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Several gentlemen have endevered to wear the Bhoes of Lincoln, with indifferent success. PILES, Pil. EN, PILES. Loose's Red Clover Pile Remedy, is a positivo specific for all forms of the diseaae. Blind, Bleedinpj Itching, Ulceratid, and Protrudioer P;lt)s.- Price 50c. For sale by Eberbach & San. Sadi-Carnot wears French boots with manifestó?. To Síervons Sien. If yon will send us your address, we well mail you our i lústrate d p8mphlet explainintr all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltsic Belt and Appliances, and their charming effects upon the nerrou liebilitated system, anti liow they will quiekly restore you to vigor, manhood and health. If you are th'is affl oted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on a trial. Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, ilich. ■ The question with the women: Is it better to marry a man who is thought less and leavea the door open behind him, or to marry a man who thinks to close the door, but forgets to leave out the slam. Advice lo Motberw. Mr.. Winslow's Soolhing Syrup shoulrt alway9 be used for ohildren teething. It sootbes the ehild, softens the gum, allays a rur , (i:u s wind colic, and is. the best remedy for diarrfccea. Twenty-five cents bottle. President Harrison wears lace shoes with vetoes. WHY WILL YOÜ cough when Shiloh'a Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cis., 50 ets., and $1. Sold by Bberbach fe Son. John L. Sullivan pays more altention to socks than to boots. SHILOH'S CURE will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough snd Bronchitis. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Mr. Grladstone has gone into Brogans as as a compliment to Ireland. THAT HACKING COÜCH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Eberbach Jay Gould wears rubbers most of tho time when manipulating his etccks. SLEBPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by tbat terrible finnn-h. Shiloh's Care is the Remedy for yoa. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Chauneey M. Depew travels on a free pass and doesn't need ehoes. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It oures consumption. Sold by Eberbach & S:n. Ward MacAllister wears a number three sole with tbe upper 10. - Puck. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., says : "Both myself and wi'e owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CÜRE." Sold by Eberbacb & Son. BURUNGTON ROUTE Cheap Lands in the West. Along the Unes of the BURLINGTON ROUTE in Nebraska, Colorado. Wyoming and northwessera Kansas, particulatly on its new extensión in that territory, there is still some Government Land awaitiug settlemeut, as well as other cheap lands held by individuals. These l&nds are among thebest to behd anywherein thecountry for agricultural and grazing purposes. In the comparatively new diwricts are many improved inmiH which can be purchased at a very low rato of that class of restless pioneersettlers who are ready at all times to move "further we-t." In the territory embraced by the BURLINGTON'S linea west of the Missouri River, there are in the vicinity of two hundred new towns which offer to manufacturers and business men an excellent opporiunlty to loeate wilh profit. Send to the undersigned for descriptive pampnlets and other matter giying location and full particular concerning these lands. A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. A large, handsome MaD of the United States, showing north and souih Dakota, mounted and suitable lor office or home use and issued by the BURLINGTON ROUTE, will be furnlshed responsible parties free on application to the undersigned. Playing Cards. For ten cents either in postage or by applying at Room 12, C. B. & Q_. R. R. General Office, corner of Adams and Franklin streets, Chicago, you can obtain a pack of th best quality