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A german will be given at the Alpha Dele houge to-morrow evening. Prof. Winchell has been elected president of the American Greological Society. A party will be given at Nickels' hall, Friday evening, by the White Clover Dancing Club. The Phi Kappa Psi fratemity will entertain their friends at an informal party to-morrow evening. The Michigan TJniversity Glee and .Banjo Clubs give a concert in the rink at Dexter, Saturday, Feb. 8th. The Glee club will give a concert at Dexter; Peb. 8. On March 14 and 15 they will ging at Bay City and East Saginaw. The TTniversity Glee Club is one of the attractions of the Star Lecture Course of Dundee, and will give a concert there Feb. 28. The junior hop invitations and programmes have been ordered, and are to eurpass all previous efforts in artistic work and design. The seniora did notturn out in sufficient numbers to hold a class meeting Saturday morning. Another attempt will be made two weeks from tbat date. The members of the Latin classes contémplate purchasing a picture of Dr. Frieze to hang in room E, as a companion picture to that of Prof. Jones. Miss Cornelia Steketee was married on New Year's eve., to Dr. Henry Hulst of Grand Rapids. Dr. Hulst was a gradúate of the medical department in 1888. - Argonaut. Evangelist Moody had an opportunity to see how the (raternity boy live, as he dined at the Alpha Delta house while here last week. He enjoyed it hugely and wi a very entertaicing guest for the boys. Ex-Prof. Henneqnin i to de'iver his lecture on ''The Siege ot Paris, " before uie Unitiirian Sciiety of Kalamazxi, in tb.9 uear future. Profs. Cooley, Dennis n and J. B. Daris read papers before the Michigan Engineering Sjciety which is ia session at Detroit tliis week. The eophmnres who are to produce the Latin play, "Tne Meneeohioi of Plautus," i i Uoiversi'y nall, during the spring vacation, are hard at work ttudying their part?. The meptiug of the Engineering Society last Fnday evening, which was devoted to papera on the "St. Louis Merchants' Bridge, " was the most interesting and instructive meeting of the year. The first semester clu-es Fab. 14. The junior hop commit'ee were wise in settling upon this date for the hop, as a week is thus given to the psrticipants for rest b3fore beginning their labors again. Amone the a'umni of the law department who nre practicing at Denver, Col., are the following: Martin Morris and Cha. S. Thomas, '71 ; G. C. Bartels and J. H. Blood, '79; L. F. BiTtth, '82; G. C. Manly, '87. It h probable that the U. of M. will not enter the intercollegiate rugby league as proposed, for financial reaOGS, Minneapol s and Ann Arbor being; tjo far nart. A league may be organizad by the U. of M. and the other institutions. The University Republican Club will meet in the luw lecture room to morrow evening, to elect officers for the ensuing year. Arrangements will also be made for attending the annual bat qjet of the Michigan Club at Detroit. A sóbeme is on foot to secare the old mechanical laboratory for a training room and gymnasium for the baseball and fo uball teams A good idea and one that the authorities should adopt without hesitation. It would be a start tovrards a "gym. " at last. A. L. Murray '93, died at Ciioago, Ili , Siturday, of the grip, whioh developed I to pneumonía, lie was taken with the diease while at 4iome fpending nis vaoation. He was '20 yar of aa;e and was a member of the Psi Upsilon fraternity, the local chapter beiug represented at tbe funeral, which was held at R;verside on Monday, by 0. T. Alexander and Cari IVeedman. The programme of Alpha Nu, next Safurday evening, will consist of a four hand debate on the question : "Resolved, that prohibition is practicable and advisable in the United States at the present lime." S. a. Jenks and W. H. Nichols will take the affirmative, and J. Lowenhaupt and W. E. Healy the negativo. A general discussion will folio w. Miss Lilly Volland will furnifh the music. The junior laws met again Saturday afternoon and succeeded eleciing a president, Fred A. Henry of Ohio. The struggle hag been a hard one and t took 21 balIota beíore a choice was made. Seeing that they had no chance ol eleoiing their man, the Michigan men bolted in the hope that it woulj leave the meeting without a a quorum, ffhe effort was not a success however, as 142 members were êtill Uit, and 136 coi.stitutes a quorum, The sophmore hop was givea last Fiiday evening at Nickels' hall and the c'.ass of '92 may well be proud oí the event. About 30 couples attended ard enjoyed the dance. A german, led by C. T. Alexander, occupied the latter part of the eveninp. The chaperones were Mrs. dePont, Mrs. Warden, lírs. Leas and Mrs. Souie. The hall was tastily decorated with the college colors anJ the rnonograms of tbe various fraterniiies. Through the generosity of various persons interested in tho subject, the American Economie Aefoaiation has placed a neat sum of money in reach of some ambitious student of eonomic science. The association offers two prizes, the first of $300, the fecond of $200 for the best essay on '' Woman wage earners. " The essays must not eyceed 25,000 words in lengte, and must be 8ent to Richard T. Ely, tbo secretary of the association of Baltimore, Md., before Nov. 1, 1890. Everyone is eligibld to competition and word has recemly been received at the University inviting its etudents to become contestants for the honor and the boodle.


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