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Ann Arbor's Progress

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Should one of onr former resicents return to the "Atbens of tBe West," he would be surprised at the many improvements whioh have been made in Ann Arbor during the last decade. Where were then muddy streeta nd unkept lawns, are now well graveled, hard roads, handsome lawns and beautiful curbs of whioh larger and more pretentious cities might wtll take pattern. The city is Bupplied with good. water by a system of water woiks which is daily being extended, and insteai of being dimly lighted with gas and gaaoline iamps, the most thorough sy:-tem of electrio lights is now used. "While these arfi great and are what might well be expected ir. an er.terprising and pushing city, it is in the building ui fine residences and beautiful homes that Aun Arhor's greatest progresa has Leen made. It is esiimated thal nearly one-tifth of tnehouses now standing in the city htve been erected or remodeled during the past ten years. The houses in this city are neither cheap affuirs nor expensive maasiona but come ucder the head of moderaely priced modd homes, of tasty design and with modern conveniecc?s. These improVements have not been made in a single season or bv an unhealthy boom, but each succeeding year has seen a number of new buildings k erected, signifying a steady growth and ' pronress. That this growth has ■ not ceased is shown by ihe preparalions being made for building this sca-on. The supply of availabla building lots at anything like a moderate prke has run out, and three large pieces óf land have been or are now being platte 1 to make the supply eq'ial tne demand. Ann Arbor's prospects for new buildings and other improvements during the summer are fully es fl ittenng as they have been in years. ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Probably the most fxpensive ïmprovement to be made this year wiil be the constri'.ction (f new elec'ric street railway which will cost in the neighborhood of $70,000. Tuis ons improvement must prove of incalculable value to Ann Arbor, for when conopleted it will lead to tbe expenditu e of thousands of dollars Ennually for yenrs to come, in building " "residencfs upoa lots whioh are on the line of the road but which are now considf red too far away lrom business aod the Uuivffráity. HOSPITAL BUILDING?. Follovting closely upon this in cost are the new hospital buildings to be erected by tre Universfty, the expense of which will be over $60,01 0. Even this large sum will build but small portion of the hospital buüdings as they are contemplated when finished, the completed buildings which will be erected as needed being estimated ai ueaily $200,000. OTIIER BUILDISOS. The other expensive buildingi to be built will be a handsome stone and brick edifice by the church of the Diciples, costing when completed nearly $20,000 ; the new Tappan Guild hall, oting $15,000; a brick block of stores on State st., costing from $10,000 to $12,000, (at least, estimatf-s have been asked forsuch a building) ; William Brown, residenee, $7,000 ; Hon. C. R. Whitman, two residences, $5,000 and $2 r,00 respectively : Prof. Beman, resident, $3,500. There arenumeroua others wbioh will be built. Below are given the contracta already held by h oi'r builders, so far as they can be learned, hese formin a Email part of the private J residences which will ba erected, during the season just commenced : WINSLOW A HOWK. For W F. Stimson, house on Liberty-st., 83,000 For H. M. Frost. house on S. iDgalls st, Ï2,m For Mr Hoffmau. house on S. Ingalls st, 32,000. For Mrs. R. A. Beal. porch on hou e, corner of Fifth-ave and William st, 450. JOHN A. GATFS. Fr Mrs. H, S. Frieze, house on Cornwell place, For Dr. C. B. Nancrede, addition to house cor( ner of Ingalls si and Cornwell place, $700. For H S. Dean, porch on house on Liberty-st, Í300. JOHN WALZ. For Wm. llerz, house ou W. Huron-st, 12,500 For John Koch, house on Jewett-ave. $1,000. For Mr. Hiller, house m Jewett-ave. Í1.500, For W. J. Just, two houses ou Secoud-st, S2,5O0 For Luick Bros., flvehouses on W. Fifthst, 81,000 CiFor J. R. Bach, house on W. Fifth-st, 81,000. JOHN KOCH. Wor Church of Disciples, mason work on Í' brick and stone church on S. University-ave, total cost when cnmpleted, Ï17,COO. The carpcnter work, which is estimated in the sbove figures, has been awarded to Wm. Blggs. A. J. KITSON. For Hamilton. Rose and Sheehan, three houses I on S. State-st. 2,500 each. For E A. Calklus, house on Willard-st. 8I.80O. For Leonard Blake, house on W. Washingnn" For Uelen A. Kent, house on N. Thayer-fct, 1 2,000. CHAS. TESSMKR. For Seybold fe Allmeudinüer. mason work on i brick blacksmlth shop on S. Fourth ave, total cost 82,000. . For himself, house on East Unlveraity-ave, tl ,400. For Ann Arbor Fruit and Vinegar Co., maton wprk on factory, the total cost of wbiüi will be about 84,000. A. R. HAMMOND. For Calvin Thomas, house on corner of HUI and Tappan-sts, 85,000. For J. M. Cutting,hou8e on Monroe-st, 84,500. A. A. FEOHAUF. For F. Pistorious. house on Packardst, 82,400. For Dr. J. W. Morton, house on Ann-st, 82,000. CHRISTIAN rOMISKIE. For Fred Besimer, two houses .on N. Main-6t, $1,500 each, LEVI D. WINES For Mrs. Rathbone. house on 8. State-st, 82,500. CHAS. A. SA VEE. 1 For Jacob Werner, house on W. Washington-st, l$2,O0O. CHRISTIAN IIELBKR. 1 For Hutzel Broj., house on W. Washington-st, ■1,800. WM. HOEFT. 4Bk Houie corner of W. Third and 'Jefferson-sts,


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