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Michigan State News

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At the recent session in Lansing of the State Agricultural Society James M. Turner, of Lansing, was elected president for the ensuins? yoar. Secretary Sterling reported thathe had issued during the past year 230 business orders amounting to $28,250.91. The premium checks paid amounted to 810,426. The business committee reported thatinpaytnent of the new buildirtgs they had glvpn the society 's notes for $14,050, payable in one year. The executive committee flxed the date of the exhibition for this year on September 8, continuing five days. Twenty-üve hundred dollars was apportioned for speed premiums, and the managers of the Northeastern and the West Michigan Fair associations will be conferred with, with a view of having a grand trotting circuit arranged. The wool premiums were raisod to 810, S5 and $3 for first, second and third; leather, S10 and $5 for flrst and second. The American Short Horn lireeders' Associatión offer $235 in premiums for dairy annual prizes. The secretary's salary wasfixed at S1.000 and the turnstile system adopted for tho gates. Health in BUohlffan. Reports to tho State Board of Health by fifty observers in different parts of the State for the week ended on the llth indieated that measles, typhoid íever, pneumonía and dysentery increased, and that remittent fever, membranous croup, puerperal fever, typho-malarial fever, cholera tnorbus and cholera infantum decreased in área of prevalence. Diphtheria was reportedat thirty places! scarlet fever at forty-one, typhoid fever at twenty-two and measles at eifrht places. A Terrible Mistake. A terrible mistake was made in the family of Merill Griffln, at Dearborn, Wayne County, the other night The family all had the influenza, and took Btrychntne instead of quinine. Mr. Griffin, his wife, a daughter aged 13 and a son aged 9 were the victims. The daughter died and there was no hope or Mr. Griffin. Mrs. Griffln and the son had a bare chance to pull througn. Short bat Netrsy Itemv Theodore F. Shepard, of Bay City, has been appointed district attorney for the Eastern district of Michigan. Saw-miü hands throughout Michigan are now receiving SI. 25 to 83 a day. The Cheshire iron mine has been sold to a syndicato of Marquette capitalists fbr 840,000. A largo proportion of the five hundred Reform School boys at Lanslnjr were recently ill with the grip. Jefferson l'ierce died at his daughter's residence, near Gregory, the other morninsr, aged ninety-one years. Pive hundrod and flfty-six Teterans are at present enjoying the hospitality of the Soldiers' Home at Grand Rapids. Michigan has 2,445 men on its military roll for tho year just closed; an increaso of fifty over the year before. Luce County wants a new court-house. Marión Thomas, a Harry County man, was recently arrested for m arrying his niece. Thomas McDonald, head stereotyper of the Detroit Evening News, and one of its oldest employés, died from influenza the other night. The entire fruit crojj in Michigan is reportod to be in dang-er becauso of the unseasonable weather. Wheatland, Ilillsdale County, people are excited over a ricli find of coal mere. Marlette has thc only oat-meal factory in Michigan, and it is doing such a rusbing business that the Flint & Pere Marquetto road has put in a side track for them. Colonel C. V. DeLand, oí Jackson, was recently granted 94,000 arreara of pension. A new post-office has been ostablished atTrist, Jackson County, with a special service to Grasa Lake. The State Uoard of Agrioulture recently accepted the new JT.800 agrioultural laboratory at tho AgricuHural College. By tho fall of a treo in a locr camn near a few days ago Isaac Douglass, of Northville, waa instantly killed. Iron Kiver, Iron County, can not furnish sufficient houses for its population. At leaat flfty additional houses are badly needed. Anumbor of Ishpeming people aregetting ready to resume exploratory work on tracts on th Tshpeming gold range in the earl gprlng. Fifty #n and boys of Maple Rápida have vowed to stop swoaring. The recent high winds uprooted many trees in the upper part of the State, and in some places the roads were almost impassablo from the number falling across them. Heavy snow-falls recently occurred in nearly every northern town in the State. Health Officer Duflield, of Detroit, says the death rate is lower now in that city, in spito of the influenza, than it was last yoar at this timp. The wood pile at the Montraorency court-house kept foing off mysteriously, and so the offioera put dynamite in it and so notiflod the people in the na. pers. Tvvo vvomcn arreuted in Michigan and taken to Kansas as the mnrderous ]!enders are about to be released, evidence havinjr been collected proring them to be Almira Grifflth and Sarah E. üavis. Frank Dean, postmaster of Uelleville, died tho other day of cáncer, lio was thirty-four years old, and was appointed to his position last July. Mrs. Annie Parrlsh, of Detroit, was taken with an cpiloptio fit tho othet day, and in falling gtruok her head on a chair, breakinpr her net-k and dyinjj in íew minutes. Eight thousand barrels of flour were thrown from the stoamer Tioga whenin a storm .on Grey's reef not long ago. About one thousand of them were pioked up by poople livintr on the lake ■hore, and now the owners are talking of bring-ing ai-tion for larceny in many of the cases.


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