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oniiiiissidiKis" Notlee. STATE OF MICHIGAN', j COUNTY OF WaSHTENAW, i The undersigned having been appointed by i}i". Probate Court for said County, Comuiissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demaudsofall persons against the estateof Silvma s. Cowles, late of said County, deceased, herebygive notice thatsix nionths from date are allowed, by orderofsaid I'robate Court, for Creditorsto present thelr claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they wlll moet at the Office of Elihu B Pond in the City ef Ann Arbor, in said County, on Wednesday the third day of September and on Wednesday the third day of December next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated Juneürd. 189". BLIBU B. POND, } r„mmllnn(r 09 JOHN J. ROBISON, j Commissloners. Dyspepsia Makes the lhrs nf many jieople miserable, oausing di-inss after eatlng, sour gtomacb, 8ick headaohe, heartbum, loss of appetite, a íalnt, "all gonc" foeliiijr, bad taste, coated tongup, and Irregnlarity ot DlStrGSS thebowels. Dyspepsia doei After llot set W(" of itseit it _ . reqmres careful attentlon, tntmg amj a remedy liko 1 Sarsaparina, whicli acts geiitly, yel e It tones the stomach, regulates tin1 dj tion, create3 a good Sick petite, banishes headaobe, and refreshes tho mind. HöaClaCnO " I liave been troubled with dyspi-psia. I bad but litlle appetite, and what I dhl est l'istI'sed me, or did me iT li"lB e'"1' Afl" ':itill!í l DUrn wouldhave a falnt er tiivd, all-gone feeling, as though I had nol eaten anything. MTy trouble was aggravated by my business, p:iinting. Last g spring I tnuk Qood'a SarsaparUla, whlcb did me an Stomach immense amonnt o( good. It gave me au appetite, and my food rellshed and BatUfied tho er&vlng 1 bad prevloualy experieoced" Geokük A. Paoe, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. 1; lixforjö. l'ri'pared only byC. I.HOOD& CO., Apotli.T. ui. ■,,].!. wi-11, 5Ias. IOO Doses One Dollar


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Ann Arbor Register