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Cheap Exeurslons t Kansas and Itae West. For a number of years the people of the East have had no opportunity to visit the Farming and Stock Couotry in the West during the Spring Time at low railroad rates, but this year the Sant Fe Route, (Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad) hag decided to give such an opportunity, and will sell excursión tickets on the dates named below, at such low rates that the cost ot the trip will be within the reach of any person who thiDks of going West to purchase a farm. The two dates 6xed upon for these cbtap excursions are, Tuesdav, April 22nd, and Tuesday, My 20tb. The tickets will be sold only on these two dates, and will be good tor return for thirty dsys from date of sale. On these rates you can reaoh any point on the Santa Fe System in Kansas, Indian Territory, Texas, Colorado and New Mexico. Through trains run from Chicago and from Kansas City ovtr the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. Rialto Building, Chicago, Iil. Jno. J. Byrne, Assf. Gen'l. Pr. Agt. A Iist ressing Case and Happy Care. "For over a year I have had a bresking out on my leg, which troull' d me so bad I could not walk, leg badly swelled, of a purpla cclor, with eruptions so bad that bloed would ooze out if I bore rr;y weight on it. I was recommended to try Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillof) Skin Cure, wlrch I have done. My Ie is now weil and I c-.n walk two miles on it without any trouble." Signed, ''A. D. Hayward." Clarke's Flax Soap makes the skin soft and prevects ehaoDiDg. Skin Cure $1.00. Soap 25 cents. For sale by Eberbach & Son. An American magazine has offered the Princess of Wales $5,000 for an artic'e. So determined was the editor to secure the royal coutributor ihat he si nt a special messinger to Marlborough House. The Princess has as yet neither eccepied nor dedined the offi r. To Nervoii Debllltated Hen. If you will send us your addrees, we well mail you our illustrated pamphlet ejcplaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their charming effeots upon the nerrous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor, and manhood. Panopblet tree If you are thus affl oted, we will send you a Belt and Appliancps on a trial. Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall Micb. Indianapolis News: It is only a agestión of time when the wisest of us will make a foolih break. 18 Sritroi'H ! Who left the United States for Liberia last year have lately returned, being unable to stand the climate. Everybody going to a new climate should have a bottle ot Sulphur Bitters with them as a safeguard against di.-ease. - Hartford Courant. Somervi;le Journal: Only a truly selfieh man can realiza fully how utterly selfish other men can be. Advlce To Holhcr-. Mrs. Winslow's Sooihing Syrup should always be used for nhildren teething. It 8ootbes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents bottle. Per pie will take anything except advice. Perfumed ir k is all ready tor adoption. Acute and chronic rheumatism can be effectually and permanently cured by the use of Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Piasters. Hood's Sarsaparilla has the largest sale of any medicine bef ore the pubhc. Any honest druggist will confirm this statement. Wreckage from the pst season's dissipations include a good many human belDgs. Rochestïr, Juiy the 12. To the Public : - I have been a great sufferer from kidney difficulty for a nuinber of years and hare been unable to attecd to my business until I commenced taking the F. E. C. Kidney Remedy. I am now one hundred per cent. better and am able to attend to my business. I feel like a new man. Homer Jacobs. 293 Aleiander-st, Rochester. N. Y. Atchison Globe: Wben a man prays for puDishment for his üd, it is evident that he is a hypocrite. In Holland, Mich., C. J. Dcesbury published the News, and its columns strongly recommend Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil for coughs, colds, sjre throar, catarrh and asthma. Yonkers Gazetie: There is always one knave in a cburch tbat no ministerial eloquence can convert. A pure and reliable medicine. - A ocmpound fluid extract of roots, leaves, barks and berries 18 Burdock Blood Bitters. They cure all diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys. Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup cures rheumatism by striking at tbe seat of the distase and restoring tbe kidneys and liver to hcaltby action. lf taken a sufficient time to tborougbly eradicate such poison, it cever faili. For a walking costumesouthanecloth cf military blue is very styliab. IIT. fll! Stitches three yards of 11 Op 9 goeds while two are being stitched on a shuttle machine. Come to ügbt long after it was disco vered - Electricity. As soon as you discover any falling of the hair or grayness always use Heli's Hair Renewer to tone up the secretiuns and prevent baldnees or grayness. A handicap - The Turkish fez. A good boarder - The carpenter. In its treatment of rheumatism and all rheumatic troublep, Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup stands Grst and foremost above all others. Read their medical pamphlet and learn of the great medicinal valué of the remedies wbich enter into its composi tioD.


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