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ROYAI WlHö POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varíes. A marvel of purity, streugth and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powdcrs. Snld only in Cans. ROYAL BAKIN'Ü POWDER CO.,10GWall t., N . Y. OIIR 25 CEST COICMJi. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, nd Wants, not exceeding three lines, can be nserted three weeks for 25 cents. WAMEI). WAJÏTEH- Boy to leam trade. Enquireat 45 E. Huron-st. Wishing to purchase house and lot, partios having.such to dispose oí should adilrcss with lull particulars, X. Y. Z., Register Office. _ FOR VI. I'.. FOR SAI.E.- Twenty-two Organ Stop Knobs at one dollar each with organ (celebrated Beatlie) attaehed 25. ■L South Fourth St. A. WILEY. FORSAI,E - The finest stock of Church, Chapel and Parlor Organs ever on exhibition in this city. Special bargains in fine six octave organs. New fine octave organs, Sló.OO. 25 South Fourth Strtet. A. Wllsey. 795 FOR SAI-E- Cheap. Monthly Magazine; 1850 to 1889. Atlantic. Scribner's, Harper's. Cennry itc Miss Wilkinson, 5 Milist., Lower Town. I7RSAIE OR UESIT-Farmof 120 acres. Inquire at 31 Thompson Street. IOR SAI.E- At a bargain, 15 acre fruit farm ' one mile south of University. Nearly opposite new Hamilton addition and city park. Fine residence and grounds. Choice peach and apple orchards. also small fruits. If more land Is désired will sell V2]4 acres adjoining. Inquire of Mre B. E. Nichols, Aun Arbor, or of J. Q. A. essions.No. 5 N. Main St. rOK"sAXK CHEAP- A span of horses one r ol them with foal. Also doublé wagon and harness. W 111 exchange them for wooa, hay or grain. 22 StateSt. '95. FOR SAIE- A sorrel pony, 4)4 ycara old, well brokeu. Cheap for Cash. Apply to J. S. Mann & Son, No. 3 FourthSt-, Ann Arbor. 794 FOR SAI.E- Barton house and furniture and barn. Easy terms. Thomas PhilUps, Ypsilantl, Mich. _L FOR SAL.E OR RENT- For a term of years a residence on Miller-ave. Nine acres of land, good buildings, plenty of fruit. Enquire of G. W. Shetterly, at house, or C. J. Shetterly, No. 10 Main-8t. FOR SA1.E-The large desirable frame house on the corner of Bowery and División Sts. Suitable for a boarding house or private family. For the sum of $2,800. Apply o Mr. J. Q. A. Sessions. FOR RENT. FOR RENT- House and four acres of land on Forest avenue. Inquire at Cousin & Hall s greenhouse. MISCELLANEOUS. OST- On Friday niaht, a Dress Walst, between Post Office and Brook street, on Miller Avenue. Wilt flnder please leave at this office. API,EASANT suite of rooms at 65 Sout 4th St. Eeduced price. HEtEN E. BUEIX-Dresis nd Cloak maker. No. 11% N. 5th St, near Ann St. (95 TOU CAN GET IT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. School oí hmi 22 South State Street. Ml-SIC. Language. Elementa of' Expressive Speech. Germán. (Synthetlc method.) Physlcal Culture. (Delsarte.) Klndertrartcn. Froebel System in English and Germán. ADDRES3- oxtixr cady. PRINCIPAL. I


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Ann Arbor Register