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SENATE. Washington, Jan. 29.- The Senate yesterday passed the direct-tax bilí which passed the last Congress and was vetoed by President Cleveland. The bilí appropriates $20,000,000 for the payment tothe States and Territorios al moneys collected nnder the direct tax levied by act of Congress in 1861. A memorial was presented for the establishment of a republican form of government in the State of Mississippi. A long argument took place against the resolution in relation to the maltreatment of Henry J. Faunce, of Indiana, at Aberdeen, Miss. Washington, Jan. 30. - In the Senate yesterday Senator Ingalls (Kan.) presented a joint resolution for the erection of a monument to Abraham Lincoln on the Gettysburg battlefield. The House bilí granting honorable discharge to the sailors and marines who have lost their certificates of discharge was passed. After the introduction of a few unimportant bilis Senator Mitchell (Ore.) called up the bilí relativo to the free coinage of silver, which he supported in a speech of some length. Washington, Jan. 31. - In the Senate yesterday the bill instructing the superintendent of census to gather information regarding mortgages on homes and farms was passed. Mr. Vanee (N. C. ) spoke on the negro emigration bill in answer to Mr. Ingalls. The President sent in the following nominations: William II. Taft, of Ohio, to be SolicitorGeneral; Eobert Adams, Jr., of Pennsylvania, now accredited Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to ths Empiro of ISrazil, tobe Envoy Extraordinary and Ministor Plenipotentiary to the United States of Brazil. Washington, Feb. 4. - In the Senate yesterday Senator Cameron announced the recent afflictions in the families of two mombers of the Cabinot and moved ui adjournment, which was agreed to unanimously. HOUSE. Washington, Jan. 29. - In the Houe yesterday a bill was passed providing that in cases of pension claims of dependent parents it shall be necessary only to show to the pension office that the parents are without other means of support than manual labor. A bill was reported to provide for the issue of circulating notes to National banking associations. Washington, Jan. 30. - In the House yesterday the election case of Smith versus Jackson f rom the Fourth West Virginia district was taken up. The Democrats generally refused to vote and made the point of no quorum. The Speaker, however, counted the members refusing to vote and declared a quorum present. Tliis ruling caused a long debate. Washington, Jan. 31.- In the House yosterday the time was occupied in wrangling over the ruling of Speaker Keed that members present but not voting shall be counted in order to make up a quorum. The Republioans sustained the ruling and the Democrats denounced it. Washington, Feb. 1.- Speaker Eeed yesterday succeeded in suppressing the filibusters, and the West Virginia contested-eleetion case is now before the House. The uproar yesterday was similar to that whicü occurred Thursday, Mr. Springer (111.) and Mr. Bland (Mo.) being the principal participants. The Speaker declined to recognize any one who aróse to malee a dilatory motion, and refused to allow appeals from his decisión. When the Democrats refused to vote he ordered the clerk to record thata sufficient number of them to make a quorum were present and not voting, and then deolared aquorum present. The íight was brought on by the Democrats, who attempted by filibustering to prevent the conslderation of the case of Mr. Smith, of West Virginia, a Republican, who contests the seat of Mr. Jackson, a Demoerat. Washington, Feb. 3.- In the House Saturday the stormy scènes of the past few days were repeated, but Speake Reed firmly maintained his position, and finally several arguments in the oontested election caso of Smith vs. Jackson, of West Virginia, were made. Washington', Feb. 4.- Tn the Houso yesterday the Republicanshad a quorum present, and in the contested election case from West Virginia Smith (Rep.) was given the seat occupied by Jackson (I)em.). Ko othor business was tranBacted.


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