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Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup cures rheumatism by striking at the seat of the di"i a-e and restoring the k.dneys and liver to healthy action. If tken stifficiint time to thoroughly Snob poHor, it cever failf . Sweeden has 2 univfrsltiee, 173 professors, and 2,010 students. 'NOi 9" Runs so quiet ard kteady tliat a lamp may be set on the stm.J v;tb snfety. New Orleans needs a largp, first class winter resort hotel. The "Motber's Frlend" Not ouly shortens labor and lessens pain attendint if, but preatly diminishes the danjjer to life of both moiher and child if used a few months bsfore confinement. Write to the Bradfield Rtgulator Co., Atlanta, Ga., for further paniculars. Sold by C. B. Eberbaob. A wet season - Worcestersoire ssuce. Burg's Prices. Best Roller Procesa Flour _..S 4 40 Granulated Sugar 7 Xo. 1 Japan Tea 40 Cholee Oolong or Black Tes 60 Young Hyson or Green Tea 60 Citrón per pound_ 25 Baker's Chocolate 40 Mixed Pickles per Bottle 10 Nndavine Flakes 10 1 " Cocoanut 20 1 " Fariña 8 1 " BirdSeed 5 1 " Baking Powder 20 1 ' Ground Pepper 20 3 pound box Cracïere 18 Brush Soap 10 1 " " GInger 20 7 Ponnds Rolled Oats for 25 3 " Best Starch for 17 3 " Corn Slarch 20 3 ' Best Rice 20 3 Cans Cora for 25 3 " Tomatoes 25 lOlbs. Sack Salt 10 t6 Ibs. Dairy Salt 40 56 1bs Rock Salt ! 35 4 Oz. Lemon Extract 14 4 Oz. Lemon Vanllla Extract 19 lOcStove Polish 5c Carpet Tacks 4c Best N. O. Molasses 65 Vinegar „ 12} New MessPork 7 Cod Fish _ 7 Best Plug Tobacco per pound 30 Smoking Tobacco per pound 15 Bath Brick 6 A package of Royal Yeast given with 50 Ibs. of Flour. Everything first class. Everything warranted. Everything goes for Cash. Any amount delivered 5c extra at F. BURG'S, No. 4 E. Washingtcn-St. DR. FRUTH OF NEW YORK. WILL BE AT THE ('ook Mohm. Tiü'Mla.v, April 15. ■ "' "J KmJfw'' ' ' " mi ■'ft'''' mÍMHm DR. FRUTH, OF THE Provident Medical Dispensary, NEW YORK CITY, Ab'.y assiftod ny a f uil corpa oí compe'T.t physicians and surgeons, treats with u::;.;rallelcd success all Chronic Siseases and Dixascs o the Eye and Ear óf cvery nature upon the latest scie::tiflo principies. He particularly invites all whose cases have been neglected, badly treated or pronounced incurable. Patients who are doing well under the care of their own physicians nccd no cali on us, as our province is to treat those who cannot find reli tf otherwise. Believing that science la truth and "truth is mlghty and will prevail, ' rhen tuown, and knowing tbat discasc can bo cnred with positivo eerlainty, he invitei the afflieted to eall aDd -eceive advice Iree and bf curod oí their diseoses. There is uo eubject that requires so mm-h study and experfenceas the treatment ai ni of (■hronic-diseases. Theastonishingsucc- miu romarkablo cures pcrforaied by him is duc to a tborougb. knowledge of .he Btnicmre anc! firir'tions ol the human Bsl2m, and thecuicof diseaseby natural remedies. Let those given up tiv othcrscall for examination. He hassucpessmlly troaud the following diseases sincehisarrival in this State: Eyr. and Ear diseasee, Chmvic Diari:tom, Chrqnie Inflamvialion of the Womb, C7ironii Inflammation of the B'adder, Painul or Irregulat Meimruation, Fercr Sures and Uiers, Jyimititiena of Urine, Tape Worm, Crooked Limbaand Eniaraea Joints, Spinal Oirmtures, Club Foot Hip róim Disrase., White Swelling, IHschargiiig Jbt,em Sterüity or Barrennms, Kcrvnutiws and G ru re I, Dfbttüy, Impotency, Ditmseqfthe k'idneysand li'adder, Isucorrhea or Whittv, ÉMcliea,PimpU,H:n DU eates, Dyspeptia Constipatum, ïfropey, Vancer Eaileptic Fits, Erystpclas, Gravel, Goitre, Glett, Uanorrhoea,lIydrocele,HearCDisrase,IIeada!:be, l'i'es Ifiis'ena,SjphUis,St. Vitw Dance.C'hronie Ihjsud, ni.Énlargea Tonsüs, Fístula in Ano, Hernia'rtr luu'ttrr Ufarían Tumors, Paralysís, Prolapsus Vtrri, Bronchitis, _ Asth-ma, Catarrh, Scrojula, CovmmpUon, enrome Cough, Female Weahies, Spt rmauirrhea Lhsuuiatim,etc AllsurgicaloptTationsperfonned' Kree Examination of tle l'rine. ijich pereoa applying for treatmonti-hoiild brin an ounce of their urine, whk-h will n-rei vea carelul Chemical and microscópica! examination. ReniarUable Cures perfevu-d in old cases which have bwn neglected or unsltillfully treated. No experimenta or failures. Parties treated by mail ;r express, but where possible personal cousultation preferred. Curable casca gua" mteed. List of questions iree. Western Add tsss, HU FKCTH, Toli-flo, O.


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