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The recent "Deestrict Skule" at Ypsianti netted $313.50. The q ii est ion of building a new ehurch m bei ng agiuied by the Methodists of Epeilanti. Rev. Mr. Conrad commenoed his dulies as pastor of the Baptist ehurch at 9exter, last Sunday. G. K Mason and Dr. S. W. Chandler Bave been appointed ruling elders of tte Saline Presbyterian ehurch. A. Rhein frank, of Brldgewater, now -srears one foot in a sling. He dropped % barrel on it and smashed a toe. The rails are now beinglaidon the doublé track f( r the Michigan Central, aear Dexter. Forty men are at work Uure. The assets of John Weimeister'ti estate at llowcll, .'ooi op $12,184.00. The üabilities will reach considerable more tfaan t his. UneleSam will have to hunt around j'or another locaiion in which to do luis- at Mowfll, as the postoflice buildn'j lias been rented. A Monroe county man is trying to indoce tbe Sharon farmers to go into I'. of I. business. At last accounts, '.e was unsuccessful. Brighton shipped live boxes of clothinf; to the Dakota suflerers last week. Why wouldn't it be a jood scheme for tber placea in thia vicinity to follow Brighion's fcxamplt? We liave tliis mornuip the important snnonnoement that Dr. E O. Pratt has bonght the Fore.-t Avenue Sanitarii.m, and will take po-ession the middle of Marih. - Ypsilantian. Onr efficiënt fire department was out n fnll force Saturday night and did effective work - better work than some village fire departments with more ex,ve apparutuB. - Mllan Le.ider. N. A. Wood la1 week made a very satisfactory sale oí a fine wool ram to :tie AustralidD bnyer who was in this iciuity, tlie prive received being $90. Who says sheep dou't pay.- Saline Obirver. A. Steger of Cheleea, returned home ast wetk from Florida where he has snjoyed a delightful trip. He tells the áigpest kinds of fto ies about that section of the country. We learn that Fred Macomber, formTÍ-yofthis village, lias rone home to .KUsworth, Maine, and rented the old iarm on wbich he was raised and will open astone fluarry next Spring.- Manaliester Enteririse. Clielsea Standard: Jas. P. Wood & Éïo. have their new warehouse, which is ÏSxGO feet, up and enclosed. It is a aiiu'h larger room than they formerly and will be very convenient. Peter Compeau of Milán will build a new house in the spring. The one he live in was burned to the ground ast week. Mr. Compeau's lossamour,ts ï) $1,500. on which there was $970 insurance. Hrighton Citizen :- It is said that a :air ui large eagles hie taken np their de on 1 1 ie farm of N. S. Sweot in a, and the farmers are now iignrng on how to get rid of them before the 'ime for young lainbs arrive. Milan Leader : L:ist Saturday was a légal holiday, but to the brotherhood f drinkers of fire water it did not -eonnt. Fire water will leak through ïpen windows of back doors in whole bottlefulls just as easy as over a bar. Sentinel : - Con. Howard and Jacob Price, employed on the Central's conatruction train, were both hurt yesteriay, the former slightly by a falling rail. Trice was more seriously injured ay beiug thrown from a car bya sudden oi' the engine. Howell capitalists seem to think that lney have about as good as got the South Lyon School Furniture Company, "fhile the South Lyonites claim that Ihe company has no intention of movjng the plant. How is it?- Brighton ; en. The general belief now is that thie jar will be a most prosperous one Jor Ghelsea. A number of handsome aew house8 are to be erected,and many persons are contemplating making iinjirovements to their homes.- Chelsea Herald. Last .Saiurday whüe Jas. Hudler was riding on his ice boat on Cavanaugh lake, he was thrown off near the landing, Btriking a plank which injured him quite badly. - Chelsea Herald. Evybody knows Jim and will pymjiaÜize with him in his misfortune. ïarmers who come into town to reaiain severa] hours should eee that the Wankets on their horses are securely festened. When walking around town one can see about as many blanke!s on 1he ground or around the liorses' feet as upon their backs. - Ex. T8 now settled. At the last meeling, Dund e P. of I. decided Ihat "fartniig is moreprofitable than themerchanbUBÍneSB." If it is tso, the farmers ire wondering how the merohants keep from starving, as it luis been all that ibe farmer could dolo make a living for ífveral years pa.t. . Judge Pratt of Ashland Wis., interi'6ted m the Washtenaw Iron Mining Company, is in Ibis city. He reports Sh e organiz;ition of a new company, ífcíterday, called the Michigan Iron Minina Company. Some of our subb'.antial citizens are interested. Fnll Mrticulara will be glven soon.- Ypsilantian. The "full particulars," will probably come in the wayofassessments. That's the experience our people have had with mining ventures. We noticed a farmer plowing while :i:issing on the T. & A. A. near Dundee last week. Not a month this winter butthat the plow has been used in this section. How is that for Michigan 'i - idneObserver. That's nothing. Hon. lolm J. Robison says that he gay a fermer "putting in" a large amount of "barley," and another one "planting" a large erop of "corn," last week. It all happend in a saloon in this city, however. Bert Walker, whose home was in Stockbridge, but during the past few years in the employ of an uncle in Aurora, 111., met with a fatal accident last week. Whiie trving to back a horse attached to a delivery wagon out of a tam, the horse becatne frigbtened and jumped, throwing the young man out, his head striking a piece of iron and causing instant death. The deceased was a son of Mis. Walker, widow of Roger Walker, forinerly a farmer in Dexter township. - Dexter Leader. Here's the way the Dexter Leader starts a boom for that village : Dexter is getting to be quite an exDort town though we hear but little about it. At present the principal shipments are baled straw by the carload to Detroit and Philadelphia ; oak titnber and lumber to various points in this country and Kurope; live stock to Detroit and Bufl'alo and flour to various eastern points. Add to this the annual exportation of farm produce, fruit and grain and you will find that Dexter is by no means the most insignificant station on the line.


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Ann Arbor Register