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Michigan State News

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The monthly erop report for April, lesutxl from the State Department the therday. givos the average condition rf wheat in the southern four tiers ol soanties at 70 per cent; central, R5, md the northorn 86 per cent. As corapared with average years, this is the lowest at this date in the history of the áepartment. One year ago the condition was 82, 83 and 94 per cent Altornate reezing and tbawing in January and February and the absence of snow waa nfavorable for clover, and meadows and pastures are ser'ousïj in ju red and the oonditions are much lowor than one year ago. The condition of live stock ia irood, and fruit promises well, except peachos. Tho total numbor of bu3hela of wheat reported markoted sinco August is 10,41)0,503. MADE A JUDGE. Uwanl ('aliill, Appointod to the Vacancy on the Supreroe Hi'mrh. Oovernor Luce rec8ntly appointed Oaptain Edward Cahill, of Lansing, a former member of the Chicago bar, to Mie Supreme Court Judgosbip mado vaaatby the death of Justice Campbell. (Captain Cahül is 47 years old and was born 1b Kolainazoo. In 1S63 he raised a company ot olored troops and was made Captain. In 1865 kawas admuiiul to the har and was an at torMiy In Chicago from 1871 to 1873. He has lived lü Lansing tor slxtcon years, has served two tertns as prosecuting attorney and at present U a ot the State Adviaory Pardon Board.] Health In Michigan. Beport3 to tho State Itoard of Health if forty-four obsorrers in different parts I the State for the week ended on the Wh indicatod that typho-jjalarial fover, paerperal f ever, dysentery, mombranm croup, diphtheria, diarrhoa and neasles increased, and inflammation of tfce kidneys, cholera morbus, choletainfntum, typhoid foer, scarlet fever and wttooping-cough decroased in aroa of pcevalenco. Diphtheria was roported at twenty-six places, scarlet lever at tarenty-sovnn, typhoid fpvor at ton and maalles at forty-seven places. Will Look lor üclutlvPK. Patrick Iirady, whose release after ttiirty-ono yeara in Clinton and Auburn prlsons in New York was effected by the untiring eííorts of Bro. Wills, left Detroit recently for New York, whence ho would sail for Liverpool to hunt out, if possibln, the rolatives and frionds hom he left wben but a boy. Ho would visit his old homo in h-eland and noto the changos since his boy bood dajs. His trip was made -possible by Bro. Wills and other sympatbizing Iriends in Detroit and elsewhere who faraishod the requisita mean. Arknivlpi!Cf(] Bil Huilt. CSarcnfo .1. Toot, the pinbpzzling Dnited States Express Company's cashler at Grand Rapids, wlio voluntarily returncd from Soutb América under stress of conscienco and fave himself up, pleaded giulty tlio othor morninr in the saperior court nnd was sontenced to one year in the pp.nitcnl.iary. Ho took upwards of $1,800 in moncy and diamonds, and rostoreil S',000 in moncy and soms of the diamonds. Killed His NVifr. Michaol Millman and wife, living on Mrs. Millman's farm, a milo east of Aaew, Ottawa County, had an alteroation the othor morning, and Mi Uraan shot his wife with a shot-un, killing her. Officers frora (rand Haven are looking for the murderer. Mrs. Millman owned he farm and had rented it to James Doren. The couplo quarreled over the matter and the fatal shot followcd. Ernost TN'rkint I'onnd Dead. Bmtst Porkins, a prominont younff msnof Port lluron, was fonnd in his ofice at Eotsford's elevator rewntly dead, wíth a revolver by his side and a letter addressed: "For my mother," lying on Ms desk. ITo was about 28 years old, and ono of tho most exemplary young men in the oity. He loaves a mother cod sister. Serlona Klre at Hay City. Ros, Bradley fe Co. 's nlaning-mill, at Uay City, the largostin the Saginaw Talley, omploying1 17S men, was bnmed the other nijht with. 500,000 feet of lumbor. Tho firo originated in t!he luruber shod and was bolieved to be incendiarj. Loss, 137,500; insurance, SK3,O0a The mili would be rebuilt at onoe. Short hut. Nbwst Ttann. Vans Harbor is a new post.-offlce in Delta County. Albort, brothor of (Jovernor Luco, was ordained to the Congregational miniscry at Jamestown, O , a tcw da.vs ao. Turtle Lake, Bonrio County, is a new post-otfico. Three millions of wbite-flsh wtro "planted" in Lake Michigan ncar Muskasron rcoently. Annie Caplis was killod at Detroit reoently by fallinjj down an elevator Bhaft. Mrs. Windiate, one of the early nettlers in Pontiao and the oldcst person in Michigan, diod the other night. Sha was 10? years old. Vermontvillo claims t !o the bes maple supjar market in tho State. Samuel Stpller's planing mili was bnrned at Kinneyville the other night. Loss, S10.000; insured for 83,000. A terrific oyclone passed over the northern part of Charlotte about 4 o'clock tho otlior morning, doing several thousand dollars' damage. The body of John Johnson, of Muskepon, was found floatin? in the laks under the railroad bridge at that place reoently. 11e had been missing since December 1. Tho trial of the "storage battery" electric motor at Detroit the other day was a success, and those interested Uiink rapid transit for street cars Í3 olved by it.


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