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il A TTIHTflUT Tk1 ihoei unies wx pnce ar Mamped on the bottoni. lf the dealer cannut eupply you, M'iiil direct to factory, encloBing advtjrUied price. ii n, W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOC GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf, Heavy Laced Grain and Creedmoor Vaterproof. Bedt in the world. Kxamlne lila GENUINE HAND-8EWED SITOE. S4.00 BAXD-8EWED WELT SHOK. 3.50 PÓLICE AND FARMERS' SHOE. 82.S EXTRA AAI. UK CALF SHOK. S3.25 & 83 WOBKINGMEN'8 SHOKS. 4.00 and 81.75 BOTS' SCHOOI. SHOE8. AH Diale ia Congress, Button and Lace. $3&$2SHOESlafds. 81.75 SHOE FOR MISSES. Brut Material. Best Stylo. Belt Flttlnf. W. L. Dougla, Brockton, Mui. Sold by t. Uil. III. I. Mll.l lHt-N. WM. REINHARDT& CO., 12 S. HA1N STREET, A nu Arbor. HUMPHREYS' DB. Humphreys' Specifics aru scicntlllcally and carefully prepared preticrlptions ; used formanv year In private practloewithsuci-esM. and furover thlrty years iweu by the people. Every Hiñóle Specinc la a special cure for the dlsease tmnicd. These Specifica cure without drugKlng, purging or reduclng the system. and are in fact aud deed theaovereign remedies of the World. LIST OP PRINCIPAL NOS. CURES. PR1CFS 1 Fe vers Congestión, iuflammatlon. .. .J3 'i Worms, Worm Feyor, Worm Collc . . .'ia 3 t'ryinar Colic, orTcethingof Infanta ,-i."i 4 lliarrhi'fi, of Children or Adulto '.5 3 üysentery, Orliilng Uilious Collc Ü5 Cholera jlorbus, Vomitlng 5 7 í.'ouiíhB, Cold, BruiiL'hltls 88 H Neuralgia, Toothache, Kaceache ... ,r5 9 Ilt-adm-hfN. SickHeadache, Vértigo .'S 10 Ifyspepsia, Blllous Ktomach ,Ü5 11 fuppresüedur Painful l'eriods. .98 l't Wliiten, too Prof use Perlod Ü5 13 C'roup, Cough, DlBlcultBreatliing... .af 1-4 Salt IMicuin. Eryslpelas. Kruptlona. íí, 15 KheuinatiMin, Kheumatlc Pains '5 1 Feverand Aiur. chilla, Halaré 50 17 PilcN, Hllnil or Blcoclng 50 1 Ollarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .50 Ut) Whoopinu: ('oiikIi, Violent Oonghs. .50 4 (general Itchiiit y , l'liyhit-al Wcakiu'ss .50 U7 Kidni'y ])i(caNl' 50 '28 Rerrau Oebility 1.00 30 Irinary Wrnkiies, WettingBed. .50 3'J ItiariiDCHul Uii-llcurt. l'.iliitall. n 1 .00 Sold by Druggists, or Bentpostpaid on receipt of price. Dr. Humphreys' Manual, (144 pages) rlchiy bound in cloth and gold, malled free. Humphrey'MedicineC'n.IlFuItonSt. N Y. SPECIFICS. CNlElBVlEÏÖ5iiQlUlElBOlB) The only inown spertjla for Epileptic FHs.-h1 H-Also for Spasms and l'alling Sicknrsa.-ï Nervona Weakneas qnlckly reüeved and cured. JJqnallcd by none ia delirium of fever."S jlS-Neutraüzes genus of discase and eickness. Cnres ugly blotches and stnbborn blood sores. Cleanscs blood, qnickens sluggish circulation. Elimlnatea Bolla, C'arbunclcg and Scaiil8."S ayPennanently andpromptly cures paralysie. Yes, lt is a charming and heultliful Aperient. KUls Scrofnla and Kings Evil, twin brothera. Chancea bad breath to good, removing cause. rWIíouts büionsness and clears complexion. Charming rcsolvent and matchless laxative.St It drives Sick Beadache like the wind.S9 t3"Contain3 no drastio cathartic or opiaten. Promptly cures Rhcniaatism by routing it.-e Restores life-giving propertics to the u Is guaranteed to euro all ncnoafl disorders. ( srlicliablo when all opiatos fail.-%S Kefreshes the mind and inrigorates the bod}. Cures dyspepsiaormoney refnndcd.t tEndorsed in writing by over fifty thousand Lcading physicians in U. 3. and Europeo Lcading clcrgymcn ia U. 6. and Europe.S3 Diseases of the blood own it a conqneror.f For sale by all leadlng drnggists. $1.6a-$ Ihe ÍB. S. A. BICHMÖSD SERVIXE C0„ St. Joseph, Ho. Corrcspondence f reely answered by PhyslclanSp v Fox testimonttls and circulara send stauip. Prof. Loisette's MEMORY OISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD In spite of adtilteratcd imitations whicta miss tb theury, and practical resulta of the Original, Ín apite of the groasest misreprsentation8 by envious woald-bo cumpi titore, and in spithof "baseattempts torob"him of the fruit of bis labore, (all of which demónstrate th undoubted superiority and popularity of hie teaching). Prof. Loiiiettö's Art of Never ForKettinpr ie recoftnUed to-day in both HemiBptwres as markïnff an Kpoch in Memory Culture. Hi ProBpectus(8entpo8tfree)iTe opinions of poople in all parts of the globe who have actually studied his System b oorrespondence, Bhuwing that his System is used only white being studied, not aftertoaraH; tht any book can be learned in a nnQle reading, m ind-vwutering cured, Jte. 'or ProBpectua, Törmtiand Testimoniáis addres Prof. A. LO1SETTE, 237 Fifth Avenue, N, Y r. streeterTco7 CRAIIM DEALERS Wheeler Building, 6 S herman St, CHICAGO. ILL. We iuake lowest prlces for all kinds of grsln, hluplniillrect from western stations to all puin;-., seud for (juututiuns.


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