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gjjJBHADFIELD'S L1 FEMÓLESUL REGULATOR MENSTRUATION OH MONTHLY BICKNESS U TPittï-N OURVNG CH&NGE Of Utt JffoJr to'WOMAN'ot BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA GA. SOIM BV ML DRUGC1ST&. SOLD BY C. E. EBEKBACH. ÜEMORY '4HEL in one reaiimpr. Testimoniáis from all -IWÊKLê partí of the K'obe. Prospectu TOBT ■tIBEÍ FnKE, Pfnt nu flnplication to Prof. 3 Jg fcjA. Loisette, 237 Fiftli Ave. New York. Burg's Prices. Best Roller Process Flour - 8 4 40 Granulated Sugar No. 1 Japan Tea 40 Choice OoloDg or Black Tea 50 Young Hyson or Green Tea 60 Citrón per pouud.. 25 Baker's Chocolate 40 Mixed Fiekles per Bottle 10 Nudavine Flakes 10 1 pound Coroauut 20 1 " Fariña _ 8 1 " BirdSeed 5 1 " Baking Powder : 20 1 " Ground Pepper 20 1 " ■ Glnger 20 3 pound box Crackers 18 Brush Soap 10 7 Pounds Rolled Oats for 25 3 " Best Staren for 17 3 ' Com Staren 20 3 " Best Rice 20 3 Cans Corn for. 25 3 " Tomatoes 25 lOlbs. Sack Salt 10 S6 lbs. Pairy Salt 40 56 lbs Rock Salt 35 4 Oz. Lemon Extract 14 4 Oz. Lemon Vanllla Extract 19 lOcStove Polish 5c Carpet Tacks - 4c Best N. O. Molasten 65 Vinegar 12J$ New MessPork 7 Cod Fish 7 Best Plug Tobacco per pound 30 Smoking Tobacco per pound 15 Bath Brick 5 A package of Royal Yeast given with 50 lbs. of Flour. Everything flrst class. Everything warranted. Everything goes for Cash. Any amount delivered 5c extra at F. BURG'S. No. 4 E. Washington-St. DR. FRUTH OF NEW YORK, WILL BE AT THE 'oii House, Tnesday, April 15. DU. FRUTH, OF THE Provident Medical Dispensary, NEW YORK CITY, Ab!y assisted by a f all corps of competent phyBlclans aud Burgeons, treats with uuparallcled Euccess all Chronic Diseascs and Distases of the Eyt and Ear of every uaturo upon the latest scicutifio principies. lio particularly invites all whose casi s havo been neglected, badly treated or pronouneed incurable. Faticnts who are doingwell under tho caro oL their om physicians need net cal! on us, as our provinco is to treat those who cannotfindreli f otherwise. Bclieving thatscience is trutu and "truth is mighty and will prevail," when known, and knowing tuat disease can be cured with positive certainty, ho inviteE the aiïlicted to eall and receivo advice íree and be curod of their disenso. There is uo tubject that requires 60 mm-h Btudy and experienceas the treatmentand cui% of chron ie diseases. The aston isb ing success and rcmarkablo cures performed by bim is due to a thorougU knowledge of the Btructure and functions oí tho human syslsto, and the cure of discane by natural remedies . Let those given up by others cali for examination. He has successtully treatod tho following diseases sincehisarrival in this State: Eye and Ear diseates, Chronic Diaritwea, Chronic Inflammation of the Womb, Chronic lnflammation of the Bladder, Painful tr Irregular tlcmtruaiion, Frver Sores and Ul'.fra, Jvcontinena of Urine, Tape Worm, Crooked Limbtand Enlargea Joints, Spinal Curratures, Club Foot, Hip Joinl Disease, White Sweüing, IHtcharging Abtcesses, Sterüiiy or Barrenwss, Kervousneas and Gmeral Detiilüy, Impolcncu, Visease of the Kidnrys and B'adder. Ieucorrhea or Whites, Ëlolchea, Pimples, Skin Dia etues, Dvspepeia ConstiputUm, Drapsy, Cáncer, Epikptia Fits, Erysipdas, Orarel, Goitre, Oleet, Uanorrhoea, Hydrocele,IlearCJÍKease,Headache, Pilen Úyseria,SyphUis,St. yUuaDance,ChronicDyseitev,Ènlarged Tonsils, Fütulain Ano, Hernia or Èupture Ovarían Tumors, Paralysis, Prolapsus Vtfri, Bronchdis, Asthma, Catarrh, Scroula, Consuwption, Chronie Cough, Female Wcakness, Spermalorrliea, Rhmmatism,etc. Allsurgical opiTatlons performed Kree Kxaminatlon of the Urine. Juicn pereon applying ior treatmenuhonld brinii an ounce of their urine, whk-h willroceiveacarelul Chemical and microscoplcal examiuation lieniarUable Cares perfected in old cases wtuen nave bwn neglected or unskillfully treated. No expe .ments or failures. Parties treated by mail r expresa, but where possible personal consultation preferred. Curable cásea SUB'Tnteed. Listof questions Jree, Westera Add ess, Toltclo, O.


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