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Homeseekers' and Harvest Excur slons West at One-Half Rates, vla., Illinois Central. K. K. On April 22d, May 20th, September 9'h and 23d, and October 14th, 1890, the Illi noig Central Railroad will eell excursión tickets at Ons Fare for the round trip to all stations west of and including Iowa Falls, Ia., which embraces the (ollowinj prominent points: Webster City, Ia. Ft. Dodge, Ia. Storm Lake. Ii Le Mars, Ia. Sioux rUy „. Cherokee, Ia. J-swa ia. Sheldon, Ia, and Siouz Falls, So. Dak. Tickets are limited to return within 30 daya and are good for stop-over privileges west of Iowa Falls, both going and re turning. Solid trains, consisting of elegant free reclining chair cars, and Pullman palace ileepers, leave Chicago at 1.00 p. m., and 11.35 p. m., and run through to Sioux City without change. For through tickets, rateg, etc., apply to nearest ticket agent, and for a copy of pamphlet descriptivo of towns in Northwestern Iowa, entitled "Homes for Everybody" apply to F. B. Bowm, Q-en'l Northern Pass. Agt., 194 Clark St, Chicago. Saved from Consnmptlon. Several ph y.icians predicted that Mr. Asa B. Rowley, Druggist, of Chicago, would soon have consumption caused by an ag gravated case of Catarrh. Customers finally induced him to try Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure. He says : ': The result was nnprecedented I commenced to get well after the firs application and am now, after a few weeks, entirely cured." It will do the same fo you. Price $1.00. Try Clarke's Flax Soap for the Skin and you will ne no other. 25 cents. All of Clarke'B Flax rea; edies are for sale by Eberbach & Son. _ The Emperor of Austria has for the firs time just authorized a lady to practice medicine in that country. She has opene( a medical institute at Salzburg. "That tired feeling" is entirely overeóme by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which give8 a feel ing of buoyancy and strength to the whole system. Guerra ,Junquiers, Portuguese poe lauréate, has written a poem breathing a fierce spirit of hostility to England. It is called " The March of Hatred." Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup cure9 rheamatism by striking at the seat of the disease and restoring the kidneys and liver to healthy action. If taken a suffïcient time to thoroughly eradicate such poison, it never fails. Ex-Gov. David H. Jerome, of Michigan, has been sppointed by the President a member of the Cherokee Commissiou. The compensation is (10 per day and expenses. To Nervons Debtlltated Hen. If you will send us your address, we well mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quiokly restore you to vigor, and manhood. Pamphlet tree If you are thus afflioted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on a trial. Voltaio Belt Co., Marshall Mich. At the close of the Jefferson-Florence tour, Mr. Jefferson will go to Buzzard's Bay, Mass., where he has just finished a handsome summer residence. Mr. Florence will probably go to Europe to viait Mrs. Florence. Although souae of the testimoniáis of wonderful cure performed by the F. E. C. Kidney, Blood and Liver Remedy, which have appeared in these columns, read like miracles, we are pleased to state that they are all genuine. The company have the origináis on file in their office in Rochester, N. Y., and they are cheerfully shown to all interested. Theater audiences in Santiago de Chili, are restless under disappointment. They wrecked the theater and compelled the manager acd actors to flee for their lives because the play was changed and the performance curtailed. Advlce Ta Slotliers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for rhildren teething. It sootbes tbe child, softens the gum, allsys all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhcea. Twenty-five cents bottle. Mrs. Potter and Kyrle Bellew opeced their Australian tour in Melbourae, Maroh ü, presenting " Camille." The seleotion of the play proved to be unwise. Two weeka later they followe J with " La Tosca," ia whioh they had better fortune. "Ttfft Q" Will not break threads or il w w impair the stitching should it be run in the wrong direotion. T. P. O'Connor says he has learned from Gladstone's hatter that the contour of the grand old man's head transferred to to paper makea a very lair outline map of Ireland. In its treatment of rheumatism and all rheumatic troubles, Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup stands first and foremost above all othera. Head their medical pamphlet and learn of the great medicinal valué of the remedies whioh enter into its composi tion. Gen. Alger own.s a tract of pine land in northeru Michigan coataining 200 equure miles, and bis wealth is estimated at $20,000,000. Jt 9 said that when ho went to Detroit at the close of the war he was compelled to borrow moaey to pay his board bilL Captain Conrtney ! Says: Wbile on the coast of África I ïad three men sick witb malarial fever. [ cured them with Sulphur Bitters. It is the greatest blood purifler I ever saw. I ahvay heep them in my medicine chest. - 3hip Nautüaus, Baltimore. The presence of dandruff indicates a diseased ecalp, and if not cured, blanching of the hair and baldness will result. Uall's 3air Renewer will cure it. Acute and chronic rheumatism csn be effectually and permanently cured by the use of Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and ?lasters.


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