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Election of Chronicle editora Saturday morninc The board of regenta wilt hold a special meeting next Thursday. The Glee and Banjo clubs are to give a concert at Dexter, Saturday evening. Tbe Delta Taus gave a dancing party at their fraternity house, Friday evening. Studente of the Unity Club gave a party at the Ladies' Library building Friday evening. The members of the class of '86, who are residente of Chicago will hold a reunión, Feb. 14. Tbe University Hall was crowded Saturday eveaing at the lecture given by George Kennan. Neither the Alpha Nu nor Adelphi societies met Saturday evening, on account of Kennan's lecture. Prof. D'Ooge will conduct the S. C. A. meeting, Sunday morning. Subject: "Practical Christianity." The freshman class has passed resolutions in memory of Albert L. Murray, whose death occurred recently. Hon. D. M. Dickinson of Detroit has been invited to deliver the annual address before the law Btudents on Feb. 22. The Choral Union will render thO "Lightof As:a, " for the commencement concert, and rehearsalg have already begun. Tne Gl e e'uh 11 pn b -bly a-nd the banquel a; D.-ir il, F.-b. 21, acjd give the Michigan club a Fample of Un.versity music. Hon. H. B. Brown of Detroit, lecturer in the law departmen', has been made an honorary member of ihe Piii Drlta Pui chapter. The Hobart Guild will give a recepti. n at Hobart hall, Fridny evenins;. The regular raonthly meeting of the Guld will be held at thé 8me place tbi( evening. Miss Bertha II. Fairbanks will read a paper, on "Geolcpy o! the Shore of Lake Hur.m from Port Sarnia to Coll newood," at the mcetir.j? of ihe S iciety, this afternoon. An exeoutive c mm.ttee of 20, mnde up (i mi mbers Irom the different departments, has been nppointed by thi Univer-ity Republioan club for the purpose of boom ng things. At the meeing of the Euginearing S - ciety, Fridny evening, pipers will be read b W. W. Seymour on "The Ciiy Eneinee-," and bv J. H. A'1 n on ' Use of Petroleum as Fuel." Tbe building committee of the Board of Regents held aconfu'tatiou with the member; of the two medical faculties, Monday evening, for the purpose of talking over the plana for the new hospital. The Universtty will be representad at the Michigan club banquet by a full d' legation, as a large nnmber huve signified their intenti n of going. A committee of five have the arrangements in charge. Five dollar contributions frcm each of the alumni of the university is suggfsted as a meant of gettirg a "gym." If all would reepond the sum received would be ampie. At the eltction óf Argonaut editors held Saturday raornins, H. B. Pewpy, J Lowenhaupt, H. B. Shoemaker, C. D. Warner and EL D. Warner were chosen1 The retiring editors are 11. E Dunbnr, tí. H. Snow and O. Kteece. The program for the meeting of the Mathematical club, Sxturdny evening, will include a paper on "Linkages" by R. L. Sackett. ard on "Synthetic Geometry" by Prof. Ziwet. After the exercises the election of officers will be held. Already a four years course 18 oöered by the medical department, and now it is proponed to unite with the literary department and offer a six years course, the result of which will be the conferricg of the degrees of B. S. and M. D. Last Friday evening, Alpha Nu elected the following officers : Pres., W. H. Fairbunk ; vice-president, S. G. Jenks ; sec, E. Kirkland; treas., W. D. Carr; librarian. S. Wood ; critic, C. E. Pilkins ; senior Sybil editor, Waker Healy. A fine reception and dancing party was given at the Alpha Delta Phi House, Friday evening, fully 200 guests enjoying the hoepitality of the fraternity for the evening. The chaperon? were Mesdames Angelí, Gay, Mann, Puttengill, Warden, Herdmn and Ropera. The Univeisity Republican c!ub met in the law lecture room Monday evenine:, and elected the followiog officers: B. WaDles of Michigan, president; W. D. Kelley of Ohio, vice-president; W. T. Hubbard of Michigan, secretary; A. J. Owcn of Indiana, treesurer. The question of the World's Fair location is to be settled on Fri iay evening in the law lecture room. At least this is th subject of a contest between students of the literary and law departments, the laws making the contest in behalf of Chicago and the Hts for New York. The program for the Jeffersonian Society to-morrow evening is as fnllows: Impromptu, C. P. Gardner; reading, J. M. Boyd ; essay, Ford Belford ; declamation, T L Young; quetiin for discus'ion to be announced. Aff. W. E Cort and C. D. Beardley ; Neg , W. O. Benbow and O. M. Jones. The Adelphi Literary Society prcgram for Saturday evening is as follows : Music, P. B. Herr ; essay, Miss Willoughby: talk, Prof. Tufts ; music, P. B. Herr; "debate, "Resolved: that private property in land should be abolisbed," A. W. Smith, aff. ; H. T. Haskins, neg.; general debate, music, P. B. Herr. You are invited. The Castalian przes have been awarded as follows, the name of the winners of the prose article and 8tory being withheld: Song- "The Singer's Quest," Miss Grace Harrah. Prize. so. Poem- "Deux Rondeaux," E. L. MUler. Prlze Í10. Prose Article- "Germán Student Songs." Prlze J20. Story- "Bohunkus Brown." Prize, S10. J. K. Freitag, Prlze, tlO. The authorities of Yale College have invited Judge CooW to deliver five leetures on the Inter-Sute Comtnerc3 law, or such other subject as be may choose. at 8ome time during the present year. The question of acceptance will not be decided until the Judge recovers nis health. The Judo;e with Mrs. Cioley, and E. A. Cooley of Bay City, left Tuesday afternoon for New Orleans and other points in the south, where several weeks will be spent. The Dramatic Club will produce "The Merry Widow," and "Six Months Ago," during April. The oast of the former play has been made as follows: Decimuas Docket _ _.. E. H. Smith Arthur Aylwyn J. GiuBti Capias M.McVoy Pounce - S. Parks QulU A. Free Mrs. Mildway Mies Llzzie Seymour Mrs. Chas. Mildway, Miss Kate Seymour Florence Mildway Miss S 8zold Mrs. Delamer MissCramer Lucy _ MiseCaldwcll SENIOR CLASS ELECTIOtí. At the meeting of the class of '90 held Saturday mornine, the following offioers were eleoted : Miss G. Harrah, poetess ; J. A. C. Hildner, historian ; L. Grossman, secretary; G. Walker, treasurer. The president announced the appointment of the following comrcitteegto take charge of tha senior reception : Reception committee: Angelí, Maxwell, Coolidge, Herr, Bailey, Miases Heimer, Damon, Briggs and Arnold. Invitation Committee : Kempf, E. L. Sliller, Page, Hempstead, Miases Rowell and Dowdigan. Arrangement Committee: Manning, Mott, Milliman, Yandersluis and O. L. Millor.


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