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Síop" Xnlure lian aCurr. , , Eaton Rapids, Mich. J. M. Loos Bed Clover Co, Detroit - Two years 1 was tfflicted with a very severe attack of Eryeipe as. After two physicians hsd used their treaimeot for eeveral weeks and I continued growina blind, an.l in their diagnosis cor.eluded that there was no earthly help or hoDe for me, I gave up, having tried all the remedies I knew or heard of. My neighbor, Mr. Miller, carne ir, to see me one day, and said try Loose's Extract of Red Clover, as he had known of its working remarkable cures I told him I h d lost hope, that tiothiug wonld do me any good in ihis vrorld. He ir.sisted, at.d taking bis hat went to ihe drug store bought me one otlle aid ur:ed me to try it, which I did Ten days after a ds I s-nt f.r two more bottlex, and it was wonderful how I impo el. I conUnued usii g it and to-day 1 hui hei ter than I have been in vears. No sign , f Erynp las has shown iiself and i hwaruly recommend it to sufleriiig humaniiy as the greatest and bes: blood punfier in existence. Yours trulv, Henry Marvin. For f ale by Ebeibach & Son. The Florida orange erop ia about all m rkt ted. Cure for Crodp.- Use Dr. Thomas' Eolectric Oil aecording to directions. It ia the best remedy for all sudden attacks of colds, pain and iriflammation, and injuries Ti led foreignerK are numerous at Oíd Point Comfort. Gramlmother Saya ! When abe was a girl ber mother always gave her sulphur and molasses to purify her b!ood, but she now gives Sulphur Bitters to her grandchildren, as it is the best medicine she ever saw. - The Father The world esumates the apparent valué of individual character; G d knows ita real valué. Dry sermons are bad enough, but for the mini.ster 10 preach thern through his nose ís! inexcusable. Dr. Buli's Cough Syrup will save both minister and sermón if taken in lime. One little note from an absent, loving compuiion ís worth a mail-sackful of business letters. I have had occasion to try Salvation Oil in my family for both neuralgia and rheumatism. Id every instance it effected a permanent cure. I also tried it on my chitd suffering with a sprained back with hke suscess. I take p!eaure in recommenríírg it to all. P. S. Costello, (Policeman) 321 Park Ave., Balto., Md. Planee has i university, 180 professors a id 9,300 students. Clipped from Canada Prtsbyterian uuder Mgnature of C. Blackett RobinBOD, Propr.: I was cured of ofe reourrine bilious headaches by Burdock's Blood Bittere. Belgium has 4 univer.-ities, 88 professors and 2,400 students. Two Years Airo ! I was a sight to behold and was unable to enjoy life at all.1 Now I am the pictue of health and can eat anytbing. What did it? Sulphur Bitters cured me of Dyspepeii and Liver Complaint, after euffering two years.- TV. II. Bonman, Manchester, N. II. PILES, PILES, PILES. Loose's Red Clover Pile Remedy, is a positivo specific for all forms of the disease. Blind,. Bleeding Itching, Ulcerattd, and Protrudica; Piles.- Price 50c. For sale by Ebeibach & Son. How soon a girl's capital I becomes a lidie i after marriage. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Eberbach & Son. That for whieb. a woman should be consoled she is most o!ten rídiculed - her homeliness. Advlce To Mottaers. Mr?. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for ohildren teething. It soothes thethild, softens the gum, allays ap i!, cuitg wind colic, and is the best remedy fer diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents bottle. Norway has 1 university, 4G professors, and 880 students. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, Iud., says : ''Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE." Sold by Eberbacb & Son. When a women gets cross she gets cross at everybody. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and $1. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Atnong the Siamese, silver cases are worn upo2 the fingers to protect the long nails. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible nough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold by Eberbach & Sifri. When a woman can wash flannels so that they will not shrink she knows enough to get marned. SHILOH'S CURE will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by Eberbach fe Son. Whalebone is so scarce that t now eell for $12,500 per ton in London. