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Malcolm McDougall diod Jan. 30. 1890. Deceased was an old resident of this township, having lived since a young boy, on the same farm where he.died. Lelt an orphan when youne he was adopted by a maiden aunt, Miss Mary McFarlane, who always resided with him until her death one week previous to his. Her age at death was 85 years. Esquire Mc (as he was generally called) leaves but two children, Mrs. Frank Brown of Clinton, and Miss Hattie. I li boro. Mrs. Thos. Finnell is down with the grip. Mrs John II. Cowan gave a dinner party Wednesday. Epp Mattison has returned from a ten days sojourn at Reed City. Frank Bush has been keeping bachelor's hall for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Camp have returned from a few days visit in Milford. Miss Mary E. Saúl entertained a party of young friends, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Rice contemplates building a new house on the old Clements' farm in the spring. Mrs. Veeder Shankland entertained the LadieB' Aid Society, Friday. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. M. F. Galpin's. Tpsllantl. Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Palmer, of Jackson, are visiting relatives in our city. About twenty-five Ypsilantians attended George Kennan's lecture Saturday evening. Hon. Mrs. E. P. Allen, accorapanied by Miss Mama O3born, bas to Washington to spend a inonth oí so. Frederick Palmer, a resident of this city some years ago, was brought here a corpse from Dakota, Monday night. The man Trevan, who it is supposed was the one who afsaulted a young Germán girl recently, has iled from the city. Wiliiam Henderson, an old cilizen and for many years a prominent merchant of this city, was buried last Thursday. Feminine club swingers are in busy practice and woe betide the one who has courage to be a near witness of their manipulations. It is announced that a Detroit gentlemen has purchased the Potter farm near this city and will make it into a valuable stock farm. Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Rena Bowling, of Detroit, and Mr. Fred Willianas, of Charlotte. Both have been residents of this city. Mllitn. Miss Grace Huntington is visiting in Detroit. Alvin Wilsey of Ann Arbor, was a Milán visitor Friday. The G. A. R. are talking of giving a play during the season. Milán has a new post master. Wesley Robinson is his name. Warren Reynolds left for Boon, Wexford county, the last of the week. Mrs. H. Knight returned from her Blissfield visit the last of the week. The Milan band will indulge in a dance and oyster supper this evening. Mrs. Chas. Hoyt of Saline, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. Sill, last week. C. M. Fuller is quite ill with "la grippe" and was obliged to close his school Monday. Mrs. W. E.Sprague and son of Detroit, are the guests of Attorney Williams and family this week. Mrs. Wm. Vrhitmarsh gave an interesting tea party to a few young friends, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blackmer visited their danghter Mrs. Farmer, at Toledo, O., the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Reynolds had a very interesting 25th wedding anniversary, Wednesday evening. Rev.Jay Huntington wascalled to Albion the last of the week, to preach the funeral sermón of a nephew, who died with la grippe. Mrs. A. Hyden has just received a present of a fi ne Boardman & Gray piano. A few of her friends called on her Friday evening, and were treated to some fine musical selections. Rev. J. Huntington, J. 0. Rouse, Prof. Dennison, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gauntlett. Miss N. Palmer and Miss Grace VVilson, took in Kennan's lecture at Ann Arbor Saturday evening.


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