A4 dreS POND LlfcY COMPANY, No. 3 FUlWI Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, MloQ. Sold in Ann Arbor by all drugglst. Well Drilling Machinery SOLD ON TRIAL. No Cash Payment- or ettlcmeiit of any [ kind- until after a ËJi SATISFACTORY TEST. Bi Machinery and Toóla W I Guaranteed to make Wells tl and at the r&te of 3 ft. to every 2 ft. Ij I by any other machine, or no sale, gijl f THE BE ST tB lwy a I SI I THE CHEAPEST. I I I y" for Catalogue. fcáfSj Empire Well AuguCo., i;hacaj W


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