Playing Cards. Gen'l Pass. Si Ticket Agt., C, B. & Q. R. K. D-20-88 Chicago, III. NEW DISCOVERY!' TEST1CURA EXTERNOSUM B X BY '"V U XALBERTXg Sííorthecure of eminal WeaK-1 W ness, Impotency, Nocturnal ■ ■ Emisslons, and Stunted g ,- , velopment. reare L2 oy absorption. Applied direct to Z3 - cheParU. No nauseóos drngs that S &! ruin the stomach (luaranteej J r3 r Leure or monoy rofnnded. öentr I - i L to any part of the U. S. ee-JT e- f L!urely packed free irowS aa; vobiervation upon S5 receipt of 2. r ADDRE8S THE A1BERT MEDICAL C0„ CLEVELAND. O. HitcMl's Etamatlc Piasters. INSTANT BÏLIZlf FOIt ALL imEUMATIO FAINS. e Scbk cckb forRhenmatism.KenralgiaanaSciatica. gold by drnggista everywhere, or by mail, Mcents. KOTelly riate Work, LoweU,M8. I THE GREAT g Germán RemedyJ ÍBTRUTHSF0RTHE3ICK. tur .l.:ithly f 1,000 will he paidlB BiHousSpelUdepend for acaso whereM i. III inSnunÏBBirrEBa phub üitteks willW It will cnre tou. lot atristar enea. JtJ - ■■wíp"' never f;iil3. m E3 Do you suffer wltb ..l] Ilhatüredandallgone CleaDgetheTltlatedM Feellog; ií bo, uw i,i,)O1i when you secls Sui.rmi: Pi i : EES ;ti impuritiea bnrst II it wiUcurr yu. logthrongll the skinM Operativa Wl...a.v l"" ${?% Ijl not procure sutliricut m Ifl ■BexerclBe.andallwho sulphur BíttersH wil, ,.ure i,iVCrCom;i lllshoulil use si i.i'iiru „toiDt. p,m't belis-l Bmm Theywll uraged;ttwiUcureB MT?!Tr SlLlMUli RjTTER&M HaULFHUH BUTKRÍi "■"■" Vt Hl it novor f.-iils tix-ir.v. pULpHLR linTKBsW a Don-t b uithuilt a willmakeyourlilood- - bottle. Try it; jo pure. rwli ancl rtrons;, ijl will not rejrret it. '"■'! ymir llesli hard, IB "TñíIícTTirdéñratr Try Mi.PHru BIT-IJ IHhealth, wlio are all to-ntght, andK jrou will sleep wellIB "BSULriiiM; üMTri!". :iii-i ''■■- 1 'i'-Hi'r f.irlt.j: Do yon want the beul Mecllcul W rk imlilisheil? Senil 3 2-rcnt etampn to a. 1' Ordwai Jfc Co, Boston, Mass.. auJ recolve a eopy, frc(I II VitWftW Take no hoe nnlcw PflïTTIIlIM W.I.. Dónela' name n )A U 1 1U11 prive are Btamped on tbm bottom. If the dealtr rannot eupmy TOUj ■end direct to factory, ei luHlng aavertu W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf, Heavy Laced Orain and Cree moor Waterproof, . . Bert In the world. Kwwnlm fcto 85.0O GENCINE HAND-SKWED SHflK W4.00 IIAMI-SHVKII V I I .'I ' _- 850 I'OI.ICK M PABMER8 8BOB #2 50 EXTRA Al I 8HM!. Salas S sj wobkinomenshoes. Sa.OO and 1.75 BOYS' SCHOOI. SHOEB. AU made iu I tton and Lace. $3 & $2 SHOES lafdi1s 1.75 SHOK FOK MISSES. lïert. Material. Best Style. Bet Fittln. W. L. Douelas, Brockton, Mass. SiiJ by Examine W. I.. Donglat 82.00 Slioe ter .. uil. in. ii and I.iKlii'.x WM. EEINHARDT & CO., 4a S. Sf Al JÍ STREET, A mi Arixr. Henry Richards, M IETKOIT ST. Dealer in all kinds of HAR& WOOD, LUMBBR, FENCE POSTS, etc., also a?. kinds of STOVE AND CORD WOOI I am also Agent for the eelebrated C3AXP10N BINDERS AND KQWEE5.. And Keep a Full Line of Eepairs for tb e Same. Telephone No. 6. EINSEY 4 SABOII 3ÍTO3. 6 JSSTT) 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbo , Michigan. Have alwavs on hand a complete Stock of ew; thlng h cGROCERY LIIÉ Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Artlcles bought for Oaun and can bf atlow figures. Our frequent large involoe fl' Xeas Is a sure sigii that we give bargalna iu qxjaIjIty and proB. Weroastour own coffee eveiy woek.alw fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the vet} best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Lalt ai" ■ee H. __ ISeiTDrilling Machinery SOLD ON TRIAL. Á No Cash Payment-or settlement af any #j(ln kind -until after a ff $' SATISFACTORY TEST. Ml Macbinery and Tools ml j Guaranteed to make Wells 1:1 anywhere, Al , and at the rate of 3 ft. to every 2 ft. Mijl by any othor machine, orno aale. ijjl f THE BESTlBalway9 lij I THE CHEAPEST. II I .LLpC3send for Catalogi. 5H[? EwTpire Well Auger Cc. ithaca. n. y.


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