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Michigan State News

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During the seascn just closed the thirty saw and shingle milis at Muskogon cut: Lumber, 491,860,39( feet; shingles, 854,703,2); lath, 105,TÖ7,30Q. There remains on the doek for carg1. shipment 145,0(5(1,070 feet of lumbor, 45,929,500 shingles and 11,875,885 lath. The Wholesale yards carry 75,000,000 ïeet of lumbor in addition to the above for the car trade. The season has been exoeptionably favorable for manufaofr. lumber, and the 15 or 20 per cent. falling off f rom lastyear's cut is because there havo been two or threo milis lesa running, and for the further reason that lumbermen have adopted a conservativo policy. A TRIPLE TRAGEDY. WUllain H. Major Kills Hts Wife, Dimghter and Grunddaughter. A triple tragedy occurred tho other night ncar Mount Vernon, Macomb County. The murderer, William H. Major, was a well-to-do farmer, and through domestic troubles is supposed to have become insane. He killed his daughter, Mrs. Depew, by beaming out her brains with an axe. He then murdered a young child of the latter, and next shot his wife, who can not recover. He then went to the corn-crib and hanged himself. He and his wife had twice separated, and it was said lived unhappily together. iic:iith in Michigan. Eeports to the State Board of nealth by forty-seven obs'ervers in different parts of the State for the week ended December 28 indicated that diarrhea and erysipelas increased, and inflammation of the brain, remittent fever, smallpox, typhoid fever, inflammation of the bowels and scarlet fever decreased in area of prevalence. Diphtheria was reported at thirty places, scarlet fever at twenty-eight, typhoid fever at nineteen, measles at eleven and small-pox at Muskegon. Knlghts of the Grip. The first annual convention of the "Michigan Knights of the Grip" was held in Lansing recently, attended by about two hundred members. The reports from the various committees showed the affairs of the order to be in excellent shape. The following offleers were elected for the ensuing year: President, L. M. Mills, of Grand Rapids; Seoretary, John J. Bush, of Lansing; Treasurer, George C. Cooper, of Lansing. Teachers of Michigan. The State Teachers' Association at their session in Lansingrecently elected the following officers: President, J. st. Plowman, of White Pigeon; Secretary, D. A. Hammond, of Charlotte; Treasurer, W. II. Cheever, of Three Rivera. Eesolutions were adopted favoring the township system in the management of country schools. Fatal ISuiler Explosión. A.t an early hour the other mornin the boiler in Nefl Brothers' mili, seven miles east of lidmore, blew up, killing Foreman F. Stedman, seriously injurig Engineer John Welen and Charles Saunders, and slig-htly injuring Charles Bowen, all married men. Lovt water caused the explosión. Short but Tieway Item-. Ironwood is to have a now 830,000 hotel next season, $18,000 of it being already subscribed. Wild, weird gbost stories are in circulation concerning the things seen and heard in the house at Matehwood where the murders occurred not long ago. John Palmer, of Union City, claims to be the originator of the baggage checking system. The Economy Shoe House at Bay City was closed recently on an attachmcnt issued at the instanco of Ueorge P. Gora & Co., of Chicago, on a claim of 81,600. Marshal ülode, of Republic, has been iriven the 93,000 for the capture of Black Bart by the Wisconsin Central and South Shore railroads. A branch of tho American League was organized recently at Detroit. Another dynamite bomb was found the other afternoon insido the prison yard at Jackson, where it had probably been secreted to be used at the first favorable opportunity. Charles H. Hackley made the city ol Muskejron a Christmas gift of $15,000 for a soldiers' monument. The round-house of the Chicago & West Michigan road at New Búllalo, with three locomotives, was burned the other night. The loss is estimated at 825,000. John Kennedy was instantly killed Dy a ïalling troe noar Ludington tha .other day. líe leaves a wifo and child. Governor Luoe ha3 appointod Asa A. Parker, of Ontonagon, to be judge oí probate for Ontonagon County to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hon. Theobald Dreiss. ' 'John A. Taylor and a man named Miller attempted rocently to foro an entrance into the house oí John Koach at Northvillo, when Mrs. Roach seizei apigtol and fired at tho intruders, kili ing Taylor instantly. Shelby is troublod with horse poisoners and threats of lynohing are made 4{nst the poisoners should they be dlscovered. Messrs. Selling Brothers & Sinn, retail clothiers in Detroit, recently filed chattel jnortgages f or $2S, 000 to protect creditors. Ami Woods, aged ton years, was drowned while skating on a pond at West Branch the other day. Miohael Grimes, son of old Grimes, finished a remarkable journey at Bay City the other day. He is only twelve years of age, but he traveled all the way from Jroland alftne on money sent him by his father. Dr. Holcomb, of Jackson County, has two valuable English mastiff dogs, but ■when they went out the other day and killed forty-two of his neighbor Conklin's fine sheep the doctor thought 1 was time for those dogs to attend their wn funeral.


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