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures cousumption. Sold by Eberbach & Son. ; t:rr.vbody Hnow Thit t tbii i-e.son ih b!-od s Illed with impuritie, the aceutmilii'i .11 of months of close confinempnt in (hmh].. vjiitilate stores, workshops and tenements. A these and every traoe f crofula, cale rrieum, or other ( may be expelled by takmp; H.MVI1 Sarsnpirilli, the best blood purifier e v r prodti d It 3 the only m-dioine ui whioti '100 es onO dollar" is truc. Newimrt News is eriwing in p-.jiu'arity as a wifiter resort, Detroit, Mich, May 31. F E. 0. Mkdicins Cv- I(bd oheerfolly recoui'aend your F. E. C as the "boss" medicine for kidney compl lint. 'lvo bott!es have curtd me Hnd I ba e oidered five bot'les to bf. e-t 10 my v, .e, who is suffe ing from ki.ln.y trouble. AiutAM Smith, Sute Agt. Eq'ii'nt.!-' ácjideui Aisaciation, of Binghunton, N Y. BÜRL1T0N ROUTE Cheap Lands in the West. Along the Unes of the BURLINGTON ROUTK in Nebraska, Colorado. W'joming and nortiiwestern Kansas, particularly on lts new extensión in that territory, there ts 8ti)l sorae (overnment Land awaltini? seitlement, a well as other cheap lands held by individuals. These lands are among the best 10 behnd anywherein theeountry for agricullural and grazing purposes. In the comparatively new district are many improved Jarms which can be pnrehased at a very low rate of that class of restless pioneersettlers who are ready at all times tomove "fnrther wet." In the territory embraced by the BURLINGTON'3 line weet of the Missouri River, there are in the yicinity of two hundred new towns which offer tomanufacturera and business men an excellent oppormnlty to lócate with profiL Send to the undersigned for descrlptlve pamphlet-s and other matter givlng location and lul particulars concerning these lands. A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. A large, handsome Map of the United States, showing north and souih Dakota, mounted and suitable lor office or home use and issued by the BURLINGTON ROUTE, wlll be furulsheá responsible pirties free on applicatlon to the underslgned. Playing Cards. Forten cents ci'hfr in postftge or by applying at Room 12, C B. í Q. R. R. (ieneral Office, corner of Adams and Franklin Hrcets, Chicago, you eau obtain a pack of the best qualitv Playing Cards. P. S. EUSTIS. Gen'l Pass. ATiikct Agt.. C, B & Q R. R. D-20 8 Chicago, III. PITC0?MiSictas O CANbeCURED. W will SEND FREE by ■ mail a Urge TRIAL BOTTLE ; ■ a!so, a treatise on Epilepsy. DON'T FUFFER AN Y LONGER I Give Post Of■ fice. State and Counly, and Age Adarcss, THE HALL CHEMICAL CO., 3860 Fairmounl Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. ifiOO ACENTS WANTED!! IV.My $25to$50 a Week. You can do better with us than with any other house. Send for full particulars. Address, AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Phlladelphla, Pa. MíígMFs Bteatt) Hete instant r."i.iE?Porb Ax.irrrctT?iAT:c ■ Biïib ct'KBfoTnhcnmatïem, Kí1 r 0oid by drngqlsts ererywem, i i ovelty l'lüötcr erlUt XJoweli,üuua6 Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Borry Plauts, Fruit and Ornamental Treea, Peara and Grapevines a 8pscialty. f yrupa and Home-Made Wines Syrupof Knpberry ; Birtlotl t'oar Syrup, Bone sett, Dandelion and Raspberry Wines and Shrnb for Liver and Kidny troublen; Sweet Red Codcord and Martha White Wine, especially prepared lor [nvailds. Order Tree and Plante early. as we get most of thein from the best Nurserie E. II II' II. WfWl HiirniiSI " Mancel sSpecific' CURES crvoul)pliirny. Kxhnildlion. l'rrinnturc Iecoy, l'artial orTotnl Iiruioicncj, iul All WEAKness arising from over-taxation of mina or boily. MEN SuffrrinE from tlio IMsoasea and woiiïiiicsn that nave orlgin in youthfiil Improdenoe cao relj u aspecdy ml permanent restoratlou to luiilth aud happincss. Price, $2.00 byiimil securcly ncaled. THK BPBCIFIOlt propared bom tlie proscriptlon 01 :m old andexperienced pnysldaB, and may be n-liodon aa remedy uneqnftled In efBoacy, and wo therefon recommeod it to the notieo of the Medimi JProfissioiL Ocncrally. offlra) and Laboratory ManceVa BpesHIe, , 13 E. 30th St., New York (iiy. III mi I The Latest Spring WALL Styies of At Wholesale P A P C1 R Prices. # ■ ■- rV Gold Paper, 10c to 80c per roll, Solid Gold Em boesed Pper,letoÍ6operroll Ifyoii are tuio any ïmpi-rinK Iu nol fail to (mi for nmules to


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