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South Lyon has invested $210 in road scraper. The Baptist church at Chelsea is now undergoing thorough repairs. There's not an empty house in Cheleea at present. That speaks well for the lively village. The annual Baptist convention for Washtenaw county was held at Manchester, May 7. Mrs C. L. Harrington has been elected president of the Dexter W. C T. U. tor the coming year. Rev. H. L. Lutjen, of Greenwood, has been chosen for pastor of the Ypsilanti Lutheran church. Burglars secured fifty cents as a reward for breaking into the Bazarette at Ypsilanti, last week. The city officials of Coldwater made an examination of the water works at Ypsilanti, last week. Joseph Buland and Benjamin Emerick, two well-known Ypsilantianp, died last Thursday morning. Saloonkeepers at Pinckney have not yet found bondsmen, and that burg is without a saloon at present. The masonic fraternity of Manchester, will decórate the graves of their deceased brethren on Sunday, June 1. The Eastern Michigan Agricultural Society have decided to hold their annual fair at Ypsilanti, on September lö, 17, 18 and 19. Saline held an election Monday, to decide whethertobuy another cemetery or only tack on an addition to the present burying place. The graduating class at the Howell high school this year will consist of thirteen members, eight young ladies and five of the sterner sex. The Young People's Society of the Ypsilanti M. E. Chnrch are arranging for their tenth annual May festival, which is to be given May 27. Rev. C. E. Hewitt, of Chicago, who was pastor of the Baptist church at Ypgilanti from 1862 to 1869, preached to his old congregation last Sunday. Big fish stories come from Saline now, since the brooks in that vicinity were stocked with brook trout. Two pounds is the smallest one heard from yet. The church at Sylvan Center is to receive about $400 w'orth of repairs. The church was built flfty years ago, and the original shingles still cover the roof. Brighton has only two saloons at present, quite a change for the better. There are no saloons on the east side now, thelastone havingclosed its doors May 1. The Chelsea fire department have elected the following officers: J. A. Palmer, chief; Wm, Bacon, secretary; Henry Fenn, treasurer; J. M. Woods, steward. Chelsea Herald: The aseessed valuation of Chelsea last year was $475,025, and this y ear it was $592,925, an increase of $17,900. Who says Chelsea is not growing? The Dexter merehanta send men out to scour the country for butter and eggs. Thal's poor business. It doesn't give the farmer an excuse for coming to town occa8ionally. A Stockbridge caterer now chains his ice cream freezer down and seta a bull dog to watch it. The boys had a benefit the oí her night becau6e he neglected to take these precautions. Bert Carpenter hitched his horeea on the street, Tueaday night, and when he went for themafterthe Maccabee meeting they were gone. They were found later, on their way home.- Brighton Citizen. Ohelsea Standard : The management of the spring (air and festival, at a recent meeting, decided to hold the fair the second week in June, as the first week camein conflict withseveralother important meetings, etc. Mr. C. H. Wines, the president, is satisfied that it will be a great big succesB. Editor Allen, of the Dexter Leader, ia red hot. Some sneak entered his barn and stole his monkey wrench and hoe, one glorious Sunday eve. recently. The wrench he does not miss so much, but to steal his hoe just as the weeds in his onion bed are doing their best, is more than hia patience will stand. Saline Observer: Mrs. A. H. Goodrich left to-day for Washington, D. C, whereshe will visit her granddaughter. She took with her the old family cat, her affections for the animal being so Btrong she could not eave it behind. Mrs. Goodrich's advanced age makes the trip alone, quite an undertaking. Luce's Modern Minstrel Co. could not stand this hard Michigan climate, and "busted" at Saline recently, the proprietor leaving seven of the members to depend upon the generoua public. The Salineites, who are noted for their generosity, gathered together $15 and sent the party on their way rejoicing. Emanuel Hawley, of Waterloo, has a sheep thatbeatsall the recordsof sheepishness. She presented Mr. H. with four lamba recently, while a hog belonging to Will Artz, of that town, not wishingtobeout-done by a aheep, litterally filled the barn yard. Mr. A. counted 20 pigs and thinks none got away. - Leslie Local. This ia the way they fix 'em at Manchester: Two young men froin Clinton droye up here on Sunday to make an exhibition of themselves, One was f o drunk that he could acarcely sit in the buggv, while the other was not much better. As they were liitching the horse Marshal Wade gave thein the choice of driving immediately out of town or going to the lockup. They accepted the first proposition and it is hoped that the loafers of neighboring towns will stay away from here. - Enterprise. Chelpea Herald : About 11:30 o'clock last Thureday night Rush Green discoved flamea issuing from the vacant house on North atreet belonging to H. Lighthall. The alarm waagivenandthe fire department turned out but, when they reached the fire it hadgained such headway that the chemical engines were of little use, and in a short time the building was reduced to ashes. The loss is about $800, with $250 insurance. The buildine waa undoubtedly eet on fire by some malicious person. The good peopie of South Lyon don t appear to appreciate the kind efforts ol Gov. Ashley in connecting their burg with the outside world. They hung the ex-governor in effigy, recently, anü threaten to hang the whole road ïf some changes are not made. What a difference between Livingston and Washtenaw couTities? The former will have but ten saloons witnin its borders during the coming year, nve at Howell, three at Fowlerville and two at Brighton. We would think that was virtually prohibition here. The foltowing city officials have been elected at Ypsilanti : Marshal, Henry S. Boutell ; city clerk, Francis S. Monarity; city treasurer, W. L. Pack; nre chie'f Dr. Batwell; superintendent of poor, D. B. Greene; city physician, Dr. R. W. Barton ; water commissioner, Dr. Bonsteel. Brighton Citizen: Nathan Morgan claims tbat he is a horse ahead. Ihe one that skipped out and left him about four weeks ago, he had given up all hope of finding, until he received a postal from Holly stating that a farmer had taken the animal in about a unie from that place. 'Than arrived home with him Saturday. II. Wilcox, a farmer, near Farmington bas eight cows that furnish him 320 pounds of milk per day, an average of 40 pounds each. Who can beat this?- South Lyon Picket. We don't want to beat it, Hut we would like to engage board in his family when oleomargarine is being torced nearly to forty cents a pound in our boarding-house town.


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