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The "Motil.!- Irlei.UNot otíly shortens labor and legsens pain attending i', but ereatly diminishes the Janeer to life of both mother and child if used a few months btore conflnement. Write to the Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, G., for further panieulars. Sold by C. E. Eberbach. Riches may not be wilhin our powr r but kiodness is. "0 e cut for ieed." See page 4 of this issue. The effect of ueine Hibbard's Rheumatic Svrup is unlike all medicine coiHaining opintes ot poison, it being eniirely f ree from them. It cures rheumatism by purifying the blood. A letter from Mr. J. W. Ruby, üuion City, Iod., oayd : "I have used your Ex'ract of Flux (Papilloi ) Cough Gure and find it a complete cure .or deep leated cold. It haa done m:re than two of our most gkillful phs cianp. My children had the Whooping Ci ugh and with ihe aid of Couph Gure, they hd it very light compared wirh aeighbr's children did not tke it. I believe it to be the best Coufih Cure in the market." Soit is. A large bottle only $1 00. Clarke'a Flax S ap for the Skin. It leacU thein all. Pree 25 cents. Cough Cure and Soap for sale by Eoerbach & Soa Drug Store. The longest railroad-b iiige gpan in the Unitef) Sutes is ihe cantilever span in the PoUkhkeepsie bridge over the Hudson river - 548 fcet. Wben Baby was stelt, we eaTe her Caitorl. When she was a Child, ihe cried for Caatoria. When she became Miss, sho clung to Cutorüu When she had Children, she gave thwa Castori. The average cost of contru3ting a mile of T8 lroad in the United S ates at the present time is about $30,000. Hibbani'.s R leumiitic aad Li ver Pilis. No gripng pain so commorly f. llowing the use of Pi!l?. They are adipied to both adulta and children. We guarantee they have no equal iu the cure of ick headache, constipation, dyspepsm, bilinou-nes?, and, as an appetizer, they eicel &ny other preparation. The fruits of harbored jealousy are in.ilioii aiid hatred. The OQsoliiiation locomotivo weighs fi'ty tons. and is able to draw od a levtl over 2, 400 tons "One cent lor seed." See page 4 of tbis i-ue. The liue of railroail extendmg farthet east and net is the Cna,iin Pacific maniug fronj Qurbfc to tho Pacific otean. "One cent Ut seed." See page 4 of this isrue. A plnm ia not quite at home in a strawbfiry st o.-tcuke. Advlce To .Ilolberi. Mr. Winliw's Soiihing Syrup should nlvvays be usfd for cthilJren teething. It soothes the chüd, 8olti-ns the gum, aluys all pif, cures wind olie, and h the best remedy for diarrboev Twenty-flye cents bottle. School o! Itpúi 22 South State Street. ■mío. LaigunKC Element o f Ezpreulre Spech. Germán. (Syatheüc method.) l'hynli'iil Ciillun-. (Delsarte.) Klnderg arlen. Froebel System Ín English and Germán. ADDRESS- ORÍN CADY, PR[ NCIPAL. MANorWÖMAÏÏ Sboul carry wme Life Insurance and AN OPTIOX POL1CV, as now issufcd by the National Life Ins. Co„ OF VEBÍOST. Provides for auy emeigency that canarise. It can be paid for in flve.ten, or twenty yeara aud contains the followlng guarantee: FIltST- A patd up policyafter three yearf. whkh amouut ís wrltieu un the face oí the poliêy. SECÓN I- It guaraniees you an Anncal Cash Valué or if the üimred needs, or desires to rae m..uey the Ocmpany will Io8ii 011 this polu-y, and lili keep the pafte! in lörce. This is a Kreat ad"ailiage to T a pirson wao may ueed mouey In bubintss or to proiett credit. It guarantees extended Insurance for lhe full ainrunt 01 inturaiice. lor so long a time as the cash value will paj lor lt. Thlsis a vahiable opticn to many who tnay Ihn.UKh i.hyical. r rinai.cial mto "une dthiro thtir policy carried. In lact this l'olicv ifotect? gaiföt iiherjiity In Bminefd. and also mfkesan absolute provision In case of death, for wife. children or rreditors KememienhisPulic isOSL'i written by the Nítion.l Ufe Insu.auce Compauy ol Moutpeller, Veimont. Mct-nrdy C. LeBEAl. Speeinl A ent, 9 1.8 Lawrence ut. AHH ARBOR. M1CH.


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