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Bümplirvgj witK Powdkr No dessert is more delicious, wholesome and appetizing than a well-made dumpling, filled with the fruit of the season. By the use of the Royal Baking Powder the crust is always rendered light, flaky, tender and digestible. Dumplings made with it, baked or boiled, will be dainty and wholesome, and may be eaten steaming hot with perfect impunity. Receipt. - One quart of flour ; thorouehly mix with t three teaspoons of Royal Baking Powder and a small teaspoon of salt ; rub in a piece of butter or lard the size of an egt;, and then add one Urge potato, giated in the fleur; alter the butter is well mixed, stir in milkand knead to the consistency of soft biscuit dough ; break off pieces of dough large enough to close over four quarters of an apple (or other fruit as desired) without rolling, and Iay in an earthen dish (or steamer) and steam untij the fruit is tender. Bake if preferrtd. In all receipts calling for cream of tartar and soda, substitute Royal Baking Powder. Less trouble, never fails, makes more appetizing anH wholesome food anr' is more economical. Royal Baking Powder is specially made for use in the preparation of the finost and most delicate cookery. O OCR 85 CENT COLUMN. Adveittsements, sueh as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three unes, can be inserted three weeks tor 25 eentn. WAlkTED. Agood driving horse. Enqulre at No. 2') South Universlty Avenue. WAMTEW- By aOanadian man and hiswife, a place to work, either In Arm Arbor or some other city. Are willtng to do any kind of work. Enquire or address 60 E. Washington-.; Ann Arbor, Mich, 91 W ANTEO- At the Register Bindery. The Century for May. June, July, Sept.. '87: Jan , April, Stpt., Oct.. '88; Jan., Feb., March, April, May and June '89. 20e per number will be pald for the above in good order. WANTKD- Situatlon by Canadian ladv, as house-keeper or tale care of old lady r gentlemen- in the city or adjoining towns, Reply No. 60, E. Washington st. 790 FOR MALE, FOR RALE- Large house and lot on South División Street. Suitable for physician'g office and dwelling. Will exchange part for Detroit property. Charles T, Miller, 93 tihelby street, Detroit. ai "TIOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - A farm of 40 Jj acres near Petoskey. Ten acres Improved and balance good tiinber land, house and y ung orchard. Apply 86 E. Huron-st. 790 FOR SALE- A fine Dobsou Banjo cheap. Inquire 33 S. Fourth st. 790 FOR SALE- By S. O. Tubbs, a new milch cow, one-fourth mile.north of Osboru's milis. 790 Í7ARM FOR 100 acres; well watered; good house; all kinds of fruits; Vi miles east of Saline. A real bargain. N. A". Isbcll. M FOR RENT. ÍpOK RENT- East suite, flrst floor, bef' room large, two closets, furnace heat and modern conveuience, 85 E. Washington street. 91 A DUPLÍCATE Copv of the Encyclopiedia Brittanuica - new. lïound in half Peal Russia- less than half price, Cali at No. 4 Ku-t Univeisity Avenue. 91 1IIS( III (MUIS. DRliSS MAKER- Miss Helen J. Salyer, dres and eloak maker, makes a specialty of the Jen Miller Fashion. l'arlors, 15 Elizabeili st, Anu Arbor, Mich. 79) ÍOST- Between Ann Arbor and A. AlsoverV.a _light log rhain. The finder will please return to or notify the owner. Wm. A. Burnett, Webster, Mich. 790 .Horiï'iiEi' Male. Default having been made in the conditions of a moitgage executed by John G Davis and Emma A. Davis, bis wiie, to Edward Treadwell and Koah W. Cheever, executors of the will of Hiram Arnold, deceased. hearing date Sept. 30, 1882. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Vashtenw county. Michigan, on the thirtieth day of September, 1882. in liber 55 of Mortuages on page 76, by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgage became operativo, and no snit or proceeding in law or equity having been instüuted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and the suut of three hundred and lourteen and 71-100 dollars ($314,71; being now claimed to be riue upon said mortgage. Notlce il therefore hereby glveu tliat said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises therein described orsomepart thereof, to-wit: All of Ihe following described land situated in the towDship oí York in the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, vlz: The South East quarter (S E !4) ot Section number Five (5) in townshlp number Four (4) south. in Range number six (6) E&st, containlng one dred and sixty acres of land more or less, at public vendue on the 3d day of May next at ten o'clock in ttie forenoon at the Huron street entrance to the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor. in said County of Washtenaw, that being the place of holding the circuit court iu said county. Dated, February 3rd, 1889. Edward Treadwell Noah W. Chekvf.r, Executors of the will of Hlram Arnoid. deceased. 801 Cominlssloners' Aotlce. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I County of Washtenaw, "■ The underBigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Commls&ioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons agalnst the estáte of Willlam W. Wines, late of said ccunty, deceased, hereby give notlce ihat six months from date are allowed. by order of said Probate Court, for Credltors to present tbelr claims agalnst the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the store of Wines A Worden In the city of Ann Arbor in said Couuty on the first day of May and on the flrst day of August next, at ten o'clock A M., of each of said dayi, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated February lat, 1890. Daniel Hiscock, lrvm 792 WlLUAX A. TOI.tHARDj m"


Old News
Ann Arbor Register