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Nothing Succeeds Like Success And Nothing Washes like our .■OOLDBLOCKflftip "S1LVER BLOCK" IjjIiH FARMERS, MECHAMOS ana LABORERS Should use our PUREPINETARSDAP For Kousli or t'bapped Hand. Ask for our Toilet Goods. Sold Ererywhere. PENINSULAR SOAP CO. BINSSY & SEAB0L1 uroa. e .a-jstid 8 Washington Street, Ann Arboi, Michigan. a&ve always on hand a complete Stock or otmj thlngintie GRÖCERY LINE! Teas, CofFees and Sugan All prime Articles bought for Cano and can de 1 atlow figures. Our frequent ;arge nvoioe 0) Taks is a suie sign that we give bargalns In QtTAlilTT AND PKIOB. We roast our om coffees every week, alwaji frosh and good. Our bakery turna out the verj beet of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali apc ceas. ÏALBSMBII I WANTBD. ni i LOCAL OR II U TRAVELING. ■■ sell our Nursery Htock. Salary, Expenses and ïteady Kmploymcnt guaranteed. CHASE B8OTHEBS COXPiRT, ROCBISTU, N. Y. " Maneéis Specif ic," CURES NervouK Debilily, Exhnution, Premature Decay, Partial or Totnl Impoteuey, and All WEAKness ariaing frota over-taxation of mind or body. MEN STifTcrinp from iho Dispasrs and we.Vknesa that hare oTií ii Ín youthul imprudeuoo can rely on a apeedj and per ma nt'Lit restoratiou to hcaltli and nappineaa. Price, S'.0( by mail securety nealcd. THE SPECTFTG ís preparé from the preacrlptlon oí an oíd and erpertenced physioiau, aadmay be relied on as a remedy nnequalotl in pífleaoy, and we tbernforw nM'omnicDd lt to the iiotice of the Medical ProessUm Generalij 0&ce iboratory ManceVg 8pclflo. 13 E. 30ch BCh New York Clcy. TO MAGKINAC Summer Tours. Palacc Steamcrs. Low Ratcs. Pour Tript per Wk Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Fetoskey, Sault Bt. H&rie, and LakO Hurón Way Port. Every Week TJay Eetween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Spocial Suoduy Tripa Jur.riK June, July, Aunst and Hopt. Doubl Daüy Line Between CHICAGO ANO ST. JOSEPH, M!CH. Our Illustratcd" Pamphlets Ratea and Exnursïin Tickets wlll be furniahel bv your Tlckef Agent, oraddreüs E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A., Detroit, Micm., Detroit and Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. 0RE50N, ÍÑÍÑÑEKE, WBALTBÍ Come to the land of the scttiiifr suri. Send for FREE circulare deecrlbing Ibe "Garden Spot of Oregon," FurchaPes Degotitased for fmlw, hop, fruit, wheat and other lands. sawmills. flonring milis, canneries, dairiis, and other enurprisea assisted Eastern capital profitably loaned. Addrew iiMii'iii. jaiii:iisi A '., Iiideponflpncp. Holk Co.. Oreipon. All inquirie Answered. FOR MEN ONLY! lfJIUl-JffiFor LOSTor FAIL1N0 MAMHOOD; 'l I tl ' Iim0orl añil NEBVOOB DEBOJTTi fflil 4 I m I I WeakneM of Body &pd Kind. Effect MhHtl'llllnf Erroraor Excff ucs in Old or Tomx. SMMui.MDiTnoKDOiuuispiBnoriait. ibi.l.lT ulWliu HOBI THUTIUT-Bmlu la . ■u Ixllf) tna U Uil ui rinlii (kurta Wrt Itoa. imilillii Bo.k. nfHmMItm hIjmIi mállmá (Mlrf) trm. M4nm KR1E NIKBIOAL OO.. BV F f ALO. H. V.


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