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POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varíes. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeess. Mr re economieal than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in coin petition with Ihe multitude of low test, short weight alnm nr rhosphítepowders. S'thï nnlif in Cam. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall SU, N. Y. OI'K 25 IWT WLim, Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, aul Wants not exceedlng three lines, can be Inaerted three weeks lor a.T ccnls. WANTED, WASTTED- To rent ImmedUtely, a new or good teion hanj baby carriage. 49 William Street. 07 ii; AM I'KII-A lady studtnt desiresa position Vt in a aoo'l laoiiiy duripg vacation as housekeeper, clerk, nr otherliRht employuient. Addrea P. K. M . Register ottke 25 WANTED- To rent for a year. th ree or four rooms with convenientes for llght housekt'eping for afamüy of three persons, no ehildren. Mum be north or west of Campus. O. P. J., care Register, 1-6 WANTEI- Toexchange a nice plant lable and p'.ants for 27 yards of ingrain carpet. at 17 Wilmot-it. 05 1 Ut Ntl.l. tlR SAI.F- House and lot at a low price if 1 sold immediately. Enqnire at 20 Thompson street. , 5_ POKKAI.E-A canopy topped buggy. in good r order. ApFly at 17 S, Mate st. -06 ITMR ALK OR KENT- Good brick house. 1 Good barn. water, fine orchards 8nd small frui's. Enquire of Gto. H. Khodes, 12 E. Washington 6 Í;mK fA Ij E- A clearing outsale, of house and 1 bedding out plants at 30 per cent discount of other city suppliers, at Miller-ave Greenhouse. Cabbage, tórnalo and otbtr vegetable plants, 6 ceais per d zen. J. Toma. A nn Arbor. Ïpou. RAI.E- The property of Miller-ave: ' ereenhcuse. 210 foot stnet troulage on Millerave, and 4."8 foot street frontage on Chapin-st., with or without business. Enquire on the premises. James Toms. FOK SAIjE Cheap- One 5-horse power upright stationary engine and boiler, in good condition. Price only 100. Buyer, here is a bargain. Cali at Xo. 3 W. Washmgion-at. 6wk3 ÏOR SAIjK- An 18-foot row boat. Inquire at 1 21 3. Main-st. p 1R NAI.E- Boy's Safety bicycle, 24 inch ■ wheels. 31iE. Libeily-st. 05 ÏT-OR Aflrstclassdrivinghorse, joung, ' go id traveller, and gentle. Inquire at 20 Churrh-st. 2L. (roRSALK- One milewest of Court House, 1 on Miller-ave, house [thirtken rooms], with barn, nink ACRES of land. Plenty of fruit Í1.000 down, balance on long time. Enquire of GW. Shttterly, at residence. 4 FOR S ALE- One of the flncst building lots in the city, cornsr Maynard and Liberty-tts Apply to O. L. Matthews, Lansing, Mich.; or W. W. Wheedon. city. (" FOR RENT. ?OK REKT- Two new housec, yery coa1 venient, of good size, in good locatiou, near Univer-ity. Inquire af Hudoou T. Morton, 46 S. University Ave. w FOR RENT- About Aug lst., four rooms on first floor, suitahle for light house keeping, Inquire at Calkins' Pharmacy. 08_ FOR KE.%T- Whole or part of a large furnii-hed house, dunug Summer. Inquire at 21 Monroe street 2J_ Í1OR RENT- By July lst, a convenient cottage No 3" S 'lwelth-st. ncar the University. Inquire at No. 66 East ünivirsity ave. B. Moutit. FOR KKST-No. 37 Monroe-ht. near E. TJniversity-ave., in June. See or address Capt Jane. to TO REXT- A ten room house and barn with a good cellar. Inquire of F. Schleicher cornor of Main and Liberty sireots. mis i:i.i.m.oi . SCREEN Doors and Windows mad to order. C. Il St. Plair. 3 N. Fourth street. 07_ HEIjEM K. HITEIjIj, Dreas and Cloak making. WM, N. Mh ttreefc near Huron street. 08 PASTURE- For cows near Steam Saw Mili. Cheap work horse for sale. 22Statc-st. 06 LONT- A ladlcs ëwiss gold watch. hunters case. Any Information concerning same left at 32 Thompaon-st. It wlll be rewarded. 06 GOOI Pastures for cows. North Main-st George L Lootnis. 05 WM. IIEEKI JiO'S- All Steel Binders. Mowers, twine and repairs kept conttantly on hand at No. 1 S. Fourth 6t., Ann J. A. Marshall, Agt. 08


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Ann Arbor Register