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Real Estate Transfers

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F. E. Holcomb to C. B. Horton, York $ 4(0 Ann Sutton to G. R. Sutton, Manchester... . 400 J. Walz to F. Sehmtd, Ann Arbor 250 E. a Uahill et al, by c. c. o, to J. L. Babcock, et al, Northfleld 1 978 Michael Keek et al. by e. c. c, to J. L. Babcock, et al. Scio 2 500 D. A. Warner, et al, by c. c. c, to 8. G. Ives, Sylvan „... 375 D. Hiscock to J. J. Ferguson, Ann Arbor .. 300 Carrle A. Prudden to Ella E. Purchase, Chelsea „ _ 400 Ann M. Van Cleve to E. M. Daniels, Ypsllantl _.. 500 Mary A. Nirmann to Henry Nirmann, Ypsilanti 200 Allmendinger & Schneider to Allmendlnger Piano and Organ Co., Ann Arbor 1 Mary E. Mllier to A. J. Mayhew, Ypsllantl 550 J. F. Lawrence to M. C. R. R.. Ann Arbor.. 1,200 Peter Tyler to W. H. Sweet Ypsilanti 425 A. W. Ilamilton et al to Sophia M. Hartley, Ann Arbor 125 J. B. Wortley to H. P. Glover, et al, Ypsilanti 1 H. P. Glover to J. B. Wortley, et al, Ypsilanti „._ 1 Amelia Laible to J. B. Wortley, et al, Ypsilanti ..... 1 í. and C. Kaiser to Mary J. Stevens, Salem 350 Lucy A. Hale to Emma McPherson, Ypsilanti 600 Patrick Leonard to J. R. Leonard, Ypsilanti 5 J. N. Wallaceet alto R. A. Whitcomb, Ypsilanti 500 U H. Rcdman to J. and O. Moe, Ann Arbor 100 W. B. Everest to A. J. Johnson, Ann Arbor 400