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DR. FRUTH OF NEW YORK, WILL BE AT THECook JloiiNt', Tuesdny, Jone 10. 3ê ■- ' p DR. FRUTH, OF THE Provident Medical Dispensary, NEW YORK CITY, Ably assisted by a f all corps o( competent physiolans aud surgeons, treats with nnporolleled EUecess all Chronic Diseascs and Diseasci of the Eyc and Ear of every nature urion the latest BClcatlflo princip.,__. Ie partieularly invites all -vvhose cases have been ncglected, badly treated or p-onouneed Incurable. Patients who aro doitig wc1.] under tho care oL their own physicians nei 1 noi cali on us, as our provinco is to treat those Vhc cannot find reli -f othorwise. Bolieving that scienee is truth and "truth is mighty and will prevail," -n-hen kuown, and knowing tuat ".. can be cured -with popilive certainty, ho invite;he afilicted to eall aud receive advioe Iree atd be curert of their disenses. There is no subject tbnt requires po cini-b nudy a-id experienceas the treatmentand cu otehronic diseases. Theastonisbingsucci'ss aud rmarkable cures performed by him ís duc to a thorough kaowiedge of the structure and 'imctions of the human BVslim, and the cure ni diseaseby natural remedies. Let those given ■ otherscall for examination. He has succes.' :!u!ly treated the following diueases Bincehisan: tais State: Eye and Ear diseases, Chronic Diar''hrnnic InfiamwalionoJ tlie Womb, Chronic mflammaUort of the Bladder, Pain ful or In mmlrualion, Fnrr Sures wid Uiers, Inctnimienct of Urine, Tape Worms, Crouked Limbsand Enlarqed Joints, Spin al Curvatura, Club Foot, Hip Jóini Discase, White Sweliing, Ditcharging Abseee rility or Barrenntss, Hervouaiest and General Debilüy, Impotcncy, Disrase of the Kidnrys and B'addcr. Leucorrhea or Whüa, Blotches, Pimple, SI ín DU eaêes, Dyspepsia, Constiptttion, thopfj, Cáncer, Entleptxc Fits, Erusiprla.-!, Gwtl, Goitre, Gleet, Ganorrhoea, Uydrore'r.VecrrjHseaseMeadache, Pi.'ee,Ous'fria,SijphiUs,St. VittuDance.ChronieDyaenir'u Enlarged Tonsils, Fístula in Ano, Hernia qr liapture. Ovarían Tumors, Paramis, Prolapsus Vteri, Bronchitis, _ Ssthma, Catarrh, Serofuia, Consumption, Chromc Cough, Female Weaknat, Ba JCheumahsm.,elc. Allsurgical operatlons performed _Ffee Kxaiiiiiiiitioij of the Urine. liach persoa applying for treatmentshould brim; an ounce of their urine, whu-hwillreceiveacaretui chemical and microscopical examinatiou Reiiiarkalle Cures perfected in oM cases waich have b"n negleeted or unskillfuliy treated. No expe.ments or failures. Parties treated by mail r express, but where po&sible persona consultation preferred. Curable , gus-iateed. List of qnestforu iree. Western Add ees, R. FRCTB. Toledo. O. Cut Rates? VIA THE fSSSSBSSñ TO ALL POINTS IN Kansas, Texás, Colorado, Itali, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon and California. An Agent of the Company will be at the COOK HOUSE, MONDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY of each week until the close of the term, to give information and furnish tickets to students returning home for the ■ vacation. GEO. E..GILMAN, Mich. Pass. Agt., 58 Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. BURLINGTON ROUTE Cheap Lands_ nthe West. Álong the unes of the BUBUNGTON ROUTE in Nebraska, Colorado. Wyoming and nomiwustern Kansas, particularly on iis new extensión ia that territory, there is Rtill some Government Land awaiting settlement, as well as oiher cheap lande held by individuals. Tliese landa re among the best to behid unywherein thecountry for agricultural and grazing pnrposes. In the eomparatively new disiricts are many improved larms which can be purcbased at a very low rate of that class of restless pioneer-settlere who are ready at all times tomove "fimlicr we-t " In ihe territory embraced by the BURLINGTON'S lines west of the Missouri River, there are in the viclnlty of two hundred new towns which offer to manufacturers and business men an excellent opporiunlty to lócate with profit. Send to the umiorsigned for descriptive pamplilets and other matter giving locatiou and fu:l particulars concern ing these lands. A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. A large, handsome Man of the United States, showing north and souih Dakota, mounted and suitable for office or home use and issued by the BURLINGTON ROUTE, will be furnlshed responslble pirties free on application to the undemigned. Playing Cards. For ten cents either in postage or by applying at Room 12, C B. & Q, E. R. Oeneral Office, corner of Adams and Frankliu streets, Chicago, yon can obtain a pack of the best quality Playing Cards P. S. KU8TI8, Gen'l Tass. & Ticket Agt., 0., B AQ.R. R. n-20 88 Chicago, III. On, IMPÉNDEME, WEALTH1 Come to the land of the setting Run. 8end for FREE circulare deBcribing the "Garden Spot of Oregon," I'urchases negotitased for t mier, hop, fruit, wbeat and other lands. Saw-mills fl.iuring milis, canneries, dairies, and other rpriseH asslsted Eastern capital profitably loaiu-d. Ad dress i'OOPKK, PATTKH8ON o., Indepennaee. l'oik Co. onou. All iiuiulriee Answered. VÜÊSME iï WAlTTgD. Al LOCAL OR J TRAVELING. 11 to sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses ond Steady Employment guarantecd. CHASE BKOTHEitS COMPAKT, ROCHESTER, N. Y.


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