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■riio'Hlooil Is Life ! Z J. M. Loose Rsd Ulover C., Detroit : I cheerfully furnish the lollowiug f r puMication. Mrs. S., Bg'd 36, cancerous face (cell cáncer,) has tried ina;iy physicians, and on preeentation t me was a horrible sight to look upori, noee partly eaten away, deep pits in cheeks, forehead anti chin. As a last hope I puheron Loose's Extract Rud Clover - large d es internally, and as a loca! appiicatioo, I mei the soltH extract ia piaster fjrm. Stie itnproved rapidly from the first week, and in four months was entirelv well. Now egihteen months since the tirst treatment and to 8igns of return. John J. Wiavïr, Ulceration of the le (Indolent Uier) Recovered entirnlv f fr threp inon'h' treatm-nt with R '1 Cl iver an S jlid Extract Dressing. Nojv ore year smettreatment and i o i .rn of' return. CaLCsr of L'p end Stfin Dis-ja. Eu tirely oured w'th tnree inoium' treatrunni with R -d Clov,r Extraci and Sjhd Ex tract Dressing. N over year and no sign of rturn. H. B. Secondary Syphil H wi entirely cu-ed by Red Clover Exir.tctiu three moitlp, wi:h none of al' ir reiilt such as aiu eft by Merrury in snoh cases. If you have unv d lubtins; phyjicians, Ih y can write ! mu nd I will g va them a lull h story of enr.h o e. Dr. W. H. Yarnall Write for tentiinocia'i. For sele by Ebe.bach& Sjn. Although Walt Whitman is getting very feetle in body his mind remains olear and active. He is, however, doin uo literary work at 11 and seemsto feel that he has rounded out his career. 'Tlred All (be Time," Say many poor meo and woraen, who eeem ovt-rwoiktd, or are debilitaied by chaega of season, ilma:e or lile. If you could read the hundreda of leiters praitiing Hood's Sarsapanlla which coma Irom people whora it has restored to heal h, you would be convineed of its meritg. As this is imposible, why not try Hood s Sa sipanlla yoursdf and thus realza its beneflt6? It will tone and build up your system, and give you a good appelite, overeóme that tired fellin and make you feel, as one women expresses it, "like a new c eature." After all, the only real difference between laughing and crying is that in one case the corners of the mouth turn up, while in the other other oase they turn down. An Eminent Doctor's Prescriptlon. Dr. C. P. Henry, Chicago, 111., who has practiced medicine many years, says : Last Spring he used and prescribed Clark's Extract of Fiax (Papilion) Skin Cure in 40 or 50 cases, and never knew a case where it failed to cure. "I know of no remedy I can rely on so implicitly. Positive cure for all diseases of the Skin. Applied externally. Clark's Flax Soap is the best for Babies. Skin Cure $1.00. Soap 25 cents. At Eberbach & Son's Drug store. It is unreasonable for a woman to expeet her walking jacket or long cloak lo fit when she sits down. The garment is a regular standing affair, and sbe is in great luck if it holds when she is on her feet. James T. tiolt, Carinl, 111., Says: He paid thirty-one dollars doctor's bill for his wife in one year, and one bottle of Bradfield's Female Regulator did her more good tban all the medicine she had taken before. H. Dale, Druggist, Carmi, 111. Write Bradfield Regl. Co., Atlanta, Ga., for particulars. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Doctors! Of all the different schools in the country, have thou8ands die every year of Bright.e disease of the Kidneys, who could be living to-dayif they had medSulphur Bittert. They are unequalled in the world for all diseases of the kidneys. - New Haven Union. It is permissible to paint the lower panes of glass in a window of a vestibule door and use it as a backgrund for studies in flowers and still life. Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Piasters are prescribed by the leading phyeicians of MichigaD, its home state, and are remedies of unequalled merit for rheumatÍ8m, blood disorders and liver and kidney complaints. It comes with the highest recommendatione. To be effectual sympathy should be given as a draught - not applied externally. Syracuse, N. Y., May 20. F. E. C. Medicine Co.- Through the advice of a friend I was induced to take the F. E. C. Kidney Remedy, and have found great relief from a disease of long standing. Mrs. Maria Potter. Gratitude flows easily for things received. It is harder to give thinka for that withbeld. The effect of using Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup is unlike all medicine containing opiates or poison, it being entirely free from tbem. It cures rheumatism by purifying the blood. Too often let! - The riht path. jl VT Al) Is unrivalled for speed, IN Oi 7 durahüity and quality of work. There is ornfort lor the man with a prematurely gray b ard in Buckingarn's Dye, becauseit never failsto color an even brown or black as may be desired. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castori. Hibbard's Rheumatic and Liver Pilis. No griping pain so commorly ftllowing the use of Pille. They are adpted to both adults and children. We guarantee they have no equal in the cure of sick headache, constipatioD, dyspepsia, bilinousness, and, as an appetizer, they extel any other preparation.


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