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Manchester is infested with tramps. Win. Meier ík now postnmstf-r ol Whittaker, in place of Mr. Hammond. The engines at Birkett'. ílmirinj; mili are being put in shape for ue in the spring. Prof. P. M. Palmer, formerly superintendent of the Chelsea schools, died at Qoincy last week. F. L. Woodward, of Clinton, Bhipped a carload of plows of his manufacture to Mexico recently. Overroat thieves have madf their appearance at Ypsilanti, Wm. Ayers losing two last week Four new brick stores are to be built in Pinckney this spring. Even a fire may be a blessing in disituise. W. L. Talcolt, a South Lyonattorney. feil and broke one of his legs last week. Too mucb ice on the sidewalk." Mr. and Mrs. Joshua SMlman, of Pinckney, celebrated the 56th anniversary of their marriage lat week. Fifty-three children from the Coldwater school have received liomes in this county. - Pinckney Dispatch. Dr. Iddings of Manchesier has recently purchased a span of black horses which are the delight of the town. William Henderson,anold and prominent citizent of Ypsilanti, died on Tuesday of last week, aged 84 years. Too inuch rheumaüsm in the pastor's legs was the reason that the Belleville M. E. church was closed last Sunday. The business of S. W. Parsons & Co., who recently failed at Ypsilanti, is now carried on by the S. W. Parsons Mfg. Co. Bridgewater now has a barber shop, A. Alber baving taken pity en the poor unshaven inhabitants of that vicinity. Spontaneous combustión nearly reduced H. S. Holmes & Co's. store at Chelsea, to ashes, onTuesdayevenineof last week. Rev. Beale of Yp6ilanti chose for his topic last Sunday evening, that oíd, threadbare subject, "The Sunday Newspaper." Wm. Clark, while sawing wood for GeorgeTurnbull last week, found a live butterfly in the pile of wood. - Chelsea Herald. Rev. J. Claflin, who has been pastor of the Dexter Congregational church for two years past, has accepted a cali at Ovid. The third annual convention of the Livingston County Sunday School Association is to be held at Brighton, Feb. 20 and 27. The Baptistsof Dexter have extended a cali to Kev. E. Conrad, of Reading, to come and tako charge of the flocks in that town. Meesrs. Calkins, VanAtta, Sellman, Blackwood, and Greig have been elected directors of the South Lyon Furniture Company. John Riedel, a gallant young soldier in the army of Uncle Sam, is at the home of his parents in Bridgewater on a furlough. The Dundee Reporter came near being burned out last week, through the earelessness of soine person in disposing of a cigar stub. Dr. Kapp of Manchester drove 63 miles in one day visiting patients recently, and thinks that was not much of a drive either. The Ypsilanti Sons of the Union held a public meeting Friday evening, at which Rev. W. T. Beale explained the objects of the society, The editor of the Stockbridge Sun is afUr the scalp of an "Indian doctor" uamed Howard, whom he denounces as a fraud and a humbug. Miss Lizzie Loomis of Chelsea, and L. W. Allyn of Syracuse, N. Y., were married at the residence of the bride's parents, last Wednesday. Rev. J. S. Rose, of Belleville, is the latest victim of the donation party. He took his, last Thursday evening, and it wasn't a very bad one either. As The Register goes to press the Woman's Suffrage Association of Ypsilanti is holding a meeting, and there's no telling what our fate will be. The farmers around Manchester complain that the price of butter is so low that they will not sell it. Bring it to Ann Arbor; the price is high enough here. Chancey Crytz, of Scio, is the boss squirrel hunter of the county. Since last fall h has shot 122 of the frisky little fellows besides keepinguphis end on other game. - Dexter Leader. George L. Devine, of Webster, and Miss Florence M. Monks, of Pinckney, deüded that their fates were for each other and they were married at St. Mary's church, Pinckney, recently. A drum and fife corps has been organized among the sons of veterans at Ypsilanti, and when the Q, A. R. post turns out the members will march to the music made by six drums and four fifes. M. Kalmbach,of Stockbridge, is more generous than most men. His wife concluded to leave him as they lived unhappily together, and he auctioned off his property, gave her the proceeds, and let her go. George Graf, a tailor at Dexter, and Miss RickieBross, of Bridgewater, stole a maich on their friends, and were quietly marrieÜ on June 23rd, says the Dexter Leadíf, Pretty late for the announceraent, or else the Leader bas made a mistake in the date. A. N. Morton of Chelsea has been appointed to the postal service on the T. & A. A. He began work last Thursday, and upon leaving Chelsea was escorted to the depot by the entire force of H. S. Holmes & Co's., with whom he had been associated for some time. The Ypsilanti W. C. T. U. has elécted the following officers: President, Mrs. Lura D. Parsons; vice-presidents, Mrs. Mary Deubel, Mrs. C. M. Fellows; recording secretary, Mrs. Aun W. Bassett; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Martha J. Warner, treasurer, Mrs. Laura Fox. The cooper shop of Corneüus Balluss, below the Deubel mili on Water street, operated by Mr. Fay, was burned about midnight of Tuesday with the tools and a carload of staves. Loss about $200. The origin of the fire is unknown. - Ypsilantian. The following are the offlcers elected bv the Western Washtenaw and Eastern Jackson Fair Association at the meeting held at Chelsea last week: C D. Winee, president; E. A. Nordman president; W. I. Wood, 2nd vicepresident ; J.K. Yoeum.secretary ; G H Mitchell, treasurer. Eight directora were elected to serve three years. N. Schinid, of Manchester, is a man who believefe in not tf mpting burglars, and so has recently pmchaseil a new B'aié. He eareluliy'deposits his valuables therein without doubt of thfir safety. And he is right, for not ee i Nate himself could induce the lock t work last Thursday, and it was necedtary to send for an expert. A warning to ministers not to preach long sermons and to boys not to go to sleep in church comes from Northville. A young man went to sleep during the services at the Baptist church on a recent Sunday evening. He awoke later and endeavored to get out through a window. As he was partly through the window came down and held him fast. His screams finaUy attracted attention and he was rescued, but when he goes to church now he doesn't even wink during the service. The late Michael Kappler of Sharon Hollow had a safe in which to keep his money and private papers. After his death an attempt was made to open it but without avail. Mr. Kappler, it is said, made his will last spring and Mr. KempfdrewitAUsortsof rumora are rife regardingthecontents of thewillas well as of thesafe, some claiming thatthere is a large amount of money in the latter. But on Saturday the safe was sealed by Fred Vogel and will probably remain so until the will has been read and the executor hasgiven bonds. Saturday evening, about 8 o'clock, A Goodman, proprietor of the secondhand store at the east end of Congress street bridge, was aroused by a noise as of something faliing. He was at the time in his room over the store. Seizing a revolver he ran down stairs, finding two men in the room. He atteinpted to shoot buthis weapon missed fire, and both escaped, one by a rear window through which they had entered and the other by dashing boldly through a front window. Their booty


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