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It Is I uulish To send for th doctor every time you don't feel jast right My doctor'u bill for yenrs was over one hundred dollar nyear, which made a pretty big hole in my wapes.' For the past two years, I only spent ten dollars, with which I bought a dozen bott-ls of Sulphur Bitters, snd heal h ias been in my family since using them. Robert Johnson, Machi nis'. Advice to Hothers. Mrs. Wicslow'g Soothing Syrup hould always be nsed for children teethint?. It soothes the child, softens the jjums, allayg all pain, cure wind eolio, aDd is the best remedy lor diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents bottle. íCí I ■■L WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERY AND SILVERWARE Special attention to Watcfa repairing. L. T. LIMPERT, Watch-Maker aml Jeweler, Hangsterfer Block. Linseed Oil Meal Best Stook Food Known. For Sale at Rogers' Agrioultujal i Warehouse. ANN ARBOR'S NEWENTERPRISE It rtflillLilll }ift CO., Located on the corner of South Main and Madieon Streets, manufacture only the best grades of Fíüe Laundry and Toilet Soaps. Our manager having bad many years of practical eiperlence in this line and uslng onlythe purest stock, we can assurethe public thatour KOodswillbe second to none foundon the marJuna We Ask ïou to Patronize Home kdïstry í?ad Sme 0Ur brands now rea3y lor the "GOLD BLOCK" wrrinleHd.in5 rand of re8ular Lauudry and is warranted to be m every respect secoud to none "SIL.VEB BLOCIi" washingflne clothes, also fof general kiufhen and "HAPPÏ FAMUT' aKSpf" brandS and ls in cr war "Otl (i:itj V mo'uVnf LthH íhing for, those wiahing a larga amount of goods lor asmall sum, while our "SCOUR BRIGHT" Isabsolutely indispensable if you wish all the audtofghí611611 8nd housekept generally eleïn Malden 'g Binan, Cioldea Rod, siil,.i,-s own, Pare Cocoa oil. Pure Fine Tar, Uon,, , Fine Castlle, Etc. Are some of our many brands of Toilet Soaps, aAnd0dornheÍ?ihc5!0eckmade frm the be" All of our brands stamped plalnly PEsrisrsptAR soap co., Aim Arbor, Ml.-h. nothavur(ndeSÍet fr OurSoaPndif he does "%hsrtLinyoraïe Ziï &%L " Peninsular Soap Co., ANW ARBOR, Midi. TTENTION. No. 13 Ann st., is the place lor Good Bargains! IN TEA, COFFEE, ItlKOSlM' nu pails, ituoons kunhen' tovs A NI ÍJOTIO1ÍS ' OOBN MARKfS IMIWS TO THELOwïw nul LAME SIOCK.KEWOOTM. p1. L. M. BENNETT. LumplSaït iL A2i.d '? any lntityat


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