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LEGALS. ,iiiiliiÍNrnlr"M Siilc f Real KxIhIu. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF WAYNE, j "■ In the Probate Court for the County of Wayne, Mich. In the Matter of the Estáte of Phoebe Merritt, deceased. Notice is hereby elven, that by vlrtue of a license granted on the 14th day of May, 1889, to James Merritt. admimstrutor of the estáte of said deceased by the said Probate Court, there wlll be sold at Public Vendue to thernghest bidder, oi the premise8 herein described, on Frlday, the 25th of Apri', 1890 at 12 o'cloek noon, legal time, the following described parcel of land: Beginning at the northeast corner of the east half of the southeast quarter of section one in Town one, south of range seven east. running west on n rih line of said east half of said quaner fection forty rods, thence souih parallel with the east line of said east half of said quarter section twenty rods, tlunee tast parallel with thenorih line of said east half of said quarter fiection forty rods, thence north on the east line of said east half of said quarter section twfntyrods to the place of beginning, containIngfive acres of land and no more; being in ba hm township, Washtcuaw County. Michigan. James Merritt, E. S. Geeck, Counsel. Administrator. Dated Maren 5th, 1!9). 800 'Iiiiiïnïc Kale. Default having boen made in theconditions of a mortgage exeeuted by John G Davis and Emcna A. Davis, hls wüe, to Edward Treadwell and Noah W. Cheever, executors of the wil] of Hiram Arnold, deceased. bearing date Sept. 30, 1882. and recorded in tbe office of the Register of Deeds for Washtenuw county. Michigan, on the thtrtietn day of September, 1882. in liberK of Mortuages on page 76, by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgage became operative, and no suit or proceeding in law or equity havIng been instliuted to recover the debtsecured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and the suni of three hundred and lourteen and 71-100 dollars ($314,71) being now claimed to be Cue upon said mortgage. Notice is therefore hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises therein described or some part wit: All of the followlngdescribed land situated in the township oí York in the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, viz: The South East quarter (S E %) ol Section number Five (5) iu township number Four (4) south. ia Range number six '6) East, containing one hundred and sixty acres of land more or less, at public vendue on the 30th day of May next at ten o'cloek in tie forenoon at the Huron Btreet entrance to the Court House in the city of Aun Arbor. in said County of Washtenaw, that being the place of holding the circuit court in said connty. Dated, February 3rd, 1890 Edward Treadwell Noah W. Cheever. Executors of the will of Hiram Arnoid deceased. 806 MorlK'HB'o Snle. Default havlng been made is the conditions of a mortgage made by William C. Sutherland, Sa rah E. Suthorland. hls wife, and Datus Enugn to Carrie T. Hall, bearing date August 20th, 1885 and recorded in the oí ce of the Register of Deeds for the Courityof Washtenaw, State of Michigan, on the 2d day of November 1885, in Llber 61 of Hortgages, on page 652. by the non-paymentof moneys due tne eon, by reason of which default the power of sale contatned in said mortgage becomes operative, and on whloh mortgage there ie claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of eleven hundred and twenty two dollars (S!122,00),and no suit at law or equity having been instituied to recover the amount now remafning secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; notii-e i hereby given that on Friiay,the 13th day of June 1890, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon, there will be sold, by ihe Sheriff uf said County, at the Huron Street en:rance to the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, in said Washtenaw County, at public Vendue tothe highestbidder.the premises descrihed i" said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be nece&sary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgago as above set forth, with the costs. charges and expenses allowed by law and provided lor in said mortgnge. Said premises are sitúate in the villageof Salem, In the County of Washtenaw. State of Michigan, and described as follows, to-wit: Lots numbered eight (8), nine (9), and ten (10). in bloek oue (D iu the village of Salem aforesaid, accor1ing to the r?corded plat thereof, together with the thereon, siso all machinery in said buildings used for griuding feed or grain or sawing lurnber. Ann Arbor, Mich.. March 20th, 1890. Carrie I. Hall, Mortgagee. Pil ?S II ■ IÍImWÍGrocerIR . C.H.PEARSON&C2 - - BA LTI MOR E. Md. CANbeCURED. rWs will SENDFREEby ■ mail a large TRIAL BOTTLF. ; I also, a treatisc on Epilepsy. DON'T SUFFER ANY LONGER 1 Give Post OfHl fice, State and County, and Age plainly. Adareis, 1HE HALL CHEMICAL CO., 3S6O Fairmount Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. innn acfnts wttedü m.V $25 to $50 a Week. You can do betler with us than with any other house. Send for full particular. Address, AMERICAN PUBLI3HING CO., Phlladelphla, Pa. FOR MEN, STRENGTH Over 100 testimouials reeeïved In one week to j GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Gives vim, forcé, vigor and never failstocure. PAMPHLET FREE, ' Theveryreadingof it will increase your self-couisTheGrayMedicineCoMNrY8,?.:. If You Have CONSUMPTION OOUGHORCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA WastingcfFlesh Or any Disertes tcliere th Throat and T.utus r Inflnmcd, Lach of Strength or ürrvt Poteer, you can V relieved and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OF PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites. PALATABLE AS MILK. AsJe for Scott Emulsión, and Iet no xplana t ion or ëolicltaiion induce you to mceept a 9ubtitui: Sold bij uil Dmggists. 8COTT ÍL BOWNE.Chcmists, N.Y.


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Ann Arbor Register