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OÍR S5 CENT nil.lUV. Advertisements, anch as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants not exceeding three lines, can be Inserted three weeks for 25 cent. WAME. A boy to check hats and coats at the General Library of the l'niversity. Cali at the Library for iuformaticn. S9 ASTED-At 83 S. Division-st., a girl for general housework. 99 XlANTED- For a year, suite of 3 or 4 nice " uufurnishcd heated rooms in good locality. First floor preferred. Addresa "C" kegister office, stating price and locality. 98 WASTED-A liberal price will be paid íor Vol. I, No. 1, of The CoEmopolitan. 8. RegWANTHn- Boy to do janitor work for course in Shorthandand typewriting. Inquireat School of Shorthand, 3d floor over tne drug store on State street. WAMTED-Wedesire to Contract for building stone for four houses. Apply to Hamilton, F.ose & Sheehan. 98 W ANTEO- An intelligent lady over 20, who is willing to work elght hours per day, for Light and I'ermanent Positïon. Address "H,r this office. 97 WANTKD- AGENT3- A gentlemen over 20 who is willing to work elght hours per day for Light and Permanent Position. Address "H," with stamp, this office. 797 WANTED- Sufte and two Bingle rooms, or suite and single room . Address Post Box 3142, 97 Boy to learn trade. Enquire at 45 E. Huron-st. HIK SAI.E, IfOR SAI.E OR REW- Fora term of years, ' aresldeDce on Milter-ave. Nine acres of land, good buildings, plenty of fruit. Enquire of G. W. Shetterly, at house, or C. J. Shetterly, No. 10 Mais-st. 99 t JORNALE- Good farm work horse. Cheap 1 for cash. J. M. Stafford, No. 19 S. Main-st. 799 POR 84 LE- New milch cow, Jersey grade, a gentle mare, cheap Rochester gang plows, Niágara grape vines, and other nursery stock. W. F. Bird, West Huron st. 98 FOR 8%LE- Mcat Market, also new wagon and Pony, good location and a good trade can be done. Good reasons given for selling. For particulars, apply 15 VVlllard st., Ann Arbor Mich. 98 FOR HALE- A seven room house on West Huron st., enquire of J. Rice Miner, Hamilton Block or 48 S. División st. 79 FOR Ata bargain. New two seated carriage. Cost at factory Í165. Bargain given. Alvin Wilsey. 798 FpOR SA LE- Good house on S. Divison st. near ' William. Cheap & easy terms. C. T. Miller, 93 Shelby st. Detroit. 98 1?OR SA Safe in flrst class condition, 1 made by the Detroit Safe Company. Apply to H. W. Douglass. 98 FOR SALE- "The Aennotor," a solid steel wind mili with swing vane and Uiting derrick. No elimbing to il. Put up and warranted forS65. Isaac Terry, Dexter, Mich. 797 I7OR SA I.E- By J. L. Babcock, 6 lots on cor_T ner Main and Willlam-sts., also 3 vacant lots on Pprii g ft., Kelch additiuu. Inquire at Franklin House. '98 (fOR SALE- A fine driving horse, seven years 1 old, splrited and gentle. With or without phaeton and harness Address Box 3034. 7b7 FOR SALE- A five year old driving horse. A fine surrey- nearly new- Kt single harness and a side saddle. Address "F," Register office. 7B5-if ÖK SALE OR RENT-80 acre farm one mile nonh of Leland's station on T. A. A. R. R., also pair work horses for sale. Apply to H. Richards, 9 Detroit Street, Ann Arbor. 796 POR SALE.- Twentytwo Organ Stop Knobs r at one dollar each with organ ((elebrated Beattie) attached 825. 25 South Fourth St. 796 A. WILSEY. tMR SAI.E - The finest stock of Chureh, 1 Chapel and Parlor Organs ever on exhibition in this city. Special bargains in line six octave organs. New fine octave organs, S45.00. 25 South Fourth Street. A. Wilsey. ■ 795 FOR KALE- Cheap. Monthly Magazines; 1850 to 1889. Atlantic, Scribner's, Harper's. Centnry, &c. Miss Wilkiuson, 5 ilill-st., Lower Town. 796 1rOR SALE OR RENT-Farm of 120 acres. Inquire at 34 Thompson Street. 1MR SALE- At a bargain, 15 acre fruit farm 1 one mile south of University. Nearly opposite new Hamilton aadition and city park. Fine residence and grounds. Choice peach and apple orchards. also smsll fruita. If more land is desired will sell 12 acres adjoining. Inquire of Mrs B. E. Nichols, Ann Arbor, or 01 J. Q. A. Session,No. 5 N. Main St 806 T7OR SALE- The large desirable frame house J? on the corner of Bowery and División 8ts. Suitable for a boarding house or private family. For the sum of J2.800. Apply o Mr. J. a A. Sessions. tf FOR RENT. mo REMT- A farm of about 50 acres one mile L north of this city adjoining the Huron river. Adapted for gardening or mllk business. Apply to J. S. Mann. No. 3, Fourth-st. 7_ TO REST- In part or whole, a new house, corner of East University Ave and Packardst 99 FOR REIST- About May lst. one of the flnest stores In the city will be rented only for a flrst class business. Rent reasonable. Address X, care Ann Arbor Register office. TO BENT- Farm In Oakland County - 180 acres; soil good; fenees and barns good; house fair 200 apple trees. Cash rent. Will be at home Maren 31, '90. Cali 011 or address A. M. Clark. 47 División street, Ann Arbor, Mich. 798 L?OR RENT- Furnlshed or nnfurnished P rooms for light bouse-keeping at No. 28 N. State-street. 797 rpo RUNT- Front room with alcove. S1U E. _L Liberty-street. '95 97 MISCELLANEOUS. SHADE TREES- We deslre to contract for Younu Shadc Trees- Hard Maple and Elm- delivery in April. Apply to Hamilton, Rose and Sheehan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 7S6 LOST- A gold bracelet set with 3 large topazes, A reward is oflered for the return of the same to No. 17 S. División Street. 796 K OSES- WHITE and COLORED, 60 cents per dozen. Miller Ave. Greenhouse. 796 mTdEeRING'H All Slecl Binders, Mowers, twino and repairs kept constantly on hand at No. 1, 8. Fourth-st., Anu Arbor by J. A. Marshall. Agt. 79 1V REKXHOl'üE.-A good assortment lN of house and bedding plants, opposite Forest Hill Cemetery gales. J.Qoodhew. 99 CALL AT- Marv F. Miley'i and obtain a bar gain during the reductlon sale for the nex' three weeks. 99 LARGE HOUSE PLANTS- At email plant price at Miller-Ave. Greenhouse it being Kastel week. Good for churches. 99 AGENTN WANTED- To 11 the Singer Mfg. Co'. Sewlng Machines, in Washtenaw Co. Liberal terms to right men. Apply, Singer office Ann Arbor, Mich. 799


Old News
Ann Arbor Register