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It is tunny to hear two women talking to eacb other serosa a fecce as they are liHneing out olothes, each with a half dozen clothes-pins in her mouth. Whj Mili Toa Allow your health to gradually feil? If you are closely confined inoors with iittle or no exercise, and desire good health, you must take care of jour-elf. Use Sulphur Bitters, and you wil! have a sound mind and a strorg body. SHILOH'S CURE will ïrnmediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Branchitii. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Overfive thousand Rmsians have fe tled in and around Eureka, Cal , wi;hm ayear Tne tax collector at Fort Arthur, Ojt. seizrd a locomotive and seventeen cara on the Canadian Pacific road for non-paytii' nt of taxes. Fonnd In ibe Ne paper. Frotn the (Jresco, Iowa, "Plaindeali-r ', 'We have never, as our readers for nearly "thirty years in tbis country can tes'ify' "written a "puff of any patent medicine. 'Duty as well as inclination impel us to de'pnrt irom this studied silence, to say to our "readers and the public that, havirg been ' complttely prostrsted with a violent and "distreesing cold, after three days fighting 'it with ordinary remedies and getting no " relief fren' their use. We obtained a 1 b ttle of Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papil' !o'i) Cough Cure, eb aned a'most muant ' re it-f and steady ituprovement uoder its "u.-e." Lart;e hottle only fl.CO. Ask for Clarke's Flax S ap. 'Best on E irth" 25 rent. Both the above f.r sale by Eberbach & Son. Tsvei ty-one decea-ed persin have been cretna'ed at R isedule, ie ir Los Angt-les, Cal., the latís', one only a few days sg Are you weak and weary, overworked en J tired ? Hood's Sarsaparilla is iust the medicine to purify your blood and give you strergth. "An umbrella is a very nice tliiup to have iu a house when it rainp," said Mr. Smith. 'Yes" answered hi companion, "but whv doa't you get your house shi'-gled V' Aügry Fa her - 'Another tailr's bill, I suppoee. Well. wbat's to be done about it?' Sn (inetkly)- "That's for you to settle." Au liiiiiieiiIotor"s 'Prcscr i pi i o i!T" Dr. C. P. Henry, Chicago, 111., who has practiced medicine many year says: Last Sprirg he used and prescribed Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Skin Cure íd 40 or 50 cases, and never knew a case wbere it failed to cure. "I kuew ofno remsdy I can -ely on so implicitly." Positive cure for t-11 diseaei of the Skin. Applied externally. Clarke's FIbx Soap is best Tor Babies. Skin Cure $1.00. Soap 25 cer.. At Eberbach & Sons' drug store. There was one New York hackman the other day who Iniled to overchatge big Ciistomer, but he died on hm box before he get to his destinaiion. 1VI DR. FRUTH OF NEW YORK, WILL BE AT THE Cook House, Tuesday, Fbrunry 18. DR. FRUTH, OF THE Provident Medical Dispensary, NEW YORK CITY, Ab'.y assisted by a ful! corps of competent phyBicians and Burgeons, treats vith ünparalleled Buccess all Chronic Viseases and Diseases of the Eye and Ear of cvery nature upon the latest scicatific principies. lio partieularly invites a!l whose cases havo heen neglected, badly treated or pronounced incurable. Patients who ure doingwell under the caro of their own physicians need not callón us, as our province is to treat those who cannot find reli t otherwise. Believing that seienceis truthand"truthismighty and wil) prevail,_ when known, and knowing tbat disease can be oured with positive certainty, he invites he alllicted to cali and receive advice iree and he eured of their diseases. There is no subject that requires bo murh "ï a-jd experienceas the treatment and cui ofchronic diseases. Theastonishiogsuccess mul remarkable cures performed by him is due to a horough knowledge of the Btructure and functions of the human Bysljm, and the cure of disease by natural remedies . Let those given up by others cali for examination. He has successlully treated the following diseases Bincehlsarrival in this State: Eye and Ear diseases, Cirortic Diarihom, Chrqnic Injtammatimo tlie Womb, Chronic lnflammation of the Bladder, Painfulor Irregular Memlruation, Fet'er Sores and Vlcers, Incontinenct of Urine, Tape Worms, Crooked Limbsaiid Enlargeá Joints, Spinal Curratures, Club Foot, Hip Joint Disease, White SweUlng, Disehargiiig Abecesses, SierUUy or Barrenness, Kervomnem and Grneral Debüity, Impotency, Disease of the Kidneys and Bladder, Leucorrhea or Whites, Élotches, Pimples, Skin Dis ases, Dyspepsiax Consliptdion, Ihopsy, Cáncer, Eaileptic Fits, Erysipelas, Gravel, Goitre, Gleet, (Jojiorrhoea, Iíydrocele,BearCIKas,Headache, Piks,Oustena,Suphilif,St. VituaDance,ChronicDusentc-u Ènarged Tonsils, Fístula in Ano, Hernia ar Ruature Ovarían Tumors, Paralysis, Prolapsus Vteri, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Serouïa, Consumption, Cironie Cough, Female Weaknam, Spermatorrhea Jittaimatism.etc. Allsurgicaloperations performed Kree Examiiiati-ati of the Uriue. Each persoQ applying for treatment should bring an ounce of their urine, whieh will receive a careul chemical and mieroscopieal examlnation KeTa1fíIablKe Cur,es Perfected in old ases which have been neglected or unskillfully reated. No expeaments or failures. Parties reated by mail er express, but where possiblè s&rïifng5Scuwbtociuiea Western Add ess, DR. FRUTH, Toledo, O. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERY AND SILVERWARE ♦ - - - Special attention to Watch repairing. L. T. LIMPERT, Wnlrli-Maki'r and Jeweler, llaiiifslrrlcr Block. iumq apisdfi si six KochSsHenns ARE DOING BUSINESS RightSideUp. During the months of January and Februiry they are going to glveyou a SPEGIAL REDUCTiON On everything in their complete stock of Fpture, Ca!rpsls, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Lace'and Heavy Ourtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades, etc. An Elegant'line of PAR1OR FURNITURE Chamber Suits and Folding Beds will be sold at bargains. Remember that we are going to offer inducemeats which you can't afford o miss if you want anything in our line. Look out for fhe finest patterns in Carpeta and newest designs in Furniture for the Spring Trade. Undertaking carefully attended to at reasonable juice. Koch & Henne 56 and 58 S. Main-st., Ann Arbor. LUMBE1! LUMEER! LÜMBER! If you contémplate building cal) at FERDON liumd Corner Fourth and Depot Ste., ar d get our figures for all kinds ot LUMBEB We manufacture our own Lumbei and sjuarantee VERY LOW PRIOES tlvc ns i cali 1.1KI we wlll make . to . on r interest, as ur lárice and teil K-rniliMl Mtuck fiill j MiiNtaiiiH onr i llon. JAMEN TOLBEST, Prf T. J. HÏKIlH.Nllllt. I.lxrluuli V Sons, Ann Arbor, snpply Aeents for tne tireat t'rencli Kern ■!, 1K. l. Dl S l'llt II Al. 1MI.I.S. from Paris, France, act only upon the generative organs in íemales aud posltively cure supreesion of the menses (from whatever cause,) and all seriodical troubles peculiar to women. A safe, reiablo remedy warranted to promote menstruation or money refunded. Should not be used during pregnancy. The large proponion of ills to which ladies are Hable is the direct result of a disordered or irregular menstruation. Afik any druggist, Ann Arbor. AMERICAN PILL CO., ipencer, Iowa. Robert Stkvekson & Co., Wholesale Agents, Chicago.